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demonic pedantic srxeqw pulse: ***** loose: the "favorite"... eye sharp of ignite the Rabbi.... oculus per oculus: peck us all the crows will have all the ideas: peck us all... one my one: doesn't sign in my harmony: memory is angel  born while imgination is demonic born.... god and man are entwined in this Holiest of Wars between singing Angels and talking Demons... we are the inllect last refuge: i memorise: i remember the title held by robot Michael... i imagine: i forget: Satan the tongue bruised shield us Gabriel: we are about to tussle and make Sabbath!+

i have a guardian angel
of memory
and the imaginative demon
and a self
i think with
i just read some Sartre...
i'm thinking about the Volcano
and the *****
and what literature i will
leave Reyla with....
i have a guardian angel
of memory
and i a guardian demon of
here i am born of salt
and stone
of fire
and water in alcohol!
i summon you i summon all ye!
for the tomato-tomato parliament!
the Hindu cult of death
the ***
Shiva making love
to Khatmandu.... Shiva ****** Kali...
Vishnu was the crucified exeorcism
lesbian gay Gandu
Gandu this misogyny in Christianity: ugh!
i'm no anti-racist:
i'm just NOT RACIST....
i wast not supposed subcribed payed
to write...
but the idea
of conquering 20th century existentialism:
solipsist Hiedegger:
solipsist Sartre....
then said parties meets a woman
what fine tuned *** to ram
packing quacks on ducks...
i knew i get out of here on a few coin
flips Like sinking Titanic.....
Siren Edie
i sink to where you swarm.
there is no ordeal
of the alternative love:
****** and its occult
and it's collective atheism:
currency of Christianity
via the denominations
Catholic Alien
Protestant Polytheism: ALLIGNED
and then Greek and
Russian Orthodox:
******* ISLAM!
and then Islam...
            so if the Catholics are to the Americans
like the Native Americans
then Orthodox Russians and Greeks
must be like... ******* ALIENS!
no! really i'm all wild eyed mushroom high
just fire and grass
and diasphora dynamism blah blah...

like pagan painted these other christians
in green and pink
and gold then some black:
dunno: ****** bro wants a chimp sneeze
to casual tux and ****...
jungle drums... urban baron
angry black father
why his daughter not on the market
like St Matthew in Ethopia...
a martyr...
but there's Edie my Yusuf my Yum of the Yah:
and she's gearing up
to make me ******* on her snore...
the mind can't survive the mind: when the mind dies it has to remember the brain as sponge and a membrane of Child Cinema of Cartoons as a Defensive MEmbrane.... then the mind has to move to the heart and find the worm to scare the serpent on the tree from the apple! angry: bite of Adam and Eve displaced me took away my hobbit hole in the ground! then from the heart where will it travel: by now the Soul has heard what the Mind is doing with the poetry of the body: now the woman walks in... i am the WORM of the apple the serpent ****** bad neighbor i will give you my whiskley worm juice both in light of amber... the serpent will suffer more than god implied: i am the worm that will eat the serpent... i will be the feminine wasp larva let's speed up the Bible with Nature! ***** funny f'ah ah ah ha ha: it can be done! it's so done... Fuse the Bible with Darwinism and call it: Paganism and not Western Post-Colonial Intellectualism... nothing Atheism of Islam and nature: in vitro... no not that many Swedish ***** pumps... i get drink to feed a deprived intellect... maybe in San Francisco i will know of Moscow and Pink tunes in ****- Gandu... the **** Taylor Svift lizzens shoo... *****! also heard the dinosaurs and the serpents like pickled brain spines and mammal humanoid to robot the serpent hid so smart... crux: poor guns ****** up... NEXT!
there is REyla
and there's Edie
the daughter
and the mother
then i am
with my son:
i am the father of
a self in quantum-trinity
i have a son
i am the father
and the son is the father
and the father is the son
and the holy ghost
is in communion
with the Satans.
that is happiness
unlike concern
there's: there being
but then i can't rap
just images
i need Francis Bacon
in the clouds
i see faces in the clouds
we            WE are having parliament
of shadows
WE have audience
with each other:
who the ****** spelled
the Quran to the mother!
i said the Quran was written
by a woman
i don't like modern feminism:
i'm flying in into San Francisco
to clean the city up
with some fire
dust... please...
rap rap rap rap
rap rap rap ****** rap ******
stop singing
rap rap rap ******
Beckett not-I...
