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Poppy Apr 2021
Lonely is not just alone
it’s a crowded room
filled with coldness

Loneliness echoes
through hollow chest,
flows through every vein

Subtle glances
Longing looks
Swirls of unspoken words
Poppy Apr 2021
Subtle heat against skin
Grass brushes bare legs
Trees rustle in gentle breeze

Turn page after page
of that thrilling novel,
sipping cool liquid

Bees buzzing
weave through bright flowers,
fluffy clouds float above

These are what come to mind
when I recall those days of
Summers past
Poppy Apr 2021
Sometimes they return,
a rare occasion
How do they know
it’s when I need it most

This ghost brings warmth
instead of cold
It’s so gentle,

They continue to shrink
but I always know
when they’re there
but not why
Part 2 of my previous poem ‘The ghost’
Poppy Apr 2021
A black hole:
darkness, crippling

Giant blue oceans,
wonder what lies deep

It’s a night sky,
few stars scattered

That monotonous ache
paired with a fascination

Uphold such emptiness
yet remain hopeful
Poppy Apr 2021
One melts into another
Sunlight dimmed,
darkness dances on the edge

Two tie together,
a knot of time
in this middle

And whilst the cold creeps in
we’re not sure it’s exact
but it’s here
Poppy Apr 2021
Oh so you are the god
The god of this world
This world that you built
Built on rubble and deception

And there you stand
Stand so very tall
Tall as a tree
A tree that has no right

But everything you built
You built with such disregard
Disregard for all others
Others that fed you
Poppy Jan 2021
Now look at the stars,
each maps out the future
where we shall find ourselves

Your future awaits you,
every star will show
a journey to be followed,
remember to let them guide you
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