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Today I looked at her face
Her way of looking at me
My attempt to crudely assess
If she only fakes to be happy!

I noticed how parted her lip
When she spoke if twinkled her eyes
If her words fell gently or steep
Is she happy or hiding her cries!

I tried to read her face’s lines
Looked to find on it a trace
If were laid there some signs
Crying loudly of hidden distress!

Can’t say it was much of a success
For my eyes were biased lovingly
To read only one thing from her face
That she is quite happy with me!
Aug 2014 · 351
White House
Knowing couldn’t resist the autumn light
playing on walls the shorter days
painted my house with only white
to forget coming winter’s gloomy gray!

Now the cotton clouds cannot stay aloof
when burnt at heart by the summer’s pain
break the flight to pause on the white roof
pour a tear two as the falling rain!

Now the sky a little more dazzles blue
lavishly spreads her wares colors glut
moon spins the night in her magic brew
when rises pompous behind areca-nut!

So you know given them good reasons
the winds to weave dreams for weary night
play on walls between rests all seasons
loving that I painted house only white!
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
We're stuck in that place
I visited her at the hospital ward
smiled my ladybird
baby delivered!

Her two ponytails in red ribbon
not a woman she was
but a girl overgrown!

In her arms lay a little fairy
wasn’t just a baby
but a piece of me!

Beamed its face looking at me
recognized joyously
here was daddy!

She, me, and our baby
we're stuck in that place
*ever happily!
All my resolves not to make poems out of my dreams fail.
Aug 2014 · 536
When everything falls apart


We hang barely
by a thread of love.
Aug 2014 · 682
Hope you had a good night’s sleep Faye
He coos holding the cup to her lip
Nice isn’t it the morn’s first sip
And be ready for a lovely day!

By the way sweetie I had a good sleep
Long, dreamless, deep
If I don’t count that recurring nightmare
You’re sitting broken on your favorite chair!

Can’t stand to see you broken that way
From me you ever being taken away
And one morn here I’m alone to weep
Not holding a cup to Faye’s lip!

You know sweetie I meant it true
When I said would die without you
For you my love is so deep grown
I see it mirrored in the rusted bone!*

Faye’s eyes don’t move a blink
His words in her quietly sink
There’s a thrill in her timeworn bone
That her man would never have tea alone.
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
The Ones You Love
Keep them close hold them tight
with them be as long you can
love them whole day and night
life is too brief a span!

Bonds are fragile time merciless
frail is the bridging link
fleeting are moments of small happiness
go would they all in a wink!

Keep them to you as long you can
give them the all you own
fill as much this short span
love them not leave them alone!

Days wear out past comes fast
forever is a figment of solace
love them hard so long they last
treasure them in warm embrace!
Aug 2014 · 482
Honey Grove
If you're freely willing
to see your dreams grow root

take the honey grove route.

It's the name of a place
without a bee or a hive
where you arrive
if only you take a wrong drive

lose your way
on a forgetful day
to reach a space
of wide eyed face
where the children have never seen a car

or may be one or two
with wanderers like you
that once in a year
strayed this far
and to give their dreams a root

took the honey grove route!
was there this sunday, not on any map but would be forever with me.
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
Matla River
Under misted august sky
where the fishnet boats dot the Matla River
I stand drunken on the wild mangrove.

This abandoned out of world noon
when the river breeze whispers
you are deathless
my blood paints in my eyes her face.

Only the estuarine heron
wings smelling of sun and fish
is my timeless witness!
Matla - the estuarine river in the mangroves of Sunderbans.
Aug 2014 · 335
Three Coins For Her Love
Close your eyes and stretch your palm
I tell her.

She doubts my intention.

don’t worry dear
have no fear
I mean no harm

And as she spreads her palm
I place three coins.

She looks askance.

one for your love
one for your trust
one for ever being by my side*
I tell her.

I can go any far to tease her!
Aug 2014 · 426
We are free
As long as
we hold freedom
captive in our mind.
Aug 2014 · 378
Nothing is owned
Unless earned.

