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Aug 2014 · 379
House of Cards
There’s no escape it’s ever the life’s part
Breaks one storm the strongest of men
Leaves on its trail pieces of broken heart
Scattered ashes of an undying pain!

Even the toughest falls like a house of cards
With no mend on sight for the brutally scathed soul
No peace to be got from the wisest of words
Charring helpless in grief’s burning coal!

Each breath exhales fumes of the despair
When we’re on the path of this gloomiest travel
That faith can’t heal nor bring to repair
As the mind is sunk in the darkest of hell!

There’s no relief when such times ravage us
For the tides of sorrow with years hardly wane
With time though quieted and within heart hushed
Remain its scars as the forever lasting pain!
Aug 2014 · 399
Serves Right
Two blue duck eggs
Had got me smitten
Halted my legs

Picked them to be eaten!

Had enough of the hen’s
They tasted so stale
Said my clever sense

Duck eggs would serve well!

Brought home the oval two
Two pearls whitish blue
Thought it precious gotten

Lo both of them were rotten!
Jul 2014 · 464
Not a big deal
In death's dulled aftermath
weeps the house

none sees its tears
for the one it held within
for many years

who it nurtured in walled comfort
inducing a sense of permanence

till last night under the stars
came to fetch him the hearse

and he left without caring a fig
in haste for the final benediction
and the burning logs

feigning a peace

as if he wouldn't miss
and not be missed
under the sun
by anyone.

One man less
the house too would heal.

Death is not a big deal.
Jul 2014 · 371
I Believe
whatever you write
i'll believe

i believe in your imagination.
Jul 2014 · 360
Reaching Her
It took me only a moment to like her face
just some while to marvel at her skin
some more time to be charmed by her grace
but a lifetime and haven't reached her heart within!

Some days only it took to ride her cave
explore all her gorges mount her hill
when were reached all the places there to crave
found myself was searching her heart still!

Never thought would it need all my strength
for came easy harvesting her crust
and after having walked the years' length
can't say I have fully reached her heart!

I keep wondering to this day
if I had gone somewhere wrong from the start
as all that seemed precious didn't stay
and I am still madly trying to reach her heart!
Jul 2014 · 768
The Witch
The house seemed to live on its own
In the silence of a monster waiting prey
Skin peeled off mossed abandoned
In a gloom quite untouched by the day!

It was the house standing last in the lane
Hidden in its dark ominous nook
Locked in closed door windowpane
Holding secret of a never opened book!

Not one sign of some life did it show
Bar a glassed shadow in the candlelight
Flickering for a while and then go
Like a passing phantom of the night!

Never go anywhere near that door
Cautioned us the elders in childhood
It was said weren’t seen anymore
Those ventured had disappeared for good!

We found in that lane a peaceful space
For a winter afternoon’s cricket match
Bowling and batting in low pace
When the ball was in air shouting catch!

It happened one day jumped the fence
A bounce took the ball past the wall
The children were worried and tense
Who would go to fetch it make a call!

None was ready to give the door a knock
Having heard about the house its weirdness
What would reveal once the **** was unlocked
Peeped from it the most macabre face!

They left as I stood there alone
With terror creeping to my core
When the wood creaked with a groan
Stood a woman on the opened door!

On her face shone a smile’s beaming star
As she held out the ball for my reach
While I wondered what made them call her
A ***** and child slaying witch!
Jul 2014 · 320
Smoke clogs my nose
The sky blazes red
My pen a wilted rose
No poetry in my head.
Jul 2014 · 460
Sometimes an hour
I was bleary eyed
when she left this morning

my sleepy sighs
couldn’t emit even a bye
just the sound of the lock’s click
made me sick
as did the lonely bed
that would make sleep such ****
make feel each breath
of heavier weight..

I fed the birds
to forget

the hour

she would be gone for a walk.
can be too long
Jul 2014 · 839
The only good thing about devil is

he resembles me.
Jul 2014 · 819
On this rainy day
Throw away girl the parasol
rain wanna kiss your skin
then seep slowly into your soul
settle in love therein.

You don't need girl the parasol
rain longs to touch your face
then take in your heart a quiet stroll
etch there for love a warm place.

Don't walk girl with the parasol
rain is begging for a chance
for your embrace he's blazing coal
burning to wipe out the distance.

