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It's a lovely sunny day
Birds touch the blue
Smile beams the face
No time for sadness.
Don't dig out from heart's depth
Dashed hopes and fallen glories
It looks so fine out here
Don't spoil it with dark stories.
Let me live in this moment
For it I have come far
The past is now spent
The days of blood and war!
The moment is so grand
Guns boomed for this one chance
Ah, peace is here in this land
Let me bask in it for just once.
The day is so real and bright
My dreams are set free
Don't remind me of the night
And the faces no more with me!
Strong emotions huddle into a space called heart
build up so dense are soon ripped apart
the heat drives them to expand too fast
but time dictates slow down they must.

the strong energy the explosion unleash
go on to create stars galaxies
that retreat from one another but oh what a fate
the final fallout is an unsteady state!
Bigford Bunny, Bigford Bunny, can you hear me?
If you don't hear me, leave behind a penny.
Bigford Bunny, Bigford Bunny, can you see me?
If you don't see me, how can god, can he?
Bigford Bunny, Bigford Bunny, can you help me?
If you can't, or you won't, you are one of many.
Bigford Bunny, Bigford Bunny, why I call you twice?
You are no god, just a mortal, and that's no surprise.
At will you buy, you occupy, even the outer space
Pollute the pole, lust for the whole, and change the earth's face.
Bigford bunny, big and rich, the world is your empire
You have only today for fun and play, let the future burn in hellfire.
The bird asks me
What I’d do
If I am a bird.
I tell him
High and high I’d soar
So high that I’d see the earth no more
I’d be a bird on the tree
I’d be a bird that’s free!
What you’d do bird
If you’re a man?
To be fair
It’d be my only prayer to God
Don’t be so hard
Make me once again a bird!
Saying this the bird sings
And spreads its wings to a sky
I can never fly!
The woodpecker whistles ttt,
Coucals call cluk clu,
The drongo tweets twit tt,
The night is out but we don't rue.
The crow caws ka ka ka,
Sparrows chirp chik chik,
Waterhens sing wa wa wa,
It's time to go for the day's pick.
They all announce its glory,
As the sky is painted with light,
To script for them a new story
That was brewing in the night.
Now I know
my friend my enemy
is only me.
What for you need a pen that writes black?
The man at the counter shot back
What has the blue done to offend you?

Look up the firmament
Over there the kingfisher
Once I had been to the sea
She was blue
Surely you prefer over black
A blue saree for her
So many men have staked their life
For the blue eyes of women

And then as if volleying the winning goal

Why not color all your wishes with blue
To paint the world blue-wish?

As I turned to walk away
My eyes caught the writing on his wall..

Black ink for the black heart
For the fool and the dull
Blue for the man of art
With matter in the skull

I had come to the wrong shop.
English pronunciation
is immense confusion
and often I seek
from macmillan
but when I try my luck
to earn fast buck
I log on

Three thousand five hundred
his labor's price
his labored prize
he hands over to his father
his father
who knows better than to spend it
rewards of son's toil
bitter and sweet!

I wish I were dead
and not he
now who will look after me?

cries the woman
a heart failure
having robbed his man.

with no hint of tears in her eyes
she doesn't disguise
her plea

*I part her with a hundred rupee.
Four horses’ trots pierce the stillness of the night
They gallop on the wind in luminous moonlight
The carriage wheels seem to float up in the air
It’s past midnight and not a soul is there!

The large white mansion in the depth of night lay
With none to warm its rooms had seen better day
When breeze along its driveway the four portly horse
They stop and emerge a man his face wearing remorse!

The shadow in soldier’s uniform briskly walks into a hall
Through the cobwebbed dust resting long without footfall
With a dignified bearing reflecting his royal class
Moves about the rooms possessed by intense purpose!

He sifts through all the papers in a state of frantic mind
Pursuing an obsessive search seeking his precious find
Somewhere must be lying in dark corners out of sight
The black bureau and within its drawers cure for his plight!

This night of New Year’s Eve shines bright the firmament
But the shadow grows pale pining for the prized document
For that only can salvage his pride light once more his face
Protect him from impeachment become his saving grace!

He flurries through the staircase reaches the upper floor
Needing to search all nooks behind windows and the door
For time for him is running out his glories are at stake
When moon goes down west arrives the daybreak!

