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The birds chirp on in the hazed grey
“Open, open your eyes” they say
“Enough of being a dumber
Time you got up from slumber”!
In my stupor where dream clutters
Seep in soft noises of ***** and flutters
Through my eye-slits hair like thin
Another day gloriously trudges in!

I realize I’m alive for another day
Hopes in breast, thoughts to say
To live this day as if it’s last
To tell ‘I love’ and tell it fast!
i sat to write a poem
tapped on the key
words turned lame
thoughts mystery

blank blinked the screen
mocked its cleanliness
while the head's din
made mind a mess

i thought of the girl
who gave my eye a cut
the one with a curl
stole my childhood heart

and the ******* her door
i met on way to school
she has grown no more
still gives my heart a pull

the one who ran me down
called me foolish child
the cutest in town
in her love i was wild

one upon one
floated up the face
my poem was undone
unborn undressed
Nothing is owned
Unless earned.

Ask if you've earned love.
When it’s summer I pray for cold
In the winter sulk for warm touch
When I was a kid longed to be old
I’m always asking for too much.

When it’s money want of it more
It’s always for good times I search
I want the rains to stop torrent's pour
I’m always asking for too much.

I want my woman to be a *** queen
Want her always hot on my urge
Her smiles I notice can't read her pain
I’m always asking for too much.

I want smooth sailing life’s steady flow
A decent job and a nest for night’s perch
See on her face shine a happy glow
I’m always asking for too much.

I want all my poems earn your read
Desire it’s them only you search
I do only care for my ego’s need
I’m always asking for too much.
i loved her at first sight
if you ask how
the answer is all white
not one point till now.

was i too fool a guy
did i make haste
right now can't tell you why
that boy knows the best.

that boy who held his gaze
right on her face
read there in his daze
written happiness.

if you ever find him out
you may ask him how
he loved the girl at first sight
and loving her till now.
dedicated to the girl for being with that boy for 31 years, this day.
push harder, harder, she moans,
drive it a great more in

dig deeper break ya my bones
rupture my last wall of skin.

push harder, the farthest it goes
where pulsates the throb of my core

blooming red petals of rose
are dreaming for limitless soar.

push harder, harder, inside
drive in, inner, far more

fill me in thick rain of ride
till i feel empty no more.
Rate me vote me on the given link
Beg you please see my hopes don’t sink
I’m word monger poet laureate valiant
Want some fame a few bucks’ aspirant!

Rate me vote me cast me not out
I too will vote for you don’t be in doubt
We traders in dreams are poets every bit
No harm if we compete in the way earn profit!

Rate me vote me let my hopes soar
A little recognition I want nothing more
From the crowd find me hear me holler
Let your clicking vote bring me a dollar!

Rate me vote me I know I may not win
But I’ll fight bravely this war is not mean
If I earn a victory will be a cause to celebrate
The burial of poetry win of voting rate!
In response to a currently running competition on a poetry website.
Ref: my 10 worder 'Competition'
twenty years on
and i still look for her
on the seashore

it was a promise she made
that even if given to another man
she would break up for once
come running to the sea
for me
and if i wasn't there
she would go deeper
leaving on the sands a note

i was here as i promised

she came to my life
she came to be my wife
but twenty years on
i still look for her
on the seashore
she ageless
waiting for her lover
and then going down to the sea
leaving a note
on the sand

*i was here as i promised
My poems come and ask me
After you set us free
You just forget our pain
And act apathetic alien,
When thoughts in you burn
Inside in vortices churn,
It’s us coming out in streams
Relieve your burden of dreams,
But you never enact your life the way
What through us you say,
Delivering us you stand aside,
Turn away to flow with the tide!
He does an incredible feat
While the world moves meaningless
Abandoned on the street
Roams the man with the ***** face!
A cruel fast-paced heartless city
Where nobody has time for him
None tells him a word of pity
The nights fade the days dim.
Yet unmindful of all
The ragged holds his head high
He still can walk tall
Without a hint of sigh!
The odd man out in the city
An animal, a mad scavenger
He needs no words of pity
He's happy to remain a stranger.
Your paths shouldn’t lead astray

Heard it since childhood day
Heard it along all the way
What it means don’t know to this day.

It doesn’t show the way nor lifts the haze
Of a delusional journey the morality’s maze
Just a vague notion planted from the birth
Astray a wrong way is not a travel’s worth.