Drop girl the parasol on the way
and see the rain's yearning stare
he is falling for your love today
with his heart for you bared.
Jul 2014 · 383
Last Journey
The hearse waits at the door
the dead is ready for the funeral's chore

dressed in this last hour
in wreaths of white flower

can't hold back the widow's moan
a journey that's now his own

can't see his son look grown in years
as he follows his father's hearse.
Jul 2014 · 337
Wait n Watch
Our green budgerie
Feels not weary
Sitting on her legs

Inside her clay ***
With the only thought
Of warming her eggs!

Any curious peek
She meets with her beak
Leave her alone

Shows her face
A divine happiness
Strictly her own!

She’s in no mood
To forgo her brood
Not relaxing till hatch

Steeped in motherhood
Eats little food
Her patience has no match!

We cannot do much
Except only watch
So long she incubates

Till one fine morn
Cute chicks are born
She has her new playmates!
Jul 2014 · 384
Cloud Maker
To be fulfilling is what I always wish
Each day of mine to run smooth and right
Always happens something to diminish
Clip wings of the brightest day on sight.

When dawn quietly opens up eyelid
Reveals a world incredibly fine
I pray to god the least that I need
Is a sky tinted gold in sunshine.

Soon from speck of a cloud grows a storm
Thunders roar lashes rain blizzards blow
Hopes are torn on the path strewn with thorn
Lost is all of the dawn’s pearly glow.

When the night finds me stalled on day’s grave
Shedding tears for its going unfulfilled
Answers god for you fullness though I saved
Your acting a cloud maker got it killed.
Jul 2014 · 497
Lost Child
Child be whatever you want to be
don't become a lost child like me.

find yourself a fresh new stream
a different sky to draw your dream

walk not the way I strode
set out on a new road

one that's still green
not stained with my sin

retrace not my history
be enslaved not in ancestry

bonded not of our war and greed
our stonewalls of caste and creed

walk not the way we trailed
we missed goals we failed

then lost our way in selfish needs
our hopes buried in overgrown weeds.

Child be whatever you want to be
don't become a lost child like me.
Jul 2014 · 754
From my pal whiskey a peg I borrow
To drown therein my load of sorrow
It takes no time for the peg to be gone
But my darned sorrow not leaves me alone!

I plead with whiskey to lend one more
As my empty glass is quite an eyesore
A ****** liberal he pours me more
Still not gone sorrow when pegs are four!

My cheeks are flushed red and hot
One on one he pours me shot
Can’t stop me though a *****’s son
My sorrow still flows in plenty gallon!

The more he pours more get me dumbed
My brain takes leave thinking is numbed
From the empty glass sorrow winks a smile
I hear it say *won’t leave you a while!
Jul 2014 · 440
Hermit's Cat
Where the stardust sky kisses the black river
lies the hermit’s hut.

he lives there alone.

sleeping and waking with the tides
soaked in riverine dew
bathed in southerly rain
mellowed in winter’s shallow sun,

without love..

but for his cat

that unbeknown to him
sinks for his love
dying quiet death of dream

in the black river brimming with fish!
Jul 2014 · 263
Dead than Alive
Why of death be afraid

When living looks visibly dead!
Jul 2014 · 524
Devil Tree
Her bloom would make you delirious
sniff long and you would soon go dizzy
in veins your blood would fast rush
if you ever go near the devil tree!

Go close and she holds you in her power
mesmerized you cannot from her flee
easily falling prey to her white flower
you succumb like a beggar on his knee!

If you ever walk the night of October
beware for she waits for her chance
to lure you with her insane wild odor
trap you in her intense fragrance!

On nights when the winds become thick
breaths pound heavy on your heart
know prowls the hunter lovesick
who without you wouldn’t depart!
Alstonia scholaris — better known as the Indian devil tree.
In owl-moon night
when doors are closed
in shut out light
lanes breathe morose

He carries the weight
dead in drunk sleep
in chilled night’s sweat
of tightened grip

On side of street
men burning logs
seize some heat
as need too dogs

But he must run
errand of hell
till job is done
moon’s face goes pale

Jangle hand’s bell
veins swell up taut
marks frame frail
battle hard fought

From lane to lane
his stone feet roam
till rests his pain
on pavement home!
Jul 2014 · 382
Love is a faith too
Faith my friend* he sighs
and pours me more wine
blind faith I should say
that blurs the dividing line.

Even god doesn't reciprocate
he so often tramples your faith
still your mind belief doesn't vacate
believing is a cursed human trait!

Have faith friend at a great cost
of ******* and never being free
yet you hold onto it till all is lost

he swigs to make his glass empty!

I believed and see where I am
torn and shattered to pieces
no wonder if I'm ******
for in faith I bowed to her wishes!