In soldier’s dress in red and white at the back the folded tail
He walks each room the long corridor leaves on dust no trail
The night turns dead stars go out still empty is his hand
He gets back home disappointed in the faraway distant land!
Warren Hastings (1732-1818) was the first Governor General of Bengal. On his return to England, he was impeached in the House of Commons for his alleged misdemeanor and crime during his time in India. While leaving India in 1785, he reportedly mislaid a black bureau containing some important documents. It is said that his ghost returns on every New Year’s Eve night to his residence Hastings House in Kolkata in search of those papers that he badly needs to prove his innocence in the impeachment proceedings.
As the first drop fell on me
I looked up at the black canvas
gathering and rumbling ominously.

But there was supposed to be another
not far
but right over my head
to defend me against the weather
pattering insane
between me and the rain.

Did I by any chance
leave my umbrella here, sir?

I ran to the shopkeeper.

We all suffer this predicament
was his smiling statement
losing grip over our mind
letting things be left behind

and then came the mischievous addendum
as if my trouble had inspired his mood

go for good
once you let them go
woman and umbrella

they never again show.
Shoot me through the heart
Let me pay for blasphemy
If your heart says that
And you believe you achieve by killing me!
If you believe in having it your way
Killing people to usher a new day
Bloodshed can take you to your goal
You are nearer God when bodies roll!

Shoot me through the heart
Let me pay for blasphemy
Coz even as I depart
You have made God your Enemy!
When they taught me I hardly paid them a heed
now I know my teachers were benefactors indeed
I regret the curses I held in my mind for them
their punishments were blessings not something to condemn!

Sadly those days they seemed to point their gun
on me for unlearned lessons homework not done
for such small lapses the teachers made a huge fuss
pulled my ears made me stand outside the class!

Some of them more zealous went a little far
caned ******* the back plucked out my hair
it appeared so barbaric at my expense their fun
they only knew it wouldn't harm me in the long run!

Such punishments I did never willingly embrace
ran around the room sending them on a chase
in fueled fury with faces in anger red
often flew their duster toward my head!

In life those torments have borne fruit
the running around standing on one foot
they have made my leg muscles quite strong
helped me hold my balance without support for long!

My ears too have still remained intensely keen
my hairs for my age haven't grown too thin
the pulling and plucking had done me no harm
but made my hair root healthy and firm!

*The teachers for sure were prudent and wise
punishment they meted out was blessing in disguise
so if you ever cursed them make amends and repent
say, thank you dear teachers for all the punishment!
The southwind kisses my face
Beckons the blue sky
And Nature’s all loveliness.
On leaftop
Golden drop
Each other they chase
The clouds race!
I delve deep into these
For undefined bliss!
I never got to love the girl
she spreads wide her rainbow net
where the sky plunges on crystal river
tides swell to hide her shame
ebb to fill her bag of catch

I never got to love the girl
her hairs in the wind
my dreams spawn
a flower rising from the riverbed
she grants a love in my head
spreads wide her rainbow net
thru the long night of blue moonshine
her frock fills up with sparkling life

I never got to love the girl
could no way be the right match.
Fishing girl, the River, Feb 10, 2017, 7 pm.
Parting the smoked ness
Piercing the glass screen
Flying over the meadow
Skimming across the valley,
They reach the lake
That placidly holds
Reflections of the blue mountain!
So fast they reach
The alpine heights
And beyond…
My eyes roaming the desktop!
She loves though my offer’s delicious taste,
Pines for forest!
The earth has its fill
When the moon melts on the hill
Pours down its side
To flow in wild tide.
Finding it silvery sweet
Our hearts ravage it.
Its beauty milked dry,
Moon can no more return to the sky.
Glistens the bones in moonlight
Ones within the one outside
Has no answer the fairy night
Why bones’ glare the dog can’t hide!

The one outside is the dried up bone
Marrowless yellow hard as stone
Yet for jaws a hope in sight
If chewing its dews makes warmly night!

Like bone is hard infallible trust
In breath of death till last breaths last
Can bring from brink a pale moon bone
A whiff of life hope’s seed re-sown!