And that’s the dilemma all the trouble’s root
Astray the wrong way should not be one’s route
But each path has on offer its own unique view
Sublime obnoxious but stretched out for you.

Don’t I need to break shackles and explore
The way called astray what it has in store
How bad are its tracks uncouth unclean
If they are laden with only vices and sin.

Why not one day break out of shell
See if astray leads only to hell
Take chance of a choice to get away from the pain
Of the ways thought right but ashtray like vain.
The astrologer speaks with a smiling face
For each of your miseries there’s redress
To calm down the planet subside crisis
There’s a stone to bring back the peace

It’s so clear when I read your face
You’re aggrieved greatly distressed
Fortune is shackled finance on the rocks
Luck is littered with stumbling blocks

On the home front looms a dark cloud
Your progenies aren’t making you proud
The spouse is no help in cutting down cost
In the sea of expense your earn is lost

All your efforts are going for a toss
The grind of job villainous boss
One after other misfortunes strike
Career stalled so is pay hike

But there’s still hope don’t break down
You’ve come to the best in the town
Here you would find at affordable rates
Boost in your fortune by remedying planets
He never goes to a temple
A mosque
A church,
Feels no need for prayer!
He simply loves and cares
In his own little way
Lives that need them,
Lives not for himself
But for others
And feels rewarded to import
A little happiness to others!
Can you call him a successful man?
I don’t get it into my head
She says
Why in this scorching summer
We’re at the zoo gate.

There wasn’t a soul at the counter
Except the heat lulled ticketman
And before him a man and a woman
Arm-in-arm companion!

What’s the pleasure
Of staring at half-starved animals
Counting times in caged dooms
She fumes.

Don’t mind the weather
I tell her
Get it into your head
We’re here to be together.

Let’s find a tree’s shade
We sing in chorus
*Let’s go ahead
To rebuild a place
For two old lovers!
To me only she leaves it
In turn I leave it to her
In our hiding holes of habit
Things don’t move any far.

In this funny game
Consensus is scarce
In the fear of blame
Taking a decision scares.

She tells me it’s for you to decide
Ways to cut the rising bills
How to stop our savings’ slide
Still have two square meals.

I tell her in your hands is the rein
To check unneeded outflow
Find some ways to build a gain
Some savings for the future to show.

She retorts don’t say you’ve no clue
The way I manage the pence
What you bring can hardly accrue
Any surplus post expense.

Things go on like they did before
With us never reaching a deal
Yet our lives happily soar
The way we lovingly will.
There's too much prose in this world,
Sermons are more than service
Money is more than mind
Polemics dominate over resolution
Truth crumbles under loads of lies.
While millions go without food
Poverty is researched
Sustainability is analyzed
Cost of survival is determined
By people living in luxury!
Baffled I turn to poetry,
To seek symmetry
In this dichotomous world!
here’s another cat poem.

When the orphaned black kitten is shrinking
and sinking
and these hands are too inadequate
to stem the slide
and writing poems seem far easier
than filling the gap its mother left
this heart going through another break
another trek
for an uphill job
and as I lift it
feel its heartbeat
to a few grams
so putting it down
return to keyboard
feeling a little guilt
a little shame

as you rightly say
to write another cat poem.
A seasoned lover
I praise her tea’s flavor

Thank her for the gift
Of morn’s spirit lift
My adoration she savors.

We sit with the brew
Talk a word or two
As each morning we do

For something more who cares
With a table and two chairs
Four hands and cups two.

A small time but enough
To make things less tough
Brave the day hereafter

A small space yet deep
Spent in blissful sip
In banter and some laughter.
Flow enough tears
but all these years
I burn them in fire.

Still a drop or two
past fire come through
finding earth's need too dire.
I furtively glance at the wholesome flesh

afraid in case
she catches me stealing
her precious things.

