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        Giver of life,
        Four the unequaled number.
        Imparting resemblance,
                      And­ traits.
         Letting go to raise her own,
                 Her blood.

          Unselfishly offering love,
          Cultivating growth,
          Ensuing self-confidence.
          Planting the spark,
                 To empower us to dream,
                         ­    And hope.
            Engulfing her responsibility.
            Spreading her unparalleled capabilities,
                    Her unrivaled craft.
            Yet allowing her brood to experience,
                         Build a life.

             Providing an outlined map,
                        An example.
             Lessons to pass down.
             Bestowing advice,
                       Answers to inquiries,
                              Keys to locks.
            Humble and understanding.

                                                            All the while pride amplifying,
                                                                ­ To be her son, life, essence.
                                                       Her endowed features shine through,
                                                        ­       I wear them like an insignia.
                                                       ­     Unrelenting gratitude flourishes,
                                                     ­       With no foreseeable confinement.
                                             Unique, coloring a world otherwise painted gray.
                                                           ­            All along glowing.
A hop and a skip
A man on a trip
Everyone stays here
I say let's go
Where do we run to?
We're here at a show
Now go take a bow
The curtain is falling
Just like my tears
Life is a play
And you're a prop
You've got nothing to say

— The End —