Ask if you've earned love.
Aug 2014 · 692
I haven't ever looked into the eyes of an animal or a bird

And seen sin there!
Aug 2014 · 862
I wouldn't ask more
Do I see flicker of a shine
being left without a choice
when I sing to her the first line
and she has to lend her voice.

Girl I needed to see your face
but you hid it for too long
denied me that one happiness
till I broke into a song.

From you I needed just one line
see once your parted lip
to make you girl all of mine
sink into your eyes deep.

Sing a line girl sing me one
promise I wouldn’t ask more
I would treasure it when you’re gone
hold one line in heart’s core.
Aug 2014 · 356
She needs you to buy
Sweet voice faceless
Nice words she tells
But she means business
She needs to raise her sales!

Her sweetness may be fake
But little is her choice
Sales she needs to make
With her sugary voice!

A voice on the line
Begging you a minute
She has target to meet
You can tick her off any time!

She’s keen you lend her ear
At end of deal say yes
Wants you for a minute to bear
So she can do the sales!
Aug 2014 · 619
When our cup of misery is full
God takes out a spoonful.

But alas too soon
Devil adds one spoon!
Aug 2014 · 612
Borrowing from a dream
Pillow with tears watered
One drop to leave eyes’ rim
Four lines my lips uttered
Borrowing from last dream!

*Though left me all gone before me
Loves and faces and tales
Not left me the faith of certainty
They only moved to someplace else.
Aug 2014 · 823
You are needed
Find and fill the less

It’s not little
So much more
Knock your door.


Walk by side
Wipe a tear

Grow your wings
For the good things.

Bother not you can’t be great
Being good is far better.

I have heard people say
Only if I had money
Could have done so much good.

The world is in no mood
To be good
with money.

Without spending a dime
Many a time
You’ve lit up a face
And rewarded
With an inner happiness.

And for this task
You only need to ask
And that’s the essence

Aren’t there enough in this world
That hurt me
That need me
My will
To fill.

Then you would find the answer

More than your need
Is someone waiting out there

Needing you.
Aug 2014 · 467
First Lesson
Good boys sit on the first row
They do ma said as a rule
So with the call of the first crow
I was ready to leave for the school.

Just as I reached the clock struck six
From home it was quite some ride
What I found there threw me in a fix
The first bench was fully occupied!

Four sat already on the front row
With no more a space for the fifth
My jostles raised the others’ eyebrows
They won’t let me have it as a gift!

I pushed with all might the boy on the side
But he wasn’t the one to let go
I feel a little shame when to you I confide
He gave me a hard ****** blow!

But a good boy as me must have rightful place
One on the first bench as a right
I wasn’t going to settle for anything less
Even if that meant a ****** fight!

The second jab fell right on my nose
Blood spurted warm red on my shirt
That settled it brought the war to a close
The loss made a dent in my heart!

The last bench was empty with only one guy
He sat happily looking peaceful
I knew being good wasn’t worth enough to die
And that was my first lesson at school!
Aug 2014 · 600
Even though
Lost first love to immaturity,

remain immature

what a pity!
Aug 2014 · 761
On an evening as this
They come to haunt on an evening as this
when thunders roar fall endless rains
windowpanes moan in frosted kiss
awaken within long lost pains!

They don’t bear me a name or a face
the massless aches ***** like thorn
oozing out from what hidden place
on an evening as this they’re born!

In the blowing gust rain’s beelike drones
shatter my heart’s all gathered peace
mess the mind feed upon bones
leave me broken on an evening as this!

The pains don’t bear me a name or a face
don’t tell what hurts for what I miss
but ***** out all gathered happiness
rain my eyes on an evening as this!
Aug 2014 · 527
Graduation Class
This is my graduation class
and I have bunked quite a few of them.

terrifyingly I realize it has to be a long time

for I am frantically looking for the college
the home of my graduation class

and here I am groping to get my way back
asking people the way to my college!

Must be my long absence playing tricks on my memory
but that hardly makes sense.

At last I find out the iron gate

from there a narrow passage shows flight of stairs

but my class, which floor is my class?

doesn't strike me the hush
as I run up the steps

wasn't it the fourth floor?

and when I reach it gasp for breath

my graduation class looks unfamiliar
so is the head stooping under the table lamp
his specs almost falling from nose
intently gazing at something
from the maze of electrical apparatuses spread before him.

