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103 · Sep 2017
Safe Arms
poetryaccident Sep 2017
The door is closed for my good
in response to the world
believing I'd harm innocence
thin veneer of their good
dogma marching in the streets
shouting threats that demand
revelation of the beast
exclamation of what could be.

They're too harsh with their words
when only scars would be revealed
in the company of my truest self
the fullest breadth of nakedness
there are no weapons to be had
unless you count my relevance
put aside when I'm seen
mere distraction from the cause.

Some would see without disgust
their power coming from inside
a frame of reference similar
to the space I've lived my life
in their eyes I'd find respect
to have survived to this point
mutually knowing beyond the shade
that tragedy awaits in the streets.

Where the storms howl outside
intolerance knocking on the door
judgment traded for sympathy
protection arrived at all costs
danger rests in their hands
platitudes spoken for greater good
as the dagger is held in close
behind the smile hiding death.

In this tale of consequence
lovely allies held close to heart
hearing thoughts that come to mind
while the world is kept at bay
this is the caution I embrace
while I seek the other ones
of same scars or even more
to recluse in safe arms.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170831.
I've got a few friends that I can (more) tell how I'm really feeling. With them I can share the (larger) breadth of my life. They are some of the most precious things I have in my life. “Safe Arms” is about the beauty of these relationships, and the perceived dangers of a larger world.
103 · Jan 2018
Poet’s Brush
poetryaccident Jan 2018
My prose evokes quite a range
of impressions beyond what's plain
to this poet scribbling lines
in an effort to share my mind

positions stated that I hold dear
sometimes fuzzy lest I *****
the kind readers that are not immersed
in the lifestyles that I embrace

I say gray instead of black
nuance flows between the lines
hinting more than what's said
clouds in face of the sun

meaning flows from the words
though the import may be blurred
when the view assumes a world
all too different from my own

even when the contrast pops
the evidence may fade to black
if the log blocks the sight
of the vision in which it’s lodged

I'll not lie to my dear friends
nor will I fib to a stranger's face
truth beyond words blurs in the mind
filtered by ego of a life time

the end result becomes a blur
life that's known but cannot be told
muttered in whispers by poet's brush
garbled as I seek to speak God's name

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180110.
I wrote a poem about respectability politics. A reader said, “so many broken folk who have been squashed into an ill fitting mold”. I explained further what my thoughts were. The reader then said, “seem to have read a different poem from the one you describe”. This isn’t unusual. The poet, or any type writer perhaps, can speak to one focus and the reader will pick up on another. The reasons are varied. The end result is OK, at least in the case of poetry. The poem speaks to the reader in a perfect way.
103 · May 2018
Three By Three
poetryaccident May 2018
Three by three becomes my world
the precipice to the beyond
has a step to stop pain
another square that calls my name

always there within my sight
siren to wounded soul
with the taunt of cold relief
in two tons moving past

this narrow place of sanity
sorrow reigns in spaces left
cognizance is betrayed
by the tears then exclaimed

all the spectrums become one
celebration has been squashed
by the fool that stands outside
on the last stop I'd like to take

a single step off from the nine
the ending place for my world
with no turning back against the push
three by three I should have stayed.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180509.
The poem “Three By There” is about a section of concrete.
103 · Apr 2018
Music’s Hand
poetryaccident Apr 2018
If I could write a poem
bend the words to my will
creating stanzas that express
rapture captured by music's voice
these songs evoke a different land
one more beautiful than bland verse
soaring high as eagles may
while I trudge low with lame quatrains.

I'd join the masters of the verse
if music was a skill of mine
or words spilled from my mouth
mixing verse with harmony
sadly mine is weak tradecraft
with a lack of concert's kick
as I wonder into realms
shared by those who write the word.

I'm not sure what others see
observing songs' heritage
poetry grants a wide boon
to those who take up the sword
free form mocks a cousin's flow
like real life to a musical
when the grit is sole pursuit
carving words to the page.