Skinny shadows pray to the night
To make them bone from moonlight
Just one yellowed for a dreamy ride
In crumbling bones breaking inside!
Know for sure
When the times mature,
Holding on our palm the residues of night,
Will find each other in bone colored moonlight.
In that destined night’s unearthly glow
The night for us will pause and pass slow,
So we could, draped in heaven’s gracious white,
Sail for eternity in bone colored moonlight.
My grateful acknowledgement to my friend ‘r’ for gifting me the bone colored midnight.
Ref: his poem ‘Along the Graveyard Road’.
Each bone of you I know

She does this charming rebuke
Such bone warming words
Making no bones about it!

This is her warm assurance
Her ways of bonhomie
That the bond, gelled, *****,
Is now bone-a-fide!

So whenever she says

I know each bone of you*

I bask in the pleasure
Bathe in the sunshine
Sit back and reap fully

The bone-nanza

Of an ever rewarding bone-d-age!
Brown yellow rusted pages
None read
None would for ages
Lying on the pave

Blurred is the title and name
Lost dream and never born fame
Wisdom of long bearded sages
Dumped in the grave

Dusty old forgotten write
Feasted upon by termite
What to author full of sense
Fetch not any pence

Should I buy take home to read
Not treat it like just **** ****
Spend some time in smelling old
See if bring some gains?
Some books I have never opened once
Within the wood can hear them sigh
If you had in mind not to give us a chance
Why at all us did you buy?

The books I read lying in the wooden case
Read once and that was enough
They too show quite a long face
Seem to say we’re forgotten stuff!

There are books behind the dusty glass
That found my head too hard to penetrate
The minds that wrote though of high class
Couldn’t reach me having spent all the sweat!

Some books came like love at first sight
I fell for them like a blind lover
When opened the first page found nothing right
Soon my romance with them was over!

Books are like women fast infatuate
Give the feel without them is no life
Yet they fade at too fast a rate
Only a few holding on like my wife.
In the star spangled darkness
There is a hint of a beginning,
The night's permeating silence
Testifies a temporary lull
Before the earth delivers…
Another rebirth!
Soaked him a shower
From the roadside balcony
For him the day’s better hour
Turned bitter agony!

I told you earlier too
You need some homework to do
Else prove yourself the fool
By others’ rule!

To brim to full his misery’s cup
The man next to him was looking up
Just in time moved away
Never believed in the look straight say!

Adding salt to his injury
The riffraff looking carefree
Grinned just in time,
Your shirt is stained with grime!

He looked up too but too late
A born loser since the first failed date
Then stood stunned a while
On her lips played the wickedest smile!

The woman smiling without the slightest regret
With no hint of apology for causing him this fate
Not one consoling sorry for marring his day
But saying on his face *you came on the way!
One day at a time is what we need to borrow
within a day is a world held sublime
why waste this day in the thought of tomorrow
when a day can be made into lifetime!
The poets are clever borrowers
without owning ever the owners!
Pillow with tears watered
One drop to leave eyes’ rim
Four lines my lips uttered
Borrowing from last dream!

*Though left me all gone before me
Loves and faces and tales
Not left me the faith of certainty
They only moved to someplace else.
why bother failure success
that can't steal nor give happiness!
10w reflection to dispel this sad night
                                                              ­   when                                                             ­      is

         life                                                    out

    ­       hits                                   way

                                                rock        ­            only                                      
The boulder river almost called
the figure leaning on the bridge.

The height wasn't much
but one touch would crush.

He saw a doll with its blood
floating away with the current.

Thin line, he muttered under his breath,
I never realised
it was this thin.

He snatched himself away from the moment
and headed towards the rest house
I would give it a try,
some time.
They had a love for the boundary wall
Where occupied round the seasons
Their frames slender or substantial
Meditative eyes in philosophic brooding
Till in the sunset years or sooner
They disappeared beyond that wall.

Many of them have warmed those bricks
When the night’s chill forbade to be outdoor
But the restless ears strained to hear
Brushing of body against body
Till their blood warmed in the moon’s heat
Covered the delirious trek to the dawn!

Now have come up the fence of iron spears
Burying the joys and yesteryear’s tears
And the restless ears can now only hear
The cold bricks groaning in the night’s lull!

