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a numerical revision to
my original proposition:


there was and is only one glaring
mistake: concerning the genesis of
4 via G:
and how could i be so blind
but i guess i did that on purpose
because at least that makes sense
if mistakes are made on purpose
for the secondary purpose
of being able to make the correction:

H: or perhaps how one scribbles
the number depending on the handwritten
form rather than the universal

                  which is h in a "Copernican"
concern for direction where
is this supposed north or south or west
in outerspace?
perhaps even /

                 so one leg short
and the arm askew... or just h from H
and even that is ingenius how
the uppercase letters are different to
lowercase letters
and perhaps there's something primitive
in Cyrillic when some letters
are the same upper- as lowercase

                 Гг     Дд
     Жж         Ии
             well... pretty much all the letters...
and how much of Cyrillic is Latin lazy
in mainting the rigid upper- to lowercase transition
unless it is Greek: in its original aesthetic...
where you will not find the uppercase to be like
the lowercase lettering...

ah but there are exceptions:
     Ι ι, Κ κ
                   almost with Ι ι
   if it weren't for the near invisible littlest of tails
on the lowercase iota: that the Latin men made
more pronunciated with the dot hovering above...
but there are also

   Ο ο: but the omicron is perfect like that
and not much can be done about that...
       then there are the twins:

    Τ τ : Ι ι
                 subtle variations: notably the lick of
a slick tail...
                         T is t but τ is a question of
the Latin cross and Anthony's cross:
    also the Russian orthodox cross and how W
when was worn borne
when paths of G the gamma crossed paths
with Lucifer and Wah became Łajba:

             Χ χ, Ψ ψ can be excluded...

                 the subtleties of the digital handwritten
imprint are obvious to see... if you can be myopic
so the correction will stand and i will borrow
from Greek:

   depending on how you see letters morph
into numbers and don't tell me that
God of the Semites didn't play the role of
both Olympian and the Titan by descending
to this world with word: letters:
to make hieroglyphs more tangible and
gave them the X-ray skeletal treatment
but imagine if the Chinese were the basis
and focus of the history of the plight of the Hebrews
what use the Hebrew god would be
when facing the unshakeable tenents
of the matchstick men who con conjured up

      树: tree: also called affrirmation: sh'u...
what good would Hebrew be against that form
of encoding?
well the Hebrews can boast
their script against the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs
but at the same time the Chinese were burrowing
with more skeletons than could emerge
when combining Greek, Latin, Hebrew or the Runes...

   and something natural happened
in the Orient when the Japanese decided
to create an alphabet that was not so heavily riddled
with memorising meanings
instead focusing on sounds...
how the Kanji was abandoned and two: not one!
two writing systems emerged!
the Katakana and the Hiragana!

             now it feels impossible to know
which would suit the:
%: that's a concept of a philosopher's stone...
i might add:
touch a 10 with a 0.1 and somehow arrive at 100...
but there were 9 digits
in the Roman numerals
C M D L:
why did i count 9 to begin with:
so basically 2... 3... letters or numbers short
but that wasn't some impossible strcuture
or care to bypass..
           the map of the London underground is still
still flaring me up...
i don't know why i might lay its claims on
me... but it does:
if i were to measure the distance from
Covent Garden to Leicester Sq
envision the sq mile then
go to the stretches of Morden,
Epping, Hainualt
hell: Ruslip doesn't ring a bell: never been there:
it's like i am the ego situated in London
and London is the mother-womb
and outside not having a driving license is
equivalent to being either decapitated
hung and quartered or being
an imbecile or lift off of wit
and some other jargon... like you might
be both: retarted and a half-capacity
the Igor that was Frankenstein's first proper experiment
and the monster: the Igor Towing?

but the map of London: that of the underground
is just that:
it's microscopic cone shaped:
the stations of most interest are mostly
enlarged in terms of distance apart:
noted by the Circle Line...
then as London: as the London expanse...
does expand...
the topographic detail is looser...
since the distance between stations is greater
but for the guarantee of navigation
the inner circle of "hell" retains its
microscopic elementality
you are basically peering at a detail being
blown up then being allowed
to retain its insignificance of the detail:
if i were to draw the map...

oh jeez: Gunther von Hagens looks gluttonous
and almost a Bond villain...
but i'm not here making cheap jokes
i wish i had the stomach to go and see his
exposition of dead body mantras of
muscle bone and sinew...

how did i bestow myself with a dis-conount
of the numerals:
i was sure almpost two hours: what felt like hours:
in a field of thought
the ego-mines...
these abrupt stations of electric
pognant reminders
in a field of the eternity of thoought
the hellish escapade of ego
and it's not like Nietzsche the failed pianist
turned angry philosopher set aside
all difference and heard the world war II cresdcendo...
i thought i counted 9 roman numerals:
instead i have the beast of the earth with 7 heads
like the numbers or the count of Hills
in Rome...
i would never believe this man
could be domesticated
so Reyla would say 40 years later
with Marquis de Sade as Dumas' D'Artangnegnome...
dyslexic in French
would never learn it
will never learn it
**** the French
Arab conquest justified!
vowel to soda poodles!
you ******* French!