I don't recollect having ever a teacher like him

but today I don't trust my memories

too many things I have forgotten

must be the fallout of missing classes for too long

the man there in my graduation class
has to be my teacher!

He looks up as I start speaking

I'm sorry sir, being ill I've missed some classes
but I'll manage to catch up.

Then it happens

my bag swings in the air
pulled by an invisible force!

He smiles at my awed face

don't bother, you know, it's so strong
the electromagnetic field of course
such nasty pulls they make

in a flash a floodgate opens

my graduation class doesn't have a lab inside
my bag by now flying in the air is an office bag
I have no business in the college anymore

I had left my graduation class
over three decades ago!
around are men moving faceless
a blurred streak in the rush
a nonentity with no address
like the man sitting next in the bus!

who looks up and who sees
the lump of one moving mass
like a line of disparate trees
we're men sitting next in the bus!

boarders on traveling wheel
chained in creed and class
who does bother to feel
the man sitting next in the bus!

the world would have been so nice
had mine weighed lesser than us
but who would pay the small price
for the man sitting next in the bus!
Aug 2014 · 386
I hold onto
like they're precious

my ego
my anger
my vanity
my dignity
my belief
my faith

miles of them
they would need reams of paper
to be written
and when stacked high
could be seen only


the self ruthless

wiping out your face!
Aug 2014 · 303
what folly drives me to
shut out the world

to be shut in a screen!
Aug 2014 · 300
Leave a life
that one can take
a leaf out of it.
Aug 2014 · 608
Left to find the Right lane
Turn left and then take the first right
Go straight till find on left a lane
Walk a few paces till comes to your sight
A left turn and one more again!

Take the second one till the eyes meet
The path being broken into two
One goes right and the other to left
Which one to take you got no clue!

Take the left one the right one is blind
Walk for a few minutes more
Count the lampposts six you would find
On the way you cross many a door!

Walk till you reach a broken windowpane
Peeping from there a knowing face
He is the one who can tell the right lane
To be taken to find your address!
Not everything I can make into a poem
like the sky just after rain
her embroidered smile its minutest hem
in her shade of cornea a grain of pain!

Not everything I can make into a poem
like wind eddies from wings of bird
her amorous veil that stokes my flame
in her lips’ quiver the unuttered word!

Not everything I can make into a poem
like the heron’s swoosh on the moon of marsh
her endless aroma without a name
in her eyes the million stars!

Not everything I can make into a poem
like when perches the bird on nest
her flushed cheeks in love game
in her kiss the sea salt’s taste!
Aug 2014 · 558
Once and a lifetime
Take eyes off cybersphere
give your notebook a rest
the night sky today is so clear
the moon shines at her best!

Outside the night sparkles bright
the sky holds no dark scars
***** on the dreamy moonlight
dance to the tune of the stars!

Rain your skin in the dew
feel her kiss on fingertip
let not the night go past you
with your eyes rested on sleep!

The moon if returns would be sad
pined all the while for your glance
you were sinking in notebook ipad
losing a once lifetime chance!
Aug 2014 · 677
Love's Alphabets
Without ruing all the lost chance
should I tell her once
or now it's really too late
to say what's unsaid from the first date.

Stopping long at the tongue's tip
they're gone into me hiding deep
breathing in heart as one quiet peace
speaking their voice in the bud of a kiss.

But hasn't died their wish to be told
love's alphabets carved in gold
uttered in silence at the sight of her
till today unsaid till now deferred.

Do they need to be told anymore
what's embedded within fondly secured
or is it so from her first date
she's dying to hear those alphabets!
Aug 2014 · 529
Road Doggy
Brown skinny road doggy
sorry you aren’t my priority
often though your furs brush
when by you I rush past
like I don’t look at an empty carton
don't notice your feeling alone
your eyes all the time cast on me
not understanding what keeps me busy
to don't look back to show I care
and acknowledge you’re there
thinking this man if only he knew
how aches a heart that loves like you!
Aug 2014 · 793
The Croc
Carved in rock lies the croc
with sun burning its scale
though ticked for long the cruel clock
came no freedom from the well!