I embrace this in my rage
or when grief strikes me down
stumbling on the lyricist's path
for a time before standing up
then I drift back to what I know
pretend I can write the song
without the tunes that would complete
what I seek in melody.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180424.
The poem “Music’s Hand” is about my love of music and my struggle to create lyrical poetry.
103 · Mar 2019
Apply the Fetish
poetryaccident Mar 2019
Apply the fetish with intent
or submit with bent desire
both are sides of the coin
paid to stoke the thankful *****
the once forbidden steps aside
to the path of craving’s want
asking only that all involved
play their part in the charade

predilection is the term
for what’s desired in the heart
a slight taunt of the world
to satisfy the steady burn
stoking fires by give and take
shunting shame in their wake
none shall regret the aftermath
when the culprits are ourselves

a shot follows the trigger pulled
two may play in this duel
maybe more if there’s a crowd
prompting hoots for much more
faint utility left behind
whispers of what was meant
and all that’s left is lust’s desire
that adherents won’t deny.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190310.
The poem “Apply the Fetish” was inspired by a watching of the 2002 movie “Ghost Ship”.   The lounge singer, played by Francesca Rettondini, wore incredible elbow-length red gloves.  This is combined with her visually being almost the perfect woman.
103 · Dec 2017
Wolves Circling
poetryaccident Dec 2017
I watch the wolves circling
keeping distance yet in sight
unkind guests beyond the veil
I have no tool to scare them off

feinted lunges warn of more
when I wake at the dawn
stalked apart from that place
where fantasy is all I have

once again the perilous
greets me in the halls of sleep
echoing that I may not escape
when light comes and I awake

hinting teeth that can bite
when a lunge may take my life
astral wounds that may extend
to the world outside of bed

I may rise before the end
hinted by sleep’s oracle
then wonder if the same awaits
in the realm of beyond the wolves

I shake illusion from my head
to hope it stays in those hells
for if it stalks into my world
this nightmare will consume the all.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20171203.
“Wolves Circling” is about anxiety dreams.  These are the ones that hint at terrible matters, once thought not possible, but now given a hint of truth by repetition in sleeping spaces.
103 · Jan 2020
Near At Hand
poetryaccident Jan 2020
The pleasure was near at hand
ready to cheer the day found bland
with a focus on beauty’s sight
an end in lechery's pure delight

within the span of minutes spent
the outcome was heaven sent
for a time that was too short
before repetition was forced resort

now the need has been replaced
with inability to terminate
the desires that seek relief
from boredom and baleful greed

instead the days have no release
the thoughts kept without reprieve
pleasure is lost to bygone days
in the present of sad dismay.

© 2020. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20200118.
The poem “Near At Hand” is about the passing pleasures of life.
103 · Jan 2020
Happy Days
poetryaccident Jan 2020
Those mountain tops are so very high
allowing one to touch the sky
only gods have this reach
if only this were ours to keep

even deities have feet of clay
thus mere humans are betrayed
by the shadow in plain sight
manic turned to plunging fright

depressive slopes lead downward
to the pits of hellish purge
what came of goals set before?
the die was flipped afterwards

the sorted plans of mice and men
are cast to pieces in the end
if only life could remain
among the clouds of happy days.

© 2020. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20200114.
The poem “Happy Days” is about the pain of the manic-depressive cycle.
102 · Dec 2019
A New Deck
poetryaccident Dec 2019
Travels far from the home place
ask the traveler to contemplate
what holds them to the land
from which the path first led

identity is bound to change
morph to fit the present day
diverging from the fair wishes
of those who saw the natal day

these circumstances are enough
even though the crowd protests
to establish a new reality
so much more set in verity

those departures that life insists
relevance found that persists
is the hand now surely dealt
from the top of a new deck.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20191223.
The poem “A New Deck” was inspired by a series of dreams that confirm that my life could be different.
102 · Aug 2017
Coaxing Dark
poetryaccident Aug 2017
when one is found to be in lack
insufficient to life's tasks
skin's starvation all too keen

asking me to lay down my life
forever rest in sad despair
far away from partner’s balm

when was the last time I felt alive?
it was in dance through music's charm
when the muse entranced my heart

in my consort’s arms I was found
set adrift in realm of touch
never wishing to come back

I'd forgotten this place of bliss
when stumbling though life's veil
all consumed by drudgery

the realm of two seems enough
perhaps enough to forestall the end
to dissuade the coaxing dark