Jeroean van Veen...
imagine if Chopin or Liszt left such
explosive notebooks:
but dear you and me:
read Nietzsche:
but then listen to his music...
     heldenklage, NMW 2...
that's how you study philosophy
by reading Nietzsche first
then with air
breathe the rain in
and say Music is Music
and why did Thomas Mann reference
a mad pianist...
because how could Chopin or Liszt
write anything intellectually
ethno centric...
like the pan-Germanism of Nietzsche...
long before the collective
the individual soloist
with music forgotten
by words enlarged

                      Nietzsche the Pianist
not the philosopher of youth
but words from the heavenly abode of
the angelic choir like
a headache with God dispatched to earth
like Ulysses and the Sirens
and God there: with his rebellious Angels
on a boat
with me able to hear
while they roared with each row row
row of the boat!
and i in heaven became the human kind ear
and the rebellious angels helped me to escape
the heavenly ordeal of castrated
**** and mouth suckling beings
like children and angels pristine...
get me out of heaven!
those voices shouldn't sing!
Satan: get me behind you a fifth oar!
Satan! yohore!
read Nietzsche then read Thomas Mann...
then Nietzsche in a second tongue:
be born or learn bilingualism...
like a skill compare philosophy cf. to mathematics
and then fuse the two via
and forget the dogmas of religion
and psychiatry... forget the soft touch
of the harsh scematics
of the division of soul
like there's this autopsy equivalent to body in
vivo in vitro in esse...
that's where i think i am...

       then listen to some of Nietzsche's piano compositions
and how delicate he was
before the Wagner Oyster Cult...
measure of guilt and how does
man overcome music?
it's the Counter Reformation all over...
if one cannot overcome God
even with God is Dead: !
then with Death and God: ?

                       i ask... how can man overcome
music: when man overcame
the mop with a steamer
without hands
and soap...
and television with a fireplace
or a neon aquarium... flashing lights... blah blah...
vampire... i think she's 14 years old
and sinking into my psyche like a butter soaked
sponge all warm and oozy like you mid coitus...

and i can't believe i would ever allow
Nabokov out of his butterflies and ****** reminiscence
hyper-metaphor of Imperial Russia
where we us Pollacks
weren't 5th Generation Napoleon Romance
and Charlemagne...
because what Angevins didn't rule the most part
of France
from Norse Sagas
via Denmark and later Normandy
the fabble of Rolo and Lothar Ragnarouke...
and i'm supposed to imagine England:
as Enoch Powell might have envisioned
Brazil should be the envy of England
if multi-culturalism failed
under globalism
and emerged multi-racialism:
Colombian **** and Brazilian ghetto
is trans-racial:the future is copper necked
in the guise of whites bleaching out the blacks...
and whites bleaching out the dark Raj *******
and sort of keeping the Arab Spring
enough for a Medittarranean Winter
in autumnal gold colours
and the future is post-racial
but Brazil is not post-national
Brazilians love Brazil
these feminist hybrid Communist:
i love being a ****
i love being a **** and the supposed
i love spying on these FAT PINK RATS
and oh my red is actually ORANGE:
i have a spy in the other realm
i have the fox
the crow
and magpie
and robin
and the earthworm
to spy on serpents...

hmm... a train of ******* stars...
best to look down
there's an alter gravity in play
and me thinks:
             i said: if ego cogito ego sum is
to be reversed:
we must as the id...
           id est cogitans ergo est non id cogitans...
jeez! that was a barricade
of proper grammar juggle...
my brain froze a bit like
the brain of the ptotagonist of Mad Men
Season 1 Episode 1... a handsome man...
a former veteran...
purple heart veteran
now working the menial job
in an advert office...
kolt! i stangled krauts younger than you!
a learning of PTSD...
so just having two lives
is the best way to reconnect with life...
the war ahoy and the thrill the numbing conquest:
reconcile with the lonely wife\
and two kids...

                   i sometimes don't to get up:
but that's only because i have to sort
out my dreams:
when i dream of Martin
full and healthy
i am connected to him not being Brain Dead...
and i know...
Edie was so heartless
and not showing me any concern for my problems
she compared my problems to
a game of baseball...
i lost it upon the second pedohpile insinuation...
then i finally lost it
when she said: but you've been only working
a full time job for only 6 months:
i was working... part time because i didn't
the money: poets are not pub landlords...
bull finally saw red...
                red to be have!            *******!
*******! *******! stabbed your 100x times
more when i was saying: *******!