Love is a faith too only more blind

he looks at me with bloodshot eyes
*makes you devoted with all your mind

till one fine morn she takes you by surprise!
Jul 2014 · 375
When she could ask for sky
In pouring rain
We entered the fair

For no gain
One odd pair

Beneath a sodden tent!

One small thing
Caught her eyes

And her wing
She couldn’t disguise

In that sweet moment!

Asked her why
When she could ask for sky

And I was ready!

Said her tears
For many years

*I craved a teddy!
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
The Master Innovator
Last night too came the demon
My sleeping face he held on stare
Pierced eyelids and had me thrown
To the darkest abyss of nightmare!

He enjoys the way I shrink
As he cruelly muddles my dream
Makes a quicksand for me to sink
Claps in glee at my woeful scream!

He turns turbulent the serenest beach
Rides me up the scariest cliff
His stretched hands always out of reach
The master that he is at mischief!

The demon frequents my nights of late
Himself going sleepless for the fun
Innovating new terrors ‘neath blanket
Conjuring fears where there’s none!
Jul 2014 · 429
What’s the chance?*

She frowns askance

My face she wants to feel
Soon after the deal!

Lights up my face
When jacks and nines bless
Shows up the mess
When I go pointless!

***** is strong if I finger my hair
A tap on left chest means heart
I don’t mind being a little unfair
She must know my strength from the start!

The hints she knows too well
Why I touch the forehead
In my heart she dwells
Clubs with me on diamond bed!

With us are king and queen
The trump suite suits us fine
No way can’t we win
This game of twenty nine!
Jul 2014 · 319
For some time
For some time
they were very happy
at his return

his wife daughters sons
all the beloved ones
as he himself was.

Only for some time.

It made him think of
forever eternal infinite
and more
he attributed to love

all that he yearned for
now remaining no more a dream
but right there before him
to embrace
and continue living in happiness.

But now
after the some time

why they appear to him stale
this replica of a life
he had lived so well

the thought of leaving which
the fear to die
had made him cry!

Craving to be back among the stars
he mutters

*if only I knew
coming back would be a curse!
Jul 2014 · 345
if you ask me
what it takes
to be happy in love,

what's the key to a bond for long,

i still don't know
i'll never know

how it's held for years strong.

if you ask me
what it takes
for a lasting relation,

what's the key to take it along,

i still don't know
i'll never know

how to make love survive that long.

if you ask me
what it takes
for the love to survive,

what's the mystery for two hearts to gel,

i still don't know
i'll never know

how to make love long dwell.

if you ask me
what it takes
to win in love success,

what's the way to love that far,

i still don't know
i'll never know

how i got love-struck by her.
Jul 2014 · 2.3k
Too long, too short
On bed they stirred
when went out light

the couple whispered
past midnight

so fast it passed
the seasons rushed

of time together
for thirty years!
Heat holds stubborn
on the dreary day
till comes rain
and drives it away.


Every cloud has a silver line
we beat the cloud to reach sunshine.


One cute hamlet far from town
catches eye
slows mind down.


Long stretch of green
water filled
here rained much
killed paddy field.


Chunks of cloud
loom overhead
color of summer
in rain will fade.


Leaps up dream in dancing beat
when touches soil
the weary feet.


You never have a sweet word for me
I tease.

she slaps me a kiss.

Ends another glorious day
on the highway.
Jul 2014 · 603
Proof Enough
be happy
that you got to be a drop in this ocean

be fulfilled
if one eye scans your pixeled emotion.
Inspired by Nat Lipstadt's poem 'These are my proofs (I am not pixels)'
Pardon me Nat my unabashed borrowing from my heart's poet.
Jul 2014 · 499
A Monkey on the Roof
There came a monkey on the roof
he had this raised in his mind
long stayed in the jungle aloof
was time he met his superior kind.

He tried to charm showing tricks
made all kinds of faces to entertain
they ran after him with sticks
causing him considerable pain.

To make friends only he had come
thinking they would mix freely
offer him a pleasant welcome
and not act as if he was an enemy.

In the ruckus he forgot the road
fleeing from the stones that were thrown
thereby for good losing abode
got no home to claim as his own.
Jul 2014 · 654
In the midst of life
Many have come before us
many to come after we leave
don’t wake us from the hush
traveler here silently grieve.

Time washed we came on the shore
to our place ‘neath the moss laden stone
when our dreams soared no more
down here we lay cold alone.

Hold here traveler your breath
forget for once all the strife
hear the peace of the world beneath
death in the midst of life.
we are in death.
Jul 2014 · 493
I cannot be as happy
I find the beggar’s face happier than me
At the street corner where I see him daily
In unkempt hair and stretched shriveled palm
He doesn’t look as ruffled or as me bereft calm!