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170815.
“Coaxing Dark” is the result of wanting to write a poem that is simultaneously cheerful and melancholy.  I think I’ve succeeded.
102 · Feb 2018
Final Peace
poetryaccident Feb 2018
Here’s the struggle I face each day
to stay awake or lay to sleep
tiredness grips my daylight frame
the need to strive evades the night

the preference is evoked
by the side of fence to which I stand
one or the other would be best
except it’s not the one I’m on

here’s the joke on this soul
there are people on each side
some I know, the most I don’t
walking through the halls of life

in the waking I may dance
while in sleep I do the same
the mode is different on each side
with comforts found in unlike ways

the veil of dreams is an escape
so is waking at best of times
divergence from these storied realms
speaks to darkness neither holds

death in love is my chord
the tune struck by this struggle
wanting something I can’t have
final peace from consciousness.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180210.
“Final Peace” was inspired by a random thought about how tired I am nowadays.  I then realized that my dreams are full of activity, though the sum of it has no discernible impact on my fellow waking travelers.   My waking life seems to have little impact on my dreams as they are peopled by mostly strangers.  What is the common thread?
102 · Mar 2020
Monster Waits
poetryaccident Mar 2020
The monster patiently bides its time
knowing events will coincide
to release them from their cage
exact a vengeance with certain rage

not with a voice that roars above
the crowd assuring all is well
instead the words are whispered tones
slicing deep when one's alone

insisting that the end is near
there is no connection with close peers
instead the fiend cruelly states
escape is assured when you're dead

this left-hand path that most deny
is the monster's greatest lie
foisted on the victim's mind
when the monster bides its time.

© 2020. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20200206.
The poem “Monster Waits” is about the stubbornness of depression.
102 · Aug 2018
Snapper’s Prompt
poetryaccident Aug 2018
The ******* stiffen against the gaze
by the eye that will project
skin revealed and rest promised
to a world thirsts for flesh
the camera driven to share so much
by the one that clicks the shot
with a goal less than pure
buying fame with lusting coins

the enterprise takes more than one
the subject seeking their renown
or a pittance for their part
expressing all to find their worth
it’s their face and body pressed
into service that angel’s dread
serving wants below the belt
yearnings itched by photographs

look not to Heaven for resolve
why the two feed a world
with one posing for all to see
the other hiding behind eyepiece
each with a reason to embrace
intimate natures most obscure
disclosing purest fantasy
shutter’s eye bears falsehood

that human nature to exalt
what’s not had near at hand
exploitation is firmly pressed
while the world looks away
then quick to gaze on the result
drinking in the honeyed taint
spun from flesh made *****
in response to snapper’s prompt.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180805.
The poem “Snapper’s Prompt” is about my discomfort with the “**** photo” side of photographic world.  There are positive reasons for a model to participate in the production of adult leaning photography.   Earning a living and embracing body positivity come to mind.  In fact, I support those who are employed by the *** industry.  I instead have concern with the photographers: peddlers and purveyors of the **** photos.   This may not make sense.   I have a line of thought that helps explain this, though it is not a catch-all defense.   I also embrace the submissive side of **** while being suspicious of those who play the dominate partner role.   Truthfully, I don’t trust dominates as a whole.  This applies to business and religion also.  While the sub/dom relationship can be balanced and supportive for both parties, the door is WAY too opened to the dominate exploiting a situation.  They ask for things that they can not deliver.  Going back to photographer, they may ask for perfectly perverted beauty, but they may be plain and unattractive themselves.  Their motivations are instead the photographer’s matched *******.  In my mind, for good or bad, I see the photographer as the dominate in the relationship between model and photographer.   There can be good there (not all photographers, not all doms), but I am so very uncomfortable about where the abuses can go.
102 · Oct 2019
Adornment Comes
poetryaccident Oct 2019
Adornment comes in many forms
this step beyond nakedness
something more than garments hung
for the reasons of plain regard

decked upon a simple frame
once the base has been set
an exclamation is desired
to shift beyond boredom’s calm

wishing only to exclaim
loveliness in the bling
by the sparkle or color’s swath
splendor following this allure

beauty blessed for all to see
charisma worn as a prayer
the mantra of a greater god
when decoration is the charge.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20191002.
The poem “Adornment Comes” was inspired by a dream that featured an outfit with a delightful ribbon counterpoint.
102 · Aug 2017
Too Deep to Hide
poetryaccident Aug 2017
the cuts are too deep to hide
hot reaction comes to the front
hard earth is bent to satisfy
pain deposited in the soul

many hands took to the task
to slice incisions into life
with the victim left alive
still breathing with desire to die

taint etched on God’s vessel
asking Hell to take the lead
with one avenue left to walk
spreading rage before the end

it’s no wonder the anger waits
brought by those who take vengeance
if you doubt why this should be
look to the cuts that still bleed