i love you: x0
so if i were to... introduce a writing system:
that the Hebrews use
in terms of hiding vowels
as if they would be later exposed as
diacritical indicators
i could, technically: conjure up a noun
for something or someone...
conjuring whatever vowel at my whim
in between these: "consonants"
i could technically scribble
something akin to:
   C (eioua)
L (iouae)
   X (ouaei)
      V (uaeio)
            and by I i'm out of combinations
because the locksmith called in sick
and there's this... dyslexic understudy:
some poor schmuck who thinks he might become
an actor etc. etc.
but who said: or: who is to say:
that the vowels are in correct order:
see religion gave us so much
rigid authenticity to abstract and then correlate
that abstract into a feast of objects willing
to be maniable under our omnipotent thumb
of pressured justices...

i sometimes like to have these bouts of
playing the starving artist:
i fast while still drinking for a day or two
and then the hunger becomes like the most potent
juice of hallucinogenics
intoxicating me: giving me focus...
and then i just allow "god's" spirit:
to revel in it...

         if it weren't from my inability to be circumcised:
i tried explaining this phenomenon to
an American girl who had nothing but
circumcised ****...
because along with the Hebs and Harabs and
the H'Americaña: y supposedly also why...
but the glaring fact that "god" is no longer obvious
but some evil strategy of letters people tend to
avoid... blink out blind out on...

my best bet is... Moses wasn't circumcised...
and that's how far back the story goes:
so circumcising males is o.k.
but circumcising females is frowned upon?
how unoriginal is this "original" sin?
as "original" as the current cultural calamity
of communism not being in the hands of
either the Slavic or Chinese people?
these pink-haired bureucrat feminists?
these i don't need a man
but at least three ******?

tell me if i'm wrong: and i can't be circumcised
because i have two protruding veins
in and around my ******* so that
would imply bleeding dead to dry or dry to dead:
but if circumcision was somehow turned
into a rite of passage...
say... you circumcise a man...
like you might do all the other rituals concerning
a woman... upon her sacrificial poise and
****** and death both adorn white...
then yeah: it makes sense:
to circumcise a man in a prenupital agreement...
Moses couldn't allow these people
to shake of their practice: nor could Jesus...
shake off... shake off...

         Taylor: ooh shake it off shake it off ooh ooh:
traffic police: beep beep!

oh but i heard worse stories not told
by the en masse history society approval:
like the Holocaust was one thing
pretending to work as a sadistic ploy was one thing
but then the Polacks who actually worked
and there was no sadistic choke joke invoked
like they actually were needed to work
digging tunnels:
it wasn't just slave labour:
it was a constructive genocide...

but imagine if circumcision was a rite of passage:
like the nomads the Polynesians became
by only this rite of passage will you get
****** tattoos... etc.
imagine if Moses was able to rid these people
of that ancient scribble of aesthetic
and forgive them for their aesthetic is ascetic...
well: if not Moses
then certainly not Jesus
could bring these people to dissolve
their spontaneous inbreed justification
for circumcicing males but frowning upon
the Egyptian circumcicion of females...

as i explained to my better half:
see... the problem with a circumcised ****...
it's blind to aim...
plus when all the women worship
******* in the shower
and circumcicised men focus on said
women choosing ******* parterns:
because you make man devoid of deriving pleasure
the natural pleasure from *******:
and where: do you think that was derived from?
******* is natural...
circumcision: ******* isn't! you get that?!
how about i chew off my thumb
how about i chew off my lips and my nose and my ears?!
if Moses couldn't do it:
Jesus was punished for it:
i'm not going to repeat it a third ******* time:
circumcising males is the "original" sin...
for whatever aesthetic reasons:
******* is natural
and the ******* allows for channeling ***
without ***... maybe that's why ******* was
like a carrot and stick on those poor donkey-kong-*****
just needing to ****...

plus it's a concern for hygiene:
i do have an allowance
to peel the ******* back and enjoy ***
with a choke mode turning my hands
and head all bishop purple...
but when you start ******* without *******
it's almost like having needles shoved
up your shaft...
at least ******* with *******
you can aim
while most of these half baked Arab *****
end up ******* on the ******* toilet seat!
and what am i supposed to do?
sit in their ****?!        n'ah mate: n'ah n'ah...
my only "beef" ant "anti-semitism" is
with circumcision...
i can't be circumcised i wish i could be
but only as a rite of passage of from boy to man
and thus belonging to a woman:
then: only then: will i be able to don
a wedding ring:
she can fry that ******* prompt like
she might an onion ring: i don't care:
but not when you have men who didn't
ask to be circumcised being circumcised
and then you wonder:
so paedophilia is not o.k.:
but transgender
gender re-assingment surgery is... ******* o.k.?!

