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 Feb 2014 Alex Granados
Can you hear me?
Im screaming.
Fool, I need you,
Come back.
Remove those thoughts from your head.
Shut your mouth boy,
You're talking nonsense.
You're loved,
And wanted.
Boy you saved me.
And not only me,
But so many people,
And now its my time to save you.
Its my turn to be the hero,
My turn to be superman.
You can be the damsel in distress,
And I can be the one who takes you away from it all.
Honey just be quiet.
Sit back and relax.
Lets turn this nightmare into a fairy tale.
Today is a Tuesday but to me it feels like Sunday evening
and every day feels like the day you left.
It's raining, and it fits my mood.
If you were here you'd tell me to smile, but what good is smiling
if you're not here to return it with your own?
I never really understood heartbreak until I gave you my heart.
Because I guess I forgot to mark it with "return to sender".
Unless you just wanted to keep it for yourself.
For all I know you could collect girls' hearts like
you collected the vinyl you couldn't play
because you didn't even have a record player.
I got a call from your mom last week.
She said she missed me, and then she told me the news.
I guess I should have seen it coming.
But like everything, I put too much faith in the universe.
I never thought that it would really take you away.
I miss you like it was yesterday but I was lying before.
It wasn't last week that I got the call,
it will be four years in the fall.
And everyday feels like the day you left.
Sleep sweetly.
my throat is a forest fire,
a burning map that never leads to
'the depths of virginia'

your hands are made of water,
icy cold and haunting and
I don't know what else to say except

I sometimes think that we should have a history book
rewritten with our names, because I'll be ******* if
we are not rewarded for the way we forget about our past

in the James River and forget how to sway my limbs around to float

this is not a love poem
this is not an "I miss you, come back" poem
this is a confession
this is a love letter
written on the palms of my hands because I know
you'll never get over how badly they shake

maybe I'm confused or lovesick or homesick
for a home that can only be found inside of warm chests
but I needed to write this for someone, for myself

maybe my questions don't need answers,
maybe they just need to be heard.
If you see her again before I do, tell her the way she left left me shaking like a winter windchime;
the song too frozen to melt on her tongue.
I am scared of all her moving on.
The only serious love poems I write are about the same person who hides God in her hair and shows me the lingerie she bought while I try to unfog my glasses to look at her straight.
I am too convinced that she is made up of lines that lead straight to my firework skin. There has been too many explosions here.
The only way to deal with missing you is to tell you and wait and see if you feel the same. Or novacane.
I imagine you taste like an acid trip... all conspiracy theories and sugary words too sober to ever speak.
If you see her again before I do, tell her that I am a mess without her.  That my mind only settles with her tear-stained cheeks and the only way I can see the ocean in the winter in Canada is to look into her eyes.
I am scared that I am being overdramatic.
I want to rub our wrists together so we can trade scars.
Tell me the story of how you met your best friend and I'll tell you the story of how I fell out of loving my mother.
I would rather listen to you ramble than check the time.
If you see her again before I do, tell her that on the way home from her arms I counted 1200 streetlamps, 13 lovers, 3 liquor stores and 72 shakes of my knees.
Tell her I miss her like Frances misses Kurt.  Like dive bars miss blues music.
When I see you again, lover, I'll tell you that when you told me your name two years ago, I was surprised that it wasn't Love.
 Feb 2014 Alex Granados
Are we alive?
Who's to say that we are not dead,
that there maybe life in our coming death.
What life is on going
never to end.
So in keeping track of the years of our lives
are we really just waiting to live?
 Feb 2014 Alex Granados
The mind it races
It shapes and fools
But it races the heart

The heart will rule
 Feb 2014 Alex Granados
If I am to fall
Let me fall hard
Let me hit the ground and shatter myself

But If I am to fly
Don't cut my wings
Let me be free
Let me see from the sky
Way Up High
 Feb 2014 Alex Granados
Hey darling,
I wrote you a letter,
It bled out,
With the blood from my heart,
And had its own special signature.
I tucked it away,
Its under my bed,
Waiting for the day,
That I bring up the courage,
To kiss you one last time,
Hand you the letter,
And walk away,
As my final goodbye.
 Feb 2014 Alex Granados
To anyone out there who hates their freckles,
The way your body looks,
Your voice,
Or your life in general.
Your imperfections are perfect.
They are beautiful and they make you, you.
Be proud of them,
And wear them with a smile,
No matter how a-dork-able your smile may be.
Love is ..........
Love is sheltering from the rain
Together remembering not to complain
Making every little thing worthwhile
Changing sad times with a smile.
Love is learning to accept mistakes
Knowing when to put on the brake
When annoying habits come to light
Especially loud snoring at night.
Love is all about sharing, caring and acceptance
And of course it is all about romance.
Love is about trust. A must to survive
To keep the relationship alive.
Love is learning to forgive, starting again
When an argument sends stuff down the drain.
Holding each other, protecting and laughter
Giggling under the sheets, looking after
Each other when things go wrong.
Love is breaking into your favourite song
In the car when snow melts falling from above
Gently once more falling deeper in love.
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