There was so much bare
it seemed unfair
to have to content with one stare

With so much bare
no reason to see elsewhere
and deny my pleasure immense
at her expense

Of me
she gets little to see

As for my crotch

*it is no top-notch!
Inspired by Commuter Blues (part 1) by poet AmandaFH
written in a different context.
My apology Amanda.
Behind the dusty glass,
My corpse from that halcyon moment
Stands mockingly frozen,
A relic of your glory
That began and ended my story.
I lived just in that moment
Pride glowed on your face,
And died a trophy in your showcase!
A plastic bag without a handle
A pair of straps without a sandal
A briefcase with rusted locks
A pair of old worn out socks
A never used candelabrum
An empty jar of finished gum
A broken door iron cage
A lost book’s tattered page
A piece of cloth insect holed
An old calendar neatly rolled
A fluorescent light long dead
A clay puppet’s broken head
A fountain pen sans its cap
An old atlas dusty map
A bunch of cassette in tin box
Nails and screws unused locks
Cable tape wire and plug
Grandpa’s brolly faded rug

Can’t disown throw them out

Fond attachments without doubt!
I'm reading poetry at the cremation ghat
amid chanting of God's name
while ferrying and burning the dead.

The noise unsettles me a bit
as sets me thinking of my own death
that by all means seems closer than farther.

Yet I get the relieving feel
reading poems would heal
all the agonies of my flesh
and take me to that spiritual level
where I would take death as
passing into another dimension.

I'm not much of a religious person
but have always felt devoted to my kindred
seeking transcendence through them.

The best thing I'm hoping right now
is when I burn
someone would amid chanting of God's name
read poetry at the burning ghat.
at the burning ghat by the Ganga, 2.15 pm
Weary faces bored with the long wait
Sit with stony eyes as in hypnotic state
Some way they suffer in liver or gall
Hoping help would reach when comes their call.
Each time the bell rings breaks the languor
Rustled footsteps cross the corridor
Expectant eyes find way to the door
To find what remedy is there in store.
Minutes pass and is heard before long
Inviting sound of the next bell’s gong
The ones coming out rewarded for patience
Make way for visages still grim and tense.
Deep in the creek
where speckled light kisses the saline shore
and mud hole bubbles leave crab trails
I knock upon her door.

She opens with a whisper on her skin
licks my **** with her southern tongue
winds rise the dusts within
the mangrove falls quiet to her moaning song.
When the day was dying
I was back to the market.

The last time I was there
haggled with her over the price.

She wanted to sell high
I wanted to buy low.

You win she said at last
I bought high
but have to sell low

I knew she was lying.

This time she wasn't there.

Someone said
her man had left for another woman
and she hadn't since been seen.

The deepening evening hung like a dagger of pain.

She was never good at bargain.
The right attitude
is always
the most difficult attitude!
Wrenched from the depth of the blue
Where it flapped its wings
In the waves’ symphony,
A turtle landed in my stomach.
It swims in my digestive tide
And would soon reach the red sea!
A fantastic journey
Just to feed my greedy fantasy.
Into my debt-ridden life
The autumn comes uninvited.
The white cottons on the azure
are painted with rainbow,
the remains of the last rain
Glow in silvery temptation -
But my thoughts are elsewhere.
I couldn't welcome autumn into my life!
a tree house let's build
tucked amid the leaves

where no will is unfulfilled
for the soul to ever grieve.

up away from madding noise
create a cave of peace

where tears flow of pure joys
nothing feels amiss.

far from the rush of town
high on windy space

where blissful hearts without frown
pure love harness.

let's make that home on tree
out of reach of race

for the mind to bloom carefree
in forever happiness.
Come to see my village
Where time is caught in a warp
Though it’s not on history’s page
Nor would you find it on a map.
It lies so far from a city
Can be reached by a long walk
There’s no road no electricity
Still we don’t rue our luck.
It’s enough we grow our own food
Toil and till under the sky
Then in the evening come home to brood
In the glow of the dancing firefly.
Here we have no clutter and din
The dazzles of thousand lights
In the dim flicker of burning kerosene
We weave our dreams for the nights.
Our children are happy to play and sing
Pick mangoes from under the tree
Frolicking angels flying on wing
They are as free they can be.
We are content with what we get
From our daily struggle and strife
We don’t complain about our fate
But love our ways of life.
Today I’ll not look at them
Though the sky beckons
To fire my passion’s flame,
The flowers sway in wind
To stir something within
The sun paints it bright
For my thoughts to take a flight
The day in my ears hums
When the night comes
Won’t your eyes turn
And in the moon burn
To set your dreams free
In the form of poetry?
Though I’ve taken a vow
I really don’t know how
To close my eyes to them
To douse my passion’s flame!
A walk in the jungle where penetrates no ray,
Falling and rising, losing and finding way,
The thorns are sharp, bushes darkly dense,
Amid sky touching trees, fear of unknown reigns!
Prowling shadows dart, hungry wolves bay,
The air reeks of blood, predators pounce on prey,
The dying in agony moans, killer howls in joy,
The dead finds no regret, no mourners' convoy!
No hand is without blood, no heart free of pain,
Not one flying white dove without curse's stain,
A walk in the jungle, enacting monstrous play,
Falling and rising, losing and finding way!
If I had one long wand
That reached far up to the sky
Would have poked it in the cloudland
Can’t see the earth so dry!