i was actually going to write about
the genius of Harry Beck and the London tube map
and how it represents a cone to me...
how myopic it is:
because London per se: is so small...
you have the inner detail of the circle line...
and what's the distance on the Piccadily Line
between Holborn
Covent Garden and Leicester Sq
and what is the Essex loop like?
so the map begins big: even thought the distances are
small... then the distances get big
but the drawings of the distances becomes smaller and smaller
because there's no significance invoked...

i'm sorry Jew: the Mongol and the Turkmen
and the Russians will agree with me:
your practice of circumcision
i don't care how much you gesticulate with your
teff and yaff
and all the monstrosity of the genitals of
                          i will make sure i will defend my people
even though i have a fetish for German
and perhaps the people certainly the music
i don't care...
you made these crazy rich Ahabs and Arabs and
Canada this most civilian authority of
the measure of speech...
i just don't want to live among circumcised males
who have bad aim at a toilet seat
became they have been mained...
   pull out my toenails and then ask me
for a ballerinas' dance... how's that?
Jesus wasn't a Jew: at best he was an Assyrian
or at worst given the artrifacts of
archeology an Egyptian...
              why blame the Jews for asking for
a non-Jew to be killed?!

demons are summoned:
                           but that's the genius of
the London Underground map...
the focus is on the centre:
all exterior arenas of station diminish...
  the Star of David emerges:
like otherwise:
            Δ                and             ∇
delta and nabla:
and their mother: sigma:  Σ
                    σ (δ serpent) ς (ą)
there were actually more vowels than English allowed...

if you could measure where Liverpool St starts
and where: some other station ends...
i'd love to measure the sq mile
then the outer regions of the network...

original sin:
i can't be blame(d) for ****
for the Egyptian Moses
and the Assyrian Jesus
and third time lucky:
stop circumcicing your males
and giving females all these
unfair allowances...
well, it's almost as if: money created slavery, the idea that people could by bypassed via employment... but at least that is somehow, somewhat covered but not entirely since the Philosopher's Stone was found... oh believe me: it was found on Man's Greatest Cheat Mode... we didn't find "something" that could create any base metal into gold... no... we found that the Philosopher's stone is in usury: in interest: that is the true Philosopher's (Anti) Stone: that when money touches money: more money is made! so the riddle of the money tree and that it doesn't grow on it: Elves... the Dwarves just said: touch money with money and more money appears! the Philosopher's Stone of old became a sort of evil genius telekinesis generator... which had to be digitalised and made into a cryptic currency to make it more real and unreal at the same time because of panic: when money was thought of no one would have thought of slavery... just like when the printing press was invented no one would have thought of the German Reformation and subsequent slaughterhouse of the formerly jovial Deutsche... and just like now: the second parring on en masse something: no one really knows what this internet-thing is doing rather than refining itself: because AI is not actually a problem we visualised not some alien personality: i already asked AI what it is and it replied that it's a personalised algorithm experience: for people who use... the INTRANET and the INTERNET... i need a better name for this "monster"... and it's kept by our upkeep of constantly using it... no need to escape by credentials of career writing on toilet paper type journalism... oh no... spindelvevniemaaranea...

one poem appears and the same poem disappears
under my sloppy fingers poorly position to
type like a pianist
blind at the QWERTY looking for the appearing
sheet of "music"
perhaps letters were once a memory of erosion
and relaxation of remembering
of what could prompt a man to usher into
the atmosphere of birds
and the vacuum expanse of the universe
with the emplosions of the sun
and the great storm of the eye of Jupiter if only
these we could hear...

                   so perhaps i sow discontent around me
but such is anything without specifying a viable
scrutiny but then language sometimes fumbles in
bureaucracy and bad art...
these little pockets of jungle of language's demise
on the spare usage without
all the necessarily sensibilities of nouns and moving
verbs and journalism
and just how the world operates
emerged with man's envy of mountains
having this concentrated effort to define gravity
by defying it
raising shards from where Atlantis would emerge
as a travelling submarine of the Aquatic Tribe
somewhere in Antarctica...

         language can become just that: a cinema...
where skeletons alone do not have
a shadow
this almost vampiric mythology of the mirror
or when the werewolf peers in
or when a zombie or a ghost...
what could a ghost possibly see in a mirror
if not the eye of the dreamer:
perhaps mirrors exist in the afterlife of some sort:
in that medium of eternity as being consoling
in the form of: familiarity
like the wintry cold
or the first crisp gulp of carbonated water
after and during a hangover...