Life is boring days are dull
dragging is every moment
locked within an unscalable wall
eyes seek faraway firmament!

Where's the river its mind cries
swarms of the river fish
the river only flows in its sleepy eyes
for a home that's now dead wish!

Lying in the well dreams on the croc
for a river it cannot ever roam
times fly away with the ticking clock
to get it in the sky a home!
The easiest way to the heart of a woman
is tea-sing her.

Make her a tea
Sing her a song
And yours she would be
For lifelong!

If you think I fable

See me making that
At the tea table.
Aug 2014 · 478
Snake Park
Now he was standing on the border.

He heard his own voice say

this deadly option reconsider

also heard it say

your hunch can betray

so can your sense

pause man before you travel the distance.

No, he wouldn’t listen to that voice

having made the choice

not anymore to defer

what deserved the woman that wronged her.

She was giggling and saw no harms
when he picked her up in his arms.

The rock python smelled flesh falling from the sky.

You have to die he whispered you have to die.

The gateman was dozing and no eyes had watched him.

*He must now run away from this bad dream!
the idea came from visiting a snake park yesterday.
If ever the sun shines like gold
air smells of unknown happiness
tightly them in a bottle hold
secure in your safest place.

When hits you the roughest wave
a patch of shore you badly need
bring them out from where you saved
take off the lid for a spoonful feed.

If ever shines a passing light
forget not to store it well
in times of living through darkest night
take off the lid in it revel.

When hits you life's toughest phase
in the raging storm can't find your way
delve within to reach that place
where the bottled sun you stored away.
Aug 2014 · 372
One good thing you did
and end of day
you are a man.
Aug 2014 · 557
Resting Noon Dream
Beyond the line of high tide
the boat rests on tilted side

her rolled in sails hear dreamily
songs of winds from the high sea!
Aug 2014 · 513
Twilight Day
The morn casts a shadow on my mind
this twilight day of dark clouds
I mourn everything lying dead behind.

Seems nothing was done right
what was for me missed my sight
built blindly castles of sand
dreamed harvest on fallow land.

When it came to paying a price
chose way out with compromise
not asking the purpose was made this soul
the intended task of its earthly role.

As I lament all the wasted years
clouds disperse the sky clears
whispers a voice from my inhaled breath
being alive is enough rest is myth.
Aug 2014 · 337
Isn't a habit as such,

write when fancies
burden much.
Aug 2014 · 385
Prisoned in the August rain
From the window the August rain
stirs a crave to be once with her
stings the heart with an abstract pain
she is home and home isn’t far!

August rain brings me her face
makes me alone in the crowd
I forget all work my mind is a mess
want to reach her riding the cloud!

She would be lonely if it pours all day
her tears would be streams of rain
crying in the thought I have drifted away
she may not ever see me again!

August rain brings me her face
her address though isn't too far
I’m imprisoned in the workplace
dreaming a cloud ride to her!
Aug 2014 · 602
Don't know where she is on this day
the world though small she's too far
years have traveled a long way
and she was sixteen when I last saw her!

Can't imagine her a grown woman
with shades of grey wrinkled skin
my time with her so fast ran
and I had seen her last at sixteen!

Does she sing a line of the love song
in a forlorn night remember
a boy lost to her for too long
and she was sixteen when I last saw her!

Can't imagine any older she could be
the girl a lover could have been
but the winds blew her too quickly
and I had seen her last at sixteen!
Aug 2014 · 597
What makes it ?
What makes it ?

brick concrete
paints tiles
happy faces
joyous smiles

sadness mirth
decor art
death and birth
broken heart

an off road nest
for flyer's rest
living hour
sweet and sour

a gifted cause
for lodging pause

what makes it ?**

a home ?
Aug 2014 · 976
She's the Girl
Where sways in the wind the eucalyptus
with chiming bells rolls the bullock cart
lies the hut of my dream sown in wild grass
lives the girl I have loved and given my heart!

She is the girl not been ever to a city
she isn’t the girl can call clever and witty
a girl without a mirror she’s the most pretty
and I have loved her and given all my heart!