Can’t see the earth so dry
Scarred and deeply hurt
If I had a wand to poke the sky
Would have torn the clouds apart!

The parched earth is crying for rain
The soil is a desert track
Need a long wand to break open
The clouds to heal the crack!

The peasant is waiting on his tilled ground
May not his toil go waste
It’s time for the clouds to be earthbound
Save the season’s harvest!

O god give me a long magic wand
To dispel this summer’s looming curse
Force the stubborn clouds to melt and disband
Come down on earth as showers!
Time to take a break
Pause the rhyme
Shift the eyes to mountain's height
The mind to inner ravine

Take the eyes off the page
Put a stop to flowing ink
Give the mind the peace of sage
The eyes the soothe of green

Time friends to take a break
Pause play of words
Try to rewind and remake
Fragments of heart

But promise you
If all is well
I'll be back

Refreshed by new
Mountain's tale
Jungle's track
I'll be back by mid April. Stay well friends.
Monday only I arrived at the inn
Got a room there ***** and span
I wondered at the place’s awful din
And the joy in welcoming new man!

Till then I had lived in dark gloom
Half awake in a quiet warm stream
In delirious urge to leave the catacomb
Reach the light I had all along dreamt!

Cramped in that alley in somber stupor
Passed months how I didn’t know
Only could sense freedom wasn’t far
Wouldn’t be forever in that burrow!

The kindly innkeeper fed me the best
And wouldn’t take anything for the give
Spent I two days on her breast loveliest
It hurt me when came the time to leave!

On a Wednesday found my new love
Made a nest on a space on this earth
A fairy she was love’s precious trove
She gave me warm home and a hearth!

Can’t tell how passed the days so fast
New travelers coming on our way
Our wishes were ashes hopes were dust
Were left with only faith on Friday!

Have tided on this inn waves low and high
Seeking from the clouds the north star
Live now with memories of the days gone by
Waiting for the Sunday that’s not far!
The dimming eyes turn a muddy gray
They can't hold the blue of the sky
Though I know nothing is forever to stay
I am agonized it's going to die!
Death's face is cruel and bare
It doesn't spare even the innocent
Just a month or so it was there
The devout say its time is spent!
I can't accept a tenure so brief
Though they say god wanted so
I feel enraged blinded with grief
A fleeting while and it has to go!
Why at all did god send it then?
If it came and soon started to pack,
Leaving in me the bitterest pain
That my love couldn't hold it back!
I give myself a break
to slip into the lonely woods
to rest awhile on the green cape
drown in the seasons’ moods.
I seek a patch of soft grass
sheltered in the shade of a tree
smell from the air the wooded hush
and spend awhile carefree.
Just then my eyes come to rest
on the canopied acacia tree
where the birds dressed for spring fest
twitter in boundless glee.
I want this frame to freeze in my stare
sealed in my heart for good
I wouldn’t last but it would be there
my time in the beauteous woods.
Times frail bonds are strong
A ritual going for long
Low earn prices steep
Still whispers her lip.

She marks on his forehead a paste
Of sandalwood to wish him the best
Come bad time rough weather
Must sail through his dear brother.

The sight seems in heaven made
When she touches her brother’s forehead
Radiant in her finger’s bless
In happiness beams his face.

Hard times prices are steep
Pours good wishes from her lip
A woman she’s a loving sister
Wishes the best for brother.
Today the Bengalis are celebrating Brother’s Day, a traditional ritual of brother-sister bonding.
No promises he makes no resolution
The new year is new only in notion
Each day as it comes so it should be dealt
There won’t be anything new emotion unfelt!

The same faces met same stretches run
Same daily chores till the day is done
Darkened sunk eyes mirror tells it all
Worries on the rise so is hair-fall!

Nothing really changes life’***** and misses
Undying hope to build on the broken wishes
Groveling in the troughs dreaming for the crest
Praying for the miracle of next morn’s harvest!