Quietly bids the time for the transit
Beyond the boundary wall!
I know I invite reproach
When I speak aloud in wonder
Why boys are the first to approach
And girls are mere responders!
It’s the boy that discovers the chance
In the girl next to him in school
For a courtship and steady romance
Though the girl must play it cool!
If the girl eyes him just once
That’s enough to make him bolder
Just one look puts him in trance
Though the girl must give him cold shoulder!
The boy so oft reads the signals wrong
Cavorting buck with wildly beating heart
The girl cautious doesn’t fall in love headlong
Makes sure the boy is good to make a start!
Know as you depart
You are breaking a heart.
You may think it little
Love is awhile brittle
But I am coming apart
You are breaking a heart.
Maybe you don't care
Feelings you don't share
But I cry I am hurt
You are breaking my heart.
You are going your way
For you an end of play
Not again I can start
I am coming apart.
Know as you go your way
It hurts and I wanted you to stay
But things are falling apart
You are breaking a heart.
He left at 67.

No one knew
he caught the first light
through the window glass

smelled dew when autumn came
was joyous at the trills of birds
caught all the blue in his eyes
and smiled the sky was his.

No one knows
if it was too early to go.

He knew
he was briefly happy.
be firm i tell him
bear with the sorrow
knowing i would be broken
if it happens to me tomorrow

for i can only sympathize
can offer two sweet words
can act so long wise
till a loss firmly hurts

i would be telling a lie
if i say i fully feel
your grieving cry
can provide you a heal

for i know when it happens
like you afflicts me sorrow
no solace could heal the pains
i would be broken tomorrow
Winds brought her smell on the Broken Hill
it stirred a butterfly somewhere inside me
danced my **** to get her skin’s feel
grab her impale her ride her merrily!

But she looked scared the few times she saw me
kept moving away at quickened pace
in her hazel eyes seemed written boldly
in the stream haven’t you seen your face!

I had no notion of love but a void of pain
that sighed as the winds’ moan on Broken Hill
her laughter with her guy of a clan alien
made my hands itch to go for the ****!

But I refrained for the yawning difference
sensing I could never be her match perfect
the way she walked to me made no sense
she was taller and strangely more *****!
The Broken Hill Skull discovered in Zambia in 1921 was the first early human fossil and the most likely ancestor to modern humans.  This work is inspired by a belief currently held by scientists that instead of a linear evolution of one species replacing the other, Africa was perhaps a melting *** of interbreeding human species, where Broken Hill Man lived alongside the evolving lineage of modern humans.
The broken leg jackdaw
he lost his greed with his leg

now saintly dumb
it's enough if he gets a crumb
complains not when foodless
knowing by his creator's grace
he would be given the span
this world needs his breath for
would live to run the length
in his lone leg's strength
felled by no deadly harm
till ends his term

The broken leg jackdaw
stands on the cornice
in peace
and his jet-black eyes
are deep and wise!
In the evening darkness they roam
Long after others have gone home
Their plaintive calls rending the stillness
Lull my soul into a soothing happiness.
The day gatherers intrude into the night
Still energetic not losing their sight
Making one after another quick foray
As a last ditch effort for a bowl of prey.
I wonder at them and their strange deed
Their act of extra filling they so badly need
I see their funny flights as a bronzed patch
Furtively swooping for a prized catch.
Then suddenly they're gone leaving behind a trail
Of a flutter in the wind and the sunned wings' smell
I wish I could follow them to see where they go
Those passing guests of night the bronzed drongo!
They make their way through the crowd.

Beneath the sky amber in the last sun
the retrieved spark steers their feet
to explore the gorgeously festive town
smelling of discovery at every turn
of people and shops and sellers
and food tempting to be tasted
women too lovely not to be noticed
houses illuminated like light is free
flying as in a dream long in the coming
but arrived too glorious for any regret.

The younger when a few paces ahead
stops so the other could catch up
always remembering the six years
matter much in the count of speed.

The sky above grows older and paler
but their blistered feet feel no pain
from the four hours of rewinding years
glistening as night dew in their eyes.
A travel with my brother, and dedicated to him.
October 29, 2017, 11 pm.
The lights dazzled their eyes
but illumined their faces
like two children drowned in surprise.

The air smelled of freshly baked food
the girls dressed in their best
giggled in utmost festive mood.

The two strangers passed through rows of light
that quickly transformed day into night
and the only beats louder than their heart
were the noise of heels quicker and smart.