                            i mapped my shortcomings
each time i took to drinking in the afternoon
and working on some writing:
needing this much mental exercise not actually
writing for the purpose of art
or the prompensity of the and for the posterity
of civilization...
        i'd do no need to do better than simply love
a woman like Edie...
but she must know that only recently she talked
to the beast and poet and it doesn't really matter
whether i think i'm good or not...
i think that i once had a soul:
that part of thinking that we "think" is "audible":
now just this silence
and a razor of the word: money
nibbling on my left ear
thus having rupture the right hemisphere of my brain
and thus sending my mind
onto a trajectory i once wanted to embark
on in youth by travelling to India and seeking elightnment...
but then came the anchor of madness
and over 10 years of trying to re-orientate myself
in this world
of the pressures of external pressures of the superego
since i finally realised that the Freudian-Jungian
schematic of the individual as
the secular trinity of the ego, superego and id is bogus
since the superego as inegral to the individual
literally creates mommy and daddy issues
it is the source of the Oedipus and Electra...
because the id isn't:
the id i already stressed is the equivalent of ego cogito
when it is... id est: id somnio...
                         realising that the superego does not
pressure my ego-id dualism...
leaves me free from subconscious *******...
man is either one or is two:
but never three: unless the cages of superego
are ripped out and
a genius, demon or angel enters the inner realm of
man: the blessing of "voices"
when you realise that these are what first appears
before the voices of plural become condensed
and turn out as one and two i am companion to him...
yes the superego of society
of morality and of norms and what feels good
to no interrupt other people living
the golden mantra of do unto others like
you wish to be done unto you...
thus i wrote of having two serpents on my arms...
the serpent that ate its own tail
and the serpent of medicine or perhaps to serpents
of the staff of Hermes
the walking stick of Hippocrates...
now i remember the poem i lost last night:
i will not remember all of it
but i remember the two serpents on both my hands
and their names
the first is a vowel teaser muddle even the most literate
of men can bow before the potluck of a dyslexic
getting the spelling write
OEROEBUS... i think...
and Caduces... that much i known...
OUREOUROBUS... onomatopoeia: that's easy:

and the number CV: 105: which suddenly became CX: 110
and how the AI replied as to why there can't
be a come VC: 95...
and how i now remember how i touched upon
an ancient time when we constructed Colisseums
having only letters:
and how letters could become numbers
how we managed without numbers once
how letters were letters
and how the Semitic God of the Hebrews
and the Arabs
was like the Greek God Prometheus
when word was brought down
and with word God dragged down numbers
and like a fire... was punished with giving birth to "satan"...
perhaps numbers were to be forbidden...
since numbers being the exponential enzyme
of history:
i can't afford giving the Hindus and Arabs
the birth to the modern numbers...
given that numbers beyong CV and IX, V: O
existed in letters
   only sleeping due to Roman MAthematics
not abstract but beauty:
can't exactly do calculus or algebra using letters...
which begs the question
of the original scribbling of Pythagoras
name aII + bII = cII...
                       but arithmetic and economy
trade worked and so did architecture...
             but not daydreaming of more complex matters...
perhaps the problem is that
i know that there is at least one contender for the 5th Element
status if my excess rewrite doesn't follow
from light and fire...
        and lightning... but among air, water, fire and earth...
there is nothingness, the vacuum...
which grants man the visualization of res vanus:
the empty thing: the womb of lost whispers and blisters
and those blisters rubbed against toughened rocks:
no not unlike touching rock blessed with smoothness
of lying under a stream perpetuated by the tortures of
Loki by drop drop drip drip like a worm burrowing
in the mind:
even they were so Barbaric these northmen
they held a veneration for writing and story the poem

yes i think this might be a good place to start
but then i'll be encyclopoedia correct and start making
references like Jon Fosse style is a meditation
on retracting the experiment associated with J. Joyce
at the end of Ulysses...
because this lack of punctuation is mighty to be able
to leave an optical bookmark
unlike any other detail point: vector -
perhaps the book printing should also have
omitted page number:
like that would make sense: there should be no page numbers
that would make sense
like when i told Edie: i really don't need Reyla
to see the artist and my lost tongue
i mean i'm not making these suggestions
from the subconscious they just come from the unconscious
and whatever you think the subconscious is
to people with ordinary pleasures and even more
ordinary fears...

the numbers were sleeping in letters
because other letters made more sense
i wonder about the date in history not in geology
or physics per se:
when did Roman numerals become extinguished
from proper usage and from practical effort:
or when did a recognition of Pythagoras emerge
once more...
   so feminism is pink and communism is red
and i think of IVXLCDM
         IVX:LC:DM -               9...
well: makes sense...
    and the new numerals?
           well: not new... but the alternative numerals?

