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i need a ***** pair of jeans:
i won't be flying to H'America
i'll be flying past it
only the debrief in San Francisco...
completely misguiding the mid-west...
some little device:
a tiny atom bomb of ego...
this is how unimportant i am to
make the antithesis of feeling...
i can't believe that there are psychologists
out there
who say:
if you were touched from the age of
2 to 4 months...
but have been abandoned for an entire
of your 20s...
i can't believe these people!
it's like a sickness without
the head-scratching of an ache...
        i can't believe these people exist
when they summon
gravity to say: it's o.k. to be human
when your unconscious is
impregnated with touching:
later wake...
with nightmares of octopii frolicking
over you...
      it's o.k. to be tender meat
as a teen...
but when neglected for 10 years...
that's also... **** K OK!
      no! ******* CIVI! little Essex boy
who's actually a little Pollack girl
is going into the breath and heave
of the gread beyond!
fake Darwinian reading of history: among the western peoples of this continent... to confide in a complete relegation of Asia as timespan... to ignore the transition from African to Arab to ***** to the magical Siberian python of the Albino for the Finn... how Darwinism became a strand of faking history by interracial fetishes... how London this cesspit of worldly happenings... i'm ******* off: where nothing happens... if i can get a pair of foxes and a pair of crows on Kauai... someone... any smuggler... i'll be the happiest be-ay'itch ever... i just need my totems... a pair of crows and a pair of foxes on Kauai... and then let all manner of ****** progress for the population to reach the stature of inanimate object un-objectionable unmoveable bore bore bore... i need these totems of mine on Kauai more than i need... although i will be bringing Aristotle's taking an interest in philosophy with me... hmmm my... my what? break of habit... interest? hobby? go to a football match and drink beer with my bruvs?! no... i just like spending time alone... and not telling people where i'm going or... ego cogito               id est...        i like wrestling with thinking using nothing! that's where i found replacing ego with id and when i started to hallucinate more than i cared to dream: mostly demonic figurines... misnomer alert... "figurines"... ghastly faces that just popped into my mind with eyes closed... and... ha ha... come to think of it... i remembered a thought i had when i was maybe 6... a Frankenstein original... i was the only child and the closest i came to a sibling was an Alsatian *****... and i was walking back home eating candyfloss and thought: what if... we could breed dogs with humans... to go beyond the trans-racial reality... what if we could breed humans with apes... after all... don't some people perform this lost art of ****** and cousin ******* it's almost like Islam is begging us to experiment once more to ignite the genes for a sense of the reality for life as: excited... but if people are interbreeding with close proximity cousin *******... and ****** generation of slob... why can't i think about... what would happen if human ***** was used on a chimapnzee egg? maybe something wonderful would emerge... rather than the cruch of bothersome low IQ lust?

yeah, i use the English language:
but that... doesn't make me English...
lingua l'inglaise...
and when i ****** her in the darkness
of the garden
and she reached both ****** and
i thought about throwing it all away
all the bachelor philosphies of
Kant Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
and i thought:
how about trying the Socratic life
and if what he said was true:
true to:
find yourself a good wife
and if... blah blah... she makes you
you will be content
but if she makes you unhappy
you will become a philosopher...
i think i want to be happier
than becoming a philosopher...
mind you... she's all into astrology
or is that astronomy:
it doesn't really matter:
i'm hoping to be the Diogenes of Kauai
if domesticating me fails...
there's a different feel to philosophy of
men that settled with women...
i'll put Hegel 10 years in advance...
i'm still muttering Lego Heidegger...
and half a year...
half a ******* year
of working 12h night shifts
i'm going through my own carthisis...
but i need the carthisis to come
now before
i'm reunited with her body
and enjoy all the fun
that her body encapsulates...
i can't be a woman
and cry and ****** simultaneously...
i'll cry now...
then i'll lick her out with all the gloat
of the glee of the eyes that
burned Satan dead...
so i'm growing my right thumb nail
long to feel something *******...
then i thought about the crucifixion
than i started to feel myself as a body
and i stumbled upon the collar bone...
and i wedged my index & co
into the cleft of the soft pouch of flesh...
and then i thought about hooks
and how the body-aesthetic could
be better represented away from
how the divination via crucifixion works...
hmm... what a nice thought!
i just need your collar bone(s)
to hinge on my teeth...
on my altar of torture...
i want a bite:
and... i will have my bite.
i will have all i want
i will have all the anti-*******!
i will be the Anti-Christ!
and.... i will not even have to *******
entertain... ha ha...
from a creature to
a being?
it's such a simple
masquerade of
words not even a play on
how does one arrive
in this automated
being from
Frankenstein's crude
weird: words reader...
hey God!
I'm getting bored of Hell's
I'm coming back to your
celestial, heavenly ordeal
of dictatorship!
Son's coming home!
See you soon and many
Buddhist spoon bending antics, too!
I abhor this failsafe intellectual
I forgo the attention span
of being and non-being....
I'm going back...
in the pain of the tinge
I'm going back to the anti-being
As... monster... creature.
sexually starved... they talk about the modesty of the worker... when the human being is allowed access to touch... then starve that human creature... not a being: a being is complete... but a human creature... starve it of human access of reciprocation... then release it onto the access of getting some... outside the realm of prostitution inclusivity... by my exclusive righteousness: i will do unthinable acts on that *****: and you will call it: a return to Eden!