He isn’t a bit perturbed none asks him his name
Not complains of clothes barely hiding his shame
Holds on to a lingering smile never leaving his face
Gathers besides the coins comes whatever happiness!

Scar him wrathful season’s sun storm and rain
Yearlong his beggar’s toil keeps him in the open
Yet never stalks his face the slightest trace of gloom
The dark shades of despair like on my face loom!

The moment you fill his palm he bows in courtesy
Reciprocates with blesses for you and family
I have seen him sharing crumbs with the dog on street
Showing there’s a good heart a mind that is sweet!

I find the beggar’s face far happier than me
Admire him but more than that I do him envy
Don’t doubt it and I'm ready to lay a wager
I cannot be as happy as that street side beggar!
Jul 2014 · 384
Her mind strays as she cuts into pieces
her spread of the morning's fish
fills an ache him she misses
couldn't hold him back her wish.

They crowd around bidding the price
till noon would last the bargain
she spoons fish scales cuts neat slice
in between remembers her pain.

What wasn't in her that he found elsewhere
so he left to never come back
what she lacked that he held so dear
one mystery she never could crack.

They haggle with her for hard bargain
she must have her day's profit
silently stings the long held pain
him still she misses every bit.
Jul 2014 · 855
Scalpel Art
a few strokes of scalpel art
reveal the man's heart

awhile ago it was throbbing


end of a fable

lying in peace

on the mortuary table.
Jul 2014 · 384
Fear of God
God for me provokes the fear of sin
Do I incur his wrath if commit a wrong
Like telling lies or being mean
The fear troubles me all along!

Is he watching all deeds of mine
Keeping notes in his divine diary
If I’m grumpy or genuinely benign
Would move him to decide the key!

If at the pearly gate awaits me heaven
Or god decides the key for hell
He would surely get with me even
If tilts my vice’s scale!

But I admit this fear has one good side
It instills some ponder and brood
If god’s eyes are really opened wide
For heaven’s sake should do some good!
Jul 2014 · 703
His lower arm hugged her upper hip
the humid air was too much to decline
beckoning of her quivering lip
her sweaty smell pouring like wine.

Her subtlest press lighted million spark
his reciprocating started fire
her lobes tinged with blush mark
nothing more the two could aspire.

Centuries old embedded in stone
posteriors arching for ******
cracked alive in pleasure's moan
sunk in the deep gorge of lust.
Jul 2014 · 936
On the low tide marshland I run
to catch the miracle from close
deft splash of colors godly done
river bridging twin gorgeous rainbows!

Now I can leave in peace
without a regret to die
having seen fulfilled my wish
of a double rainbow on the sky!
I'm so happy.
Jul 2014 · 414
Not Everything
I say
She understands
Not everything I do
She approves
Not all acts of mine
She finds good

She just knows

My mind’s every line.

Not everything I speak
She finds sweet
Not everything I love
She loves
Not all ways of mine
She finds good

She just finds me

For her just fine.
Jul 2014 · 488
In this room
I find a sad peace..

in company of memories.

*There as I sit awhile
can catch mom's sweet smile
feel her hands in my hair
her tender kiss of unmatched care!

From his place he peers at me
the bohemian man ever carefree
now forever free and left alone
missing my mom missing his son!

With them went large chunks of me
in a void I sunk helplessly
no tears of mine touched the ground
as this heart broke in silent sound!

Blank stretch on wall looks at me
biding time for another memory
in six by four space of laminate
hangs unseen me for son in wait!
Jul 2014 · 234
I long

for a belief

that would keep me

I wish I had.
Jul 2014 · 297
That's all I know
For the girl I love mountain surmount
glide through the roughest ride
what others say is of little count
I stand firm by her side.

So what if eyes in dissent frown
roll tongues in derision
tries the world to tear me down
I have taken my decision.

Don't bother me her caste or creed
her wealth or social class
know this much her love I need
without it I would be poorer worse.

She is the girl that's all I know
worth walking the longest length
stay by her in high and low
protect with all my strength.
Jul 2014 · 916
Sitting Duck
Price rises in spate
So is not earned buck
Hits me hard market
I fall like sitting duck.

Home’s need for grocery
Rises so too price
My call for austerity
She finds not at all nice.

Goes up quickly tariff
Not my meager earn
Life is pretty stiff
With bump and ugly turn.