He finds new year no time to get inebriate
Indulge in revelry and foolishly celebrate
It’s there to warp the skin droop the shoulder
Serve the stark reminder that he’s a year older!
A year older, a year wiser

A wisdom always in the making
Nourished by experience
Vitaminized by failures
Strengthened by aspirations
Built on the foundation of hope!

Year after year
Brick after brick
Cemented by determination
Watered by dreams
Cracked by blows
Repaired by a mason
Working round the clock
Anointing healing!

Get up man.

You are a year older
But a year wiser

And the fruits of this wisdom
Often unseen
Oftener unknown
Ripen inside
And then no more just yours
Scatter in the surround
Beget nurseries of wisdom
Building, vitaminizing, strengthening
Repairing healing
Your foundation
Your hope!
reprise of a write that seems to me always in the making
Faraway on a distant shore
He labors hard to earn
Money he needs more and more
The self-exiled lonely man!
He puts aside a small amount
Rest he remits to his wife
He keeps filling her bank account
To provide her necessities of life!
Her necessities of life he couldn’t fulfill
Because all them money can’t buy
She couldn’t for long endure the ordeal
Got herself another guy!
Our man he comes home once in a while
Greets him the woman in joy
The time he stays he sees her smile
Knows not she got another boy!
It goes on like this dollars pour in
When home he sees her happiness
She keeps walking on a rope stretched thin
There was no way she could now regress!

Once it so happened he arrived one night
She had no prior advice
He reached home on a late night flight
To give her a pleasant surprise!

God if you had seen her whitely ashen face
After she had opened the front door
On it there wasn’t a trace of happiness
She almost swooned onto the floor!
Our man never knew why she shut the door again
It never did cross his head
In his absence his wife had made a bargain
Her lover was snoring on his bed!

She woke the guy up for a fast exit
Through a door at the back of the house
Came down again the wife cute and sweet
A loving and caring spouse!

Now friends I come to the moral of the tale
For the ones away on distant shore
Wall it up do it without fail
Do away with your houses’ backdoor!
After fifty years
I slipped into the school.

Madame Bela was visibly pleased
The classroom was too empty
Now I've one to do maths with

No less happy was Auntie Aloka
My favorite student is back
She lifted me up and said with a kiss
So vacant felt my class of English
Without a boy from olden times
Sweetly singing nursery rhymes

My eyes searched her and before long
Miss Jaya spoke in her softest tongue
I'm so glad to see his face
Sans him Bengali class was all emptiness

And there he was the only Sir
Amiyo Baboo the sports teacher
Isn't this the boy never won my trust
For always being in every race last

Fifty years haven't changed a bit
Either their age or their spirit
And surely the fun was doubly more
When I stood before the school mirror.
I look up and see the diurnal moon.
It's like yesterday.
Same spot, same time, same moon,
A deja vu of dream walking
Where yesterday stands still
And I'm coming back timeless,
as a part of the heavenly drawn sketch.
I look past the tall tree
to touch the diurnal moon.
It's back to yesterday!
for the dog
can't save my rhyme
each day he's dying
for the umpteen time
unlucky 13 is everyday in the dog's life.
In the ill-lit room singed with ovens’ heat
Swift hands deftly turn wheat ***** sweet
The air exudes a smell of pulpy soft taste
Blended with the odd fragrance of sweat!
Here reigns under the tin shed eternal night
As if by some design is forbidden daylight
Roll out confectionaries crisp and light
To fill the mouths with salivary delight!
Bread, cake, cookie and cherry bun
Kneading them in the heat is no fun
The bakers’ faces glow warm and red
Faster they must go before they rest their head!
The delicious stuff are relished by kids and grownups
They savor the flavor with their hot morning cups
Do they ever pause or give it a thought
How those laboring bodies in the heat rot!
What I saw at a Bakery

tends cows in the field
her hairs deep wisps in the wind
her dark skin
an unfathomed mist
her perfume
rice washed
her feet
conqueror of wild grass

she tends cows in the field
a warrior in the wild wind
an autumn of all seasons
runs self willed
floats on the field
over her clouds gather
there isn't a match for her
in her cracked glass mirror
she is two
one a wild warrior
with a face only the wind loves
and the other
weather beaten
by fate cursed
but dreaming...

in some heart somewhere
for her
love is nursed!

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