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170807.
“Too Deep to Hide” was written in response to seeing a YouTube video.  The presenter said that she felt that she wasn’t a misandrist because she was reacting to a lifetime of abuse by misogynists.  I felt there was some truth there.  This could be applied to some men, those stated they aren’t misogynists because they are reacting as traumatized victims.  With that said, I suspect that men are far (far) outnumbered in these respects.
101 · May 2018
Not The One
poetryaccident May 2018
I'm not the one you truly need
when the want becomes a lust
for what’s beyond normality
surrogate sought by the lost

presenting signs pointing up
to the past and future both
with the tenets soaked in blood
bruises black from wheel’s turn

no matter what I seem to say
look away from the pit
even as the sirens wail
from the shoals of whispered pain

there’s wisdom latent in the dark
camouflaged by assumptions
a forecast I must dissuade
unless you wish to lose your way

words conveyed from time’s past
murmurs of significance
should be view with mistrust
if those who lead are still lost

answers become the currency
consider where you may spend
what’s suspect with due warning
I’m not the one you truly need.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180503.
The poem “Not The One” was inspired by the song “What Do You Want From Me?” by Pink Floyd.
101 · Nov 2018
All is Spent
poetryaccident Nov 2018
Stuck in amber and wrapped in time
limitless options boil down to none
look for the dreams when the clock winds
what could be when all is spent

energy depleted to feed a soul
a living death is the reward
world still spins on shared axis
part of the whole spins away

this crass illusion of the less and more
grasps at aspects out of reach
decline the invite at the door
at the risk of dancing last on the stage

a mask is left that sees all
the deserted homestead feels incomplete
while cold rooms whisper more
now that time has found a face.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20181113.
The poem “All is Spent” was prompted by a picture said to represent Death.  The words “Reflections of time and death” overlaid the hands of a clock.
101 · Nov 2019
Anonymity Seeks
poetryaccident Nov 2019
Anonymity seeks to obscure
what’s made plain in the words
only showing by intent
the many layers of content

safety is the first domain
with excursions to the edge
peeking out from shadow’s realm
with permission to state the mind

even while the masks prevent
perception granted to the perceived
the changing visions of the id
knowing only moment’s blend

the ignorance of the world
is fertile ground for inner quests
proving that obscurity
allows artistic types to truly be.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20191112.
The poem “Anonymity Seeks” was inspired by a Tumblr user who used the profile description, “I feels safe behind my anonymity.  As long as they don’t know who I am, I can be whoever I want to be.”
101 · Sep 2017
I’ll Forget
poetryaccident Sep 2017
I once learned to love the world
or to point, a single one
capital L with all the bows

guarantees heard in my head
to this piper I walked the line
while the world was found deaf

the end result was too much
in between the wrong and the right
crucified in Hell’s hot fire

love betrayed me at long last
delivering nothing in its taunts
I’ll forget to now survive.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170902.
Love is great.  Love also *****.  I need to remember that.
100 · Jan 2020
Patch of Ground
poetryaccident Jan 2020
Comparison sets the bar
between the haves and the have-nots
when the measure is biased towards
standards held by the high ground

appearance associated with the face
or movements set by mark of grace
offer a hill to look upon
stating merit is miles above

those contrasts of altitude
focused on beatitudes
those attributes of blessedness
perceived by those with less

the answer is to celebrate
qualities that separate
identity is held by the one
accountable to their patch of ground.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190131.
The poem “Patch of Ground” was inspired by a poem by Catarine Hancock with the lines “stop comparing yourself to girls like her…  you are supposed to look like you.”
100 · Mar 2020
Nature’s Course
poetryaccident Mar 2020
Suffering is nature’s course