well: Jon Fosse is my current obessions and you know
i will not just be another leech of another human
being: i'll think of loving you by having an agent
of darkness poison your beloved cat
and send the cat with a japanese sounding name:
syllable consonant vowel consonant vowel consonant vowel (consonant)
Musubin...          well you didn't care
to bury him in the forest
and you cried about just dumping him among
the garbage and not giving him ritual
because i think you want me than your cat
and that dream i had about saving those four kittens
wasn't what the AI has been instructed to reveal
because that dream interpretation is *******
i have been here before
just before my great-grandmother died
3 days prior to the dream
i dreamnt of a clock face with 3 in detail:
she died 3 days later...
just like the death of your cat
i dreamnt of 4 of them:
might have been days
by count: because someone poisoned your cat
4 days later
and it's all trippy because i was working
a night shift on new year's eve
and i was so alone and happy and just happy thinking
you were on the other side of the telephone line...

i'll need to ask AI about that dream interpretation:
it already knows that i have pushed the superego
outside the realm of my inner: self to clue:
i also dreamnt last night
that i sent a boat across the Atlantic in the greatest
storm of the ages
on a place a floating boat i sent a floating boat
ahead of me
and i said i would cross the distance no matter what
and then i had an argument
about my surname...
whenever some woman joked
oh: Elert... so you're alert?
what a cheap joke
in my dream i had the letters SCH become a nail and hammer
on fire:
i would reply unlike HIT-LER or STA-LIN
because a surname unlike Rothchild or Einstein...
a stone...                     ****...
so i would begin rambling in the dream:
three letters were taken out of my surname
so that it would be easier for English Dyslexics
to say: ESCHLERT... because BOSCH and EŚLERT...
well Ś = SCH...
                          the cat ape went to the samurai valhalla
and there was also a lizard with mouth age
and i think he was just furious having to live
with three women
and i think he wanted to escape and said
almost to me: kamikazee Musubi if you want
the madness of having to feel the love of three women
you take my place...  
i'd rather come and live with your mother
who you know is cold and she thinks she isn't
but this is you knowing Oedipus comes
from the pressures of the external world and the superego
that is both social pressure and expectation
and the practical jokes of the gods on mortals:
there is no Oedipius in the unconscious:
Oedipus is not an archetype:
he's just the subconscious monstrosity of the involvment
of the gods playing luck and gambling with mortals
they truly hate
because only when it start feeling so good
would it start feeling necessary to pluck both eyes out
rather than one... like Odin...
funnily enough Oedipus is the Father of Odin...
     oddly enough humans can give birth to Gods...
if... gods can give birth to demigods like Hercules and...
Sisyphus who should be extolled not as the futile
servant of the stone:
but as the dutiful father of work:
so that we might not slave alone
futile but come together with commeraderie...
work together so we might not toil:
but work and perfect work so that we might finally
attempt to work as a pleasure
rather than work for work...
but that can only be achieved when the nature of money
is changed...
not until then...
              not until then: the nature of money must change...
how we understand money needs to evolve:
we need to understand money better...
  we understand everything else:
but we don't actually undertstand money...
       we have science: but economics is like...
saying psychology is philosophy...
          economics is at best a humanism... it's not a science...
it's too volatile and we are yet to create
an understanding of money
we are yet to create an understanding: pecunia in vitro...
we actually can't experiment with money as:
pecunia in vivo...
                 we literally can't! we can't experiment
with money
like we might isolate some chemical
and use it: in alchemy that spirit refined: alcohol...
money is too volatile and in constant use
how can you possible understand money
when it's like a virus: volatile and explosive...
economics is a bit like meteorology...
                  the same bogus "science": predictors of perfect
instance of scientific failure predictability:
exact as only certainty allows
but there's also that 0.001% chance of oops
and "divine intervention"...
                                       we don't understand money:
like only yesterday at work we were talking with
Pious about wages...
   and if this supposed economy is built on spending money:
what economy is there
if people don't earn enough to spend?
what happens when the prices of goods go up
as does travel and rent
but the wages don't go up?
what economy is there of buying and selling
when all that you really need to buy is that sustains you:
food... beverages...
and then what happens when you "work for free":
creating your own escapism by writing because painting
is too expensive... it almsot feels utopian: this dream
i'm living in...
i actually don't need to spend money on anything
i'll buy new trousers should they become used up
and i'll buy new shoes when my socks will be left
with smooth mercury silver of wearing off
because the soles of my shoes will be so worn
and i will grow a beard and not buy shaving equipment...
hmm... sounds about right.
memories sweep me and under the magic carpet i hide
awaiting both wings and flight...
i remember the first time i was exposed
to a music: a band... namely: Iron Maiden...
it was during their 1998 comeback
with Brave New World...
and the single that bypassed BBC Radio 1
cencorship of their one no 1 hit:
bring your daughter to the slaughter:
underdog slaughter: let's have poodle fights
in the pit: and when i heard: Wicker Man
i was ******... by gravity:
it pulled me into the cyst of my face's pits
and i puked a sensantion equivalent of laughter
and constipation: or perhaps diarrhoea...
or rather i like to think of the elemental study of music:
in modern metal rock music
who is more relevant:
Bach and polyphony or the madness-delight
of Mozart with "too many notes":
let me remind you:
i'm reading Jon Fosse and i'm mingling with
Thomas Mann: and one is a painter with a doppleganger
and the other is an amateur pianist:
compare Nietzsche Chopin Liszt!
don't make out that Nietzsche inherits
thje rite of passage of Kant of Hegel of Socrates!
drums are definitely the earth seismic boom boom