Still I breathe carefree
Though my poems don’t pay
With her as company
Look to another day.
Jul 2014 · 647
That’s a sad story sighed the man
Sitting some stairs down the ghat
Made his life miserable the woman
She fully broke the zamindar’s heart.

He loved her more than his life
She knew not love was what thing
Cursed the day he took her as his wife
Gave her a precious diamond ring.

He bought her each wish from her lip
She knew she would only have to tell
For her the man’s love was so deep
He could sell him to bring her all jewels.

For each night she made her bargain
Trapped him her greed’s deadly deal
Blind love drove the man such insane
He became a puppet of her will.

The coming storm he couldn’t foresee
Enamored in love and its waste
Good money was sunk freely
With no reaping of scantest harvest.

His trade started suffering huge loss
Investments sunk in shipwreck
Along came to make the matter worse
Debts’ tightened noose on his neck.

Soon she left with a man she had known
Taking with her the ornaments
She had never thought him as her man
Little did she care his torments.

Still echoes said the man his cry
From here he went to the river
In evenings as this his sigh
Can be heard rending the air.

I asked him how all these he knew
Saw no man but I was alone
Shivering in winter’s cool dew
As moonlight on waves quietly shone.
Jul 2014 · 852
I was not that lucky
I was not that lucky

Not that lucky


Till came you

Came you

Filled heart’s space.

I was not that lucky

Not that lucky

Ever before.

Till you walked in

Walked in

Through my door.

I was not that lucky

Not that lucky

In the past.

Till you stepped in

Stepped in

Placed me trust.

I was not that lucky

Not that lucky

Had times arid.

Till you brought rain

Brought rain

Sowed love’s seed.
Jul 2014 · 372
Once in a Paradise
There may be snakes in the bush
I cautioned her.

This place* she said you chose,
it's you brought me this far

The lone grazing horse
cast us its saddest glance

filled with dark remorse
for the tethered neck and all the lost chance.

The weeded palace was palled in gloom
till lit a spark lovers' entwined arm
the king must have loved in this room
white satin on cold night bed warmed.

Roofless we moved not when came the rain
not let go what for long was kept walled
the horse knowingly neighed for what was to happen
in that paradise of an undying make believe world!
Raindrops wished them
colors seven
obliged sunflame
sliced heaven.


Far from hometown
day hangs still
last sun falls down
nimbus hill.


Reign they all day
changing quick
rain and sun play
hide and seek.


Skims she gaily
July shower
gathering merrily


I see the King
standing on ruin
madly searching
where is Queen.


Say her smiles
though places she roam

love end of miles
waiting home.
Jul 2014 · 308
So be it
She was my good lover

Thought she would make me
A good wife


She carved me the fate

Of being

A poet for life!
Jul 2014 · 704
With fires in heaven
under cloud's mountain
I speak her
words of love.

this moonlit night
is no time
to break the spell

with fires in heaven
and stars tempting
false oaths

she dies

in my million sparks of lies.
Jul 2014 · 420
The world is not in ruins
They went to see the King.

The King’s resplendent robe
they all glorified

but in hushed whispers were heard

There’s no robe
The King is naked

but nagged them doubts
surely their eyes were lying
or the royal attire was too fine
for naked eyes

what they saw
shouldn’t be seen.

It's then a child
before the King boldly stood
and upon his face said

*You are ****.
for the child still speaketh the truth.
Jul 2014 · 500
The Dark Side of Moon
When I stand before the mirror
to my horror
I find I have lost me

stares back at me

though I hate him
he warms up to me
takes me in his reins
morose eyes twinkly
gait sprightly

I become him
waken and in dream
memorizing his line
making his habits mine

like him I sprint
trails of footprint
and in all his fantasy

I'm no more me.

He scares
haunting in nightmares
one part
one heart
one role

He steals my soul.
A tribute to Jeremy Brett who played Sherlock Holmes.
Jeremy once admitted "Holmes has become the dark side of the moon for me. He is moody and solitary and underneath I am really sociable and gregarious. It has all got too dangerous".
Jul 2014 · 354
Living up to love
Oh I find love such an easy thing to do
Easier still to say that I love you
But living up to it I find manifold tough
Tiding over hurdles riding oceans rough!

Love comes such easy wear it like my name
It’s there just for taking a mere child’s game
But living up to it I find quite a hard deal
With voids to fill up and wounds to heal!

On the face it seems love is an easy game
Knocking on her door laying your claim
But living up to it demands lot of commitment
Whose tip is only touched with I love you statement!

But I do find love an easy thing to do
That took me half the life to make it ring true
For living up to it I have tried my best
I avow my efforts are not all gone waste!
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