this ****** ***** the old man
is thinking in B-movie LEwisham ******
come on let's get angry
let's get angry
with Hod is the jockstrap censor smooth
over Allah for the ridicule of Dog
grandpa KEnya
before Arabia arrived...
oh oooh sweet
guess i get the proper ****
  ooh baby i bus you drive
a train like a stroking my lion's mane
i want to love i love i want
to love i just love
i hate and torture in the shadows...
i got the ego walking on the moon
and the id as earth
and the son as god
Puerto Ricans island
mythology Reyla:
your mother is Aztec
            tell me of the other feathers
and gold:
now i see hope now i rip out ****
******* ****** two by tow by two...
black girl spells
out N I GG E R
S snigger: i sniggered: like daredevil
                         that wide ***
those **** the shower scene
and she shaves her *****
so i can eat her out without
a romanticist mouse and tash: rash: Ottoman
like a blade to the neck
and i trust them
the Valhalla of the Janissaries
and the Herald of the Hussars: Winged...
and as much of neck
as my hand will allow
and lips and tongue to the ear:
both your ears
a father erotica
with a brother i **** my sister
because the anti-****** is
****** first...
i against i: finally the deadlocked passed
i stopped wrestling with my mind
and gave it all up for the calling of the heart,
plane tickets booked
27th February through to 7th of June
a long layover at San Francisco: jeez!
i'll get to see sightsee the mainland of
America for the first time
13h45 minute transfer from San Francisco
international to Oakland Colliseum Aiport
and a ride tram through the city
oh what time will it be daytime or nighttime
i wonder past the Prison Planet Alkoonze
and maybe the Rock too
because i have a thousand snakes in my head
but only a pitiable worm in my heart
yet the worm is more powerful than all the snakes
put together to make a dragon
yes i am reborn and so much and such is my joy
that i can't even get drunk on 70cl of *****
and a drag of a joint
my joy is too great it is a joy a gravity
this worm in my heart
is the fruit not allowed in Eden
because i wonder if the story is told with Eve
plucking the apple and the natrual harmony
set in with the apple bitten into
and technically making the worm living in it homeless:
all the other trees didn't allow for parasites
to make their fruits home
that's why the serpent was guarding the tree
because it had other living creatures in it
while the other trees didn't...
and if this is the fruit of my labours said the serpent
let me ask a childish question
about life and energy and reincarnation
because once this dynamic rules
this dualism of the cosmos:
the worm in the apple becomes
the serpent on the tree
and vice versus i return to the apple as a worm
and the worm replaces me
such is my tedium and revenue...
now i can feel the cunrches in my stomach
and bile in my mouth like Beelzebub asked:
what, no me?
Azealia Banks - 212 ft - lazy jay...
this is party baron Beelzebub it's like the music
must be switched on...
the disco must go on and the streets need to be piled
up i want to see how authnetic is the **** Holy City...
i want to see the junkies
i want to see how far the Liberal Distopia does
with terms of rabbits
then on my return i'll stop over in New York
West Coast first then East Coast
looking through the telescope
of the beast of the seas
on Hawaii...
i'll bring back the beast of the earth
and return her like a Potato to the old continent
then i'll call over the Russians to call over
the Chinese to call over the Mongols...
then we might move to ask the Japanese
to team up with the Taiwanese and replicate
the Great Migration of Polynesia...
that ancient travel that is more admirable than the migration
of the Jews and the diaspora of other tribes...
i'm coming to America: i feel excited: Gandu Gandu...
i'm going where you bothers and brothers from Asia
and Africa will find it hard to find and me perhaps
hard time for banana boats to reach Hawaii.
jon fosse "slow prose" can actually
become munition
and target practice on lazy poetry:
unlike what Joyce or Beckett
and other rigid post-modernists
envisioned so heavily edited
to perfection for print...
                i must be solely surviving
on Scandi- lit-
       because from fosse
and knausgaard and kierkegaard
    i'm not evening reading English writers
but transcending English
back to the roots: German and heidegger
and kant and i can't stand
all those pedantic **** English sensibilities
with their corrections facilities
for the natives that used to be
the Welsh and the Picts and Irish...
i actually hate the Scots for retaining
only their funky tartan dialect
and unlike the Welsh not having their
own tongue... Chamberlain capitulation!
proper fuckery and self-suffocation!
but yes... yes yes:
all for the sake of the "union"... blah.
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