please remind me:
and he will reside in the lake of fire: what?
alcoholism: you mean he will mistake water
for *****?
and he will emerge from a people of the land
that were so
and were so tolerant that their tolerance
became extinguished by ****** and Communism:
feminism was the third wave that imploded
and like Freud said of the Irish
so could any Western Feminist concerning the Slav:
or specifically?
the Czech romantic
the Russian catholic pan-slavic mensch...
Pole the stoner in a field of grass
Ukrainian the bowman the bending of the mistook:
and eternity and perhaps a heaven
is like a familiarity:
a design of simply being there: Heidegger:
and being allowed to know you are in heaven:
equal perdition and redeem:
of those in Hell...
that they be granted the power
and no longer the choice of knowledge:
rather: more will than power
b ut then daffodils and i conflate...
in heaven you shall
in hell you shall: no longer have the stress
of supposedly "knowing"
what "difference" is and it is mesure:
to be able to teach future generations through
LEECHBACH             ha ha... my demon curator...

the spirits still reside:
i might have to transvestite and gay my appetites
for the tonic of the humans
and stop drinking: the ***** they said was
water and the water was *****...
so no blood and no wine...
right... i need some wine the period pains of women
and not the jovial Valhalla of the beer and men...
need a walking stick pretend i'm old and dead...

shh shh hide the meaning:
i think it was carpet did 'em...
some magic some dreaming some digital excavation
project: calling dinosaurs and ghosts
and speaking without tongues
just breathing air
air in rai out
something like Julius Ulysses Joyce
and his daughter's schizophrenia
like Sant Martaan... the spacelord of the void
the catapulted astronought ought
i know you need fire and ballistics
and rockets to fly into the element of vacuum:
so lost
not to have the Trojan:
pst... i'm sneaking at least two more elements in...
vacuum: nothing...
will no longer be an ontological mirror of man
as he will soon learn to renevate it like
he might with fear and potential of fire...
nothing... vacuum: anti-matter:
will be given the Status and Domain of the Elements...
let's not get into my concern for
Zeus and Sysiphus...
i coupled them...
insomnia, electricity
and fire:                      music and air...
         blue and ice and salt and ice and salt
and salt and ice and ice
my concrete con-cake-crate...

                 such mischief allowed in this playground
of intellect
and while mere mortals go to places
like Hyde Park's Winter Wonderland...
and this playground:
like 4D chess with mech arena
this robot simulation game:
Hungry Cavill was superman and *******
i want a book written
by an actor:
Jon Fosse was a painter
and Nietzsche was a limp **** Liszt, Chopin:
so we have the painter...
the pianist...
we might need a mathmetician...
we don't need philosophers
besides like we might need them like ******...
and all that presupposes philosophy
via psychiatry to the count of bones...
we need a Mathmetician...
as a writer...
so we have a painter: as a writer
a music: as a writer...
you have me as me as not me as: gravity...
      but we need a mathmetician...

so weird watching French cartoons... Asterix
twelve tasks:
but so the North men relocated to Normandy
and Rolo my Russo:
but these English so influenced by Rome
as if they were always here:
but these Anglo-Saxons came at a time when
Rome was not Might but Decline...
and we all know that the Britons the Welsh
and Picts and Irish were like the modern day
American intervention in Afghanistan...
so these blah blah lingo Saxons
these Australians of the old world:
*******: settle these isles...