Her skin is dark cloud her lips river’s flow
her eyes are sky deep tinged with rainbow
she isn’t the girl skilled in love’s fine art
she is the girl I have loved and given my heart!

Her hair rusty black makes the winds insane
her smiles streaming brook no artist can paint
a girl without polish yet a beauty on the earth
and I have loved her and given all of my heart!
Aug 2014 · 935
A Kitten's Story
Hurrying to my work in the untimely shower
Caught my ears the mews but it was rush hour
Must be another kitten born with no luck
Abandoned in the shrub dying on sidewalk!

The day soon rubbed off the mews from my mind
Till my feet trudged home leaving the drudge behind
Once upon that sidewalk in twilight’s grayish hues
I heard it from neath of grass pain’s plaintive mews!

Must be an angel possessed me I did find it out
Picked up took home put warm milk into its mouth
My lady unpleased said our hands are already full
Here you bring another like you isn’t another fool!

But she was the first one to make it a cosy bed
She was the one worrying how it to be properly fed
Yet filled the air its agony’s mews all day and night
She said your taking it here wasn’t all that right!

Its ma must have left the baby in the bush safely hiding
Picking up and taking it home was quite a wrong thing
She must be now crying wild searching everywhere
The baby wouldn’t stop crying till getting back mother!

So the cute kitten I placed back in the hideout on sidewalk
With the prayer it gets back ma wishing it good luck
Leaving it with heavy heart I walked away for day’s work
Sighed the silent sidewalk on my way home after dark!
sometimes the dividing line between wrong and right is too thin.
Aug 2014 · 365
On the palm
time doth give

and takes away too.
Aug 2014 · 483
To where the red soil road loses itself to the sky
she walks in dusted heels

One after other rising and falling the harvests die
can’t wilt her wills.

To where the red soil road loses itself to the sky
she plucks corn in the forlorn noon

Sickle in hand her wishes fly
her dreams won’t die soon.

To where the red soil road loses itself to the sky
she rues not her fate

She pauses to look up to the heaven high
hopeful in her emerald wait!
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Where winds the River
My heart I give to the cloud
my eyes where the grasses quiver
my time is come to leave the high ground
be lost in the mist of the river!

From so far I have wandered
to be lost in you o river
my tears mourn the times squandered
to find you where you meander!

Now is come the time this August noon
to pierce your mystery's veil
to kiss your ripples and die in your moon
go down deep you to feel!

I give my heart to where winds the river
as I stand on your green bank's mound
where the clouds hug you grasses quiver
and soul end of journey is home bound!
Aug 2014 · 546
Only after you lose

you realize

you hadn't done enough.
Aug 2014 · 320
For You
The least I can wish is

Enjoy everyday in peace.
Aug 2014 · 445
Ross Island
You can smell blood in the air
See billowing smokes of gunfire
Feel the fettered men that died there
From hunger disease and hard labor!

Still reek the tennis court and the bakery
Of the sweats of penal toils in that island
Till they fell and died in slavery
To the lashes of the whips of ruler’s hand!

The water plant stands like a cruel mockery
Its ironed frame now ruined in century’s rust
Reminding those souls killed for bravery
Never got a drop of water to quench thirst!

Over the wails of the prisoners were made a paradise
Where the monsters retired to seek love at night
But the crumbling ruins of that island cannot disguise
the stains of blood and denial of prisoners' right!
Where the life of the Indian prisoners was a tale of torture and sufferings in the hands of the British rulers who while treating the convicts like beasts built the isolated island on the Andaman Sea as a paradise for themselves.
Aug 2014 · 578
I need her in my eyes
She's just awhile away and I lose my patience
I need her in my eyes grows my dependence!

I need me in her eyes fill me in her sense
how I love on her my growing dependence!

My urge to be with her is growing by the day
miss her for too long when a moment she's away!

I need me in her eyes need her in my sense
a moment seems too long in her absence!

My need to fill with her gets me happiness
how I love on her my growing madness!

I need her in my eyes fill her in my sense
don't care if it shows love's trait of impatience!
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