One moving faster paused to find
the other had fallen behind
and soon remembering the six years between them
broke his pace to be with him.

They were dreamily moving when they reached the strand
where the river sparkling with lights
drew them to her bank for some rest.

From there they flew on wings
to extract all they could on one night
passing the musics, and the church chimes
like they were on their last flight.

When everything else fell apart
the joy still rang in their heart
and the two brothers with moistened eyes
headed towards another sunrise.
Chandernagore, Nov 19, 2023
I blew bubbles in the air.
They weren’t robust
Pretty soon they burst
And were no more there.
I blew them thinking
That those pearly bubbles
Would go build a link
Betwixt me and the sky
And would fly high
To trap the clouds’ rumbles!
But they never really flew
Could never reach the blue
Of them so unfair,
To be soon not there
Fast disappear
Without showing my dreams the slightest care.
a childish rambling
She has no mirror
but where flirt the leaves with the pond
she comes in the cool of noon
mixing the dark of her hair
with the summer shade
dipping into glass green water
her toes and far above
and all the pond sees
encrypts within the bubbles of rainbow
that only her clothes
swelled in awe
can read.
I had my day
Time now to part our way,
I step from here to a mess
Where I won’t have your loveliness
Your soft hug warm caress
Your assuring presence in loneliness,
I have to seek the you now in flesh
Search for one with your likeness
Fail and grieve for the times that flew
Coming to know there can’t be another you,
This body would wizen and shrink with age
This youthful frame would turn to yellow page
But you ageless will just change hands
Plant in new eyes dreams of fairylands
Remaining forever cute in hands soft and small
Childhood’s buddy my playtime’s doll.
She shone in radiant glee
When I brought her a budgie
She said ‘I would make it talk
Teach it words round the clock’.
Somewhere she had read
And it stuck in her head
That of all the birds
Budgie learns the most words.
Since then she didn’t spare a bit
Deemed it a marvellous feat
She would achieve if that bird
Learn at least one word.
She remained strongly steadfast
Teach it words she must
But the bird so rudely stubborn
Not a word in its mouth was born.
‘Say bird please good morning’
She mouthed day and evening
But other than its own tweet
The budgie didn’t learn a bit.
Lured by the bait of a golden trap
Got down on the road for one quick snap
Season’s harvest lay the gleaming yield
Pains of seeding sprouted fulfilled!

May I take a shot of this wondrous show
Of homing the crop in its brightest glow
Would you mind if take a photo or two
To carry with me this freshest hue!

A hint of a smile broke her lipline
She said please don’t take any of mine
For the harvest can take as many you need
Of the pastures stretching far across the mead!

But as one you know bred in the city
Smart and scheming gainfully witty
I said the soil you must have perfectly tilled
To have reaped now this abundant yield!

Won’t hide my wish to you won’t lie
Some I would take home if you let me buy
To remind me of the glory of your toil
Spent on the farmland rewarded by the soil!

On her lips now broke a girl’s rippling laugh
Why sir I would give you of what we have enough
To give you some as gift would be a pleasure nice
Can’t stoop so low as to charge you a price!

She put in my bag some of her bumper yield
Her heart’s gift to a stranger his wishes fulfilled
As I drove away from her leaving her on her land
Through the window I saw love’s waving hand!
yesterday on the road, it happened.
Fast more fast and a faster drive
Speed not kills but saves his life
Reach quicker and deliver more
Matters only numbers of door.

Someone's son someone's heartthrob
Forgets all when ******* job
Quick quicker on quickest mode
Bike wheels burn on asphalt road.

In lanes bylanes must find address
Can't afford one small recess
A brief meeting and end of deals
Pocket bunched with paid bills.

Around moon is a haloed mist
But night is one cruel beast
Won't let him look above
Think of a poem sweet in love.
Daylong I grind for bread
Seek scope for a piece of loaf
Fill the bowl to feed the bowel
Keep losing the strands of thread
That amid the labor dwell!

Evening I search my coffer
For picked scraps day’s offer
Find little as toil’s return
A few pennies and much heartburn!

Night finds me a coveted treasure
Can’t count them without measure
Were buried in the daylong grind!

Released the threads rule my head
Freed from the clutch of bread

*Bowl and bowel leave my mind!
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