i'm suspicious of Islam...
in how it was conceived
from what ought to have been
the wrong... fuckery...
ended up... this pornographic
plague of tortured-innocence
and bliss
and desire...
i understand it as angels
being prescribed
trans-affirmation *** pareidolia
eyes like gulag of the squid
feeding mechanism...
and i was so repulsed
and... in the good old days...
hell was so hollow with
what was usually expected
from the hierarchies of man...
then i started to see
figurines and extracts
and abominations...
it was only right that i became
incarnate in their modest
temporal norm...
when did hell become this:
farcical imbomboo?!
without froth and anger: the serpent became the worm... but the tongue remained and with little confusion: expect in the homosexual community... you really thought you could make claim in this temporal realm where people championed freedom of speech: your **** your sword and my tongue... being... what?! what?! what is my tongue?! at least i dared to come down and live among these creastures pseudonym gods like agent smith in the matrix... you and your old ways of sword is phallus where my tongue is sword... come... come down... face me! you ***** coont! get your other Matthew ordeal... your next Gabriel punishment via a Muhammad... come come! come down!

for all the gross talk of men among men
concerning women
i'd like to revel with you in a reality:
imagine being exclusively tied to the summons
with a woman:
abstinent for a year without touching
and with the year coming to closure
just imagine the state of mind
with so much pornographic exposure
the forbidden now not so forbidden fruit
imagine castrating angels
then imagine clipping their wings
and forcing them into the hierarchy of
halos and saints and popes
and imagine not:
a second rebellion:
but this time from heaven down
and not from hell up!
you can't persuade me: satisfy me...
that Michael wasn't ******* about
being demoted from Archangel to the hierarchical
pawn-ownership of Saint...
Michael my Michael O my Michael...
you will still yield that blunt artefact of
abstracting violence...
that sword your fake ****
against my tongue that's more of a ****
to **** the ****** Mary?
slobber slobber blab blah?
is heaven still authentic?
last time i checked i started power-napping...
became bored from the: paw paw:
per usual... started growing my nails longer
than usual to imitate trans-genderism...
grew a beard, shaved it...
wouldn't it ******* an Archangel
to be demoted as a Saint and relegated
into "manhood"... without having
a foreseeable antagonism incarnation
not even *****-whizz Gabriel attempted
with Muhammad after having electrified
Hosannah my Mary?!
       point that thing you think is a sword
and then... i'll lick your *****... my O my Michael!

i ran with deer! i rummaged with foxes!
come Michael...
show me your **** your supposed sword:
and then... i'll lick your ***
like the best ***** there is... in i heave!
heaven to its proper stature!
i die
who dies....
no one cares...
i only fell to earth because of my marker: that tattoo of Cain: one of wings was clipped... the priest and the feeble implored: be one of us... i played along... but then humanity did humanity and i was left admiring animals... the tongue of love of which apparently there are five: i learned loyalism... but then i unlearned it like a dutiful dog being beaten... and i didn't bark... then i told them of the choir and the great wind: and they told me: didn't you hear that in Arabic?! how can humanity conjure being, equivalent to angels... to later disfigure them first claiming they bedded the daughters, so... rejecting their genitals... ordaining circumcision... then clipping off their wings giving them halos... and this world so burning... such a burning itch!

and what happened upon the first quake of
when man thought it wise to conjure up
angels and demons:
allow them to mingle with him
and then somehow
castrate them
beyond measure of circumcision:
when man decided to go beyond the castration
of angels simply ridding them of genitals
of that imperative of honor and obedience
by the outlet of love and lust
then man conjured up circumcision...
and as much as i appreciate the aesthetic of
how certain dog breeds are given the make-over
the snippet of the ears
like the dobberman
like the bulldog XL...
man under the slumber of Christianity went
one step too far
by clipping the wings of angels
by calling Michael a Saint
for what is the worth of the angel
if no longer with genitals
now no longer with wings
but instead a solipsistic halo...
this magical defeatism so swayed away from
god and under man's domain...
this rebellion is no longer a concern for
hell alone... this anger has been raised
to **** on heaven too!
you will not mishandle these creatures
like they were dogs! at least with dogs
you can handle the aesthetic...
but to make angels saints?!
you cut off their wings and give them
hierarchies with ******* worth of
make the maggot mouth breathe some
sense into your mortal decrepit fued!
how can you first make claims that angels
descended and lay with your women
to create giants
to then make them freakish monsters
of the centipede wriggle
with wings lost and halos gained...
how can you, man, do this: unto angels?!
man, how can you?!
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