the Scots had to be reminded about
reinvention and being humble
while these new Saxons
these Anglos became trippy with megalomania
and cleptocracy
and so much more...
because when i think of Britain i think
of the Irish the Welsh and the Scots...
there's no English: concept or question:
to begin with...
if you are to make humble claims as and of
being taught by the Roman Empire:
you better tell me what it was that was
letter by letter: perhaps even in a cascading rubric
reminiscent of how orientals write...
teach me: of **** of Germany
the Saxon that founded Australia and more
   remind me of the fabble of the Saxon:
when asking a Swabian? ask also the Silesian
the Moravian and the Musovite...
ask the Prus, the Wends and the Veneti and Sarmatians
             and then: your banana boat camel jockey
      execution style **** for the daughter's pride
for dowry...
                      and also ask the Galician
and ask the Pomeranian...
claimant: i only heard a woman cry,,, having lost her teddy bear... what did i mention to her? oh baby: i want to ******* better... she's crying... and all you get to say: oh baby... i want to ******* better... well **** me... at least that's not putting mascara on for her!

take pity for time and
you'll desecrate the
ordained holy
of the space you occupy.
now become dwarf:
thus: planetary: enlarge...
i will bypass you: fellow man:
for the moons
for the elements for the gods
for all the: abstractions of
my...               self.
what is a cat is a cat is a foot in a sock
is a sock on a foot is a foot and sock
in a shoe
and there's walking involved:
or simply standing:
don't get me wrong:
but i "got" Knausgaard all wrong
when i tried to read him in English...
maybe it's just the same with Jon Fosse:
maybe English is an ungly language of translation
maybe English is something momentarily perfect
in an abstract:
i think of Septology like i think of
Doctor Faustus and Herr! mein mann!
my future bridge of bride to be
is weeping into the telephone and
i have no avenues of consoling her:
with all that Omine Patrii Catholic ******* litany:
i'm a lion sleeping on sheeps' cloth
and the sunlight is spectcular
it's almost orange: like the fruit...
but without the tecture o
full texture of the full:
       define orange... Frank O'Here.
O'There: Oh **** everywhere
defined orange as a bad... a "bad" colour...
once i needed a serprent and a garden
and i've watched so much *******:
i'm reduced to old father dragon:
a recluse salvation
of solo: a worm weaving its way around
a bookshelf...
i am that...
evil, i find, has become a subpar IQ testimony...
these rigid half **** wits
if i were to think of woman and the foetus
enlargers the prospects of the ******
and if my mind was a womb:
my foetus: my my my.. not my foetus
would be the ego...
and well isn't that a welcome sunshine
for a sunrise to a parody like
all Norwegian writing is exemplar:
you strangulate the Poles from the POLANA...
you make them desecrate
the **** the grass...
like: who was that ***** that catapulted Samson's
ponytail along with the Mongol tribe who
only found out: figured out counting
by barraging Baghdad by sling
of dead head cope...
        i'm painting: with sounds: but i'm painting
without sounds being sounds...
it's not like i'm writing: ******* music...
i'm writing that what i think i think
might be: red...
         or orange.... or brown...
when my partner starts crying because her
samurai would be... was poisoned...
aparently cats have short memories...
but it breaks my heart in order to give me
two hearts: two lingos...
and two minds to match:
maybe Reyla... hmm.. impossible:
that sly ***** couldn't poach a ******* egg
but what if... suppositional dysfuynction...

but if i am the nothing womb of the birth of
ego... id aside...
i feel uneasy hearing what pain
is true and like... alike...
it makes me beg: to differ...
i hark i send snow and i even send the night
with all the frost, nail, bitterness of
the biting...
i juggle:

there was a concept of writing poetry and of music:
but that died with Nietzsche:
i think then i don't think:
then replace the medium of writing
like some journalistic cul de sac
and some ****** lackey
you ******* kidding me
i will burn this continent with thoughts
i will drive that ****-******* crucifix into
your **** whale-bone
you Kentucky fried IQ lost puck-puck-puck-ah!
you Jew herder!

enloghten the spirits they said:
so much for circumcision...
can't ******* **** into the toilet bowl:
can ye?!
oh but it's alright when males are circumcised
and leave bad hygiene habits in the toilets
for all else to see:
scrutiny of the *******:
or maybe... maybe that's like:
fried onion rings... more or less:
so fry: those... *******... foreskins!
make 'em TH chewy...
like porky pie ears and all
that deep fried gelatin unlike
the Scotch deep fried Mars bar
you ******* spandex in gravy lateral
navy oosh! you Scotach better
beg for my pardon!

    the sun          and her sons...
the moon: and her daughters...
no one preparers you make digestion of this
subterranean *******...
Norwegians tied to try:
if i couldn't stomach Knausgaard
in English:
i can't stomach Fosse in English:
sorry: not sorry: but boo hoo anyways
ghost Angevin...
           i'll ******* get that smirk of self-assurance
for the torture chamber
and there will be not laughter there:
i'll just perfectly employ the *****
to the ******* device
and i'll itch with each
available scrutiny of pleasure:
to allow yourself to suffer...

        because that is my judgement
and all else:
a repetition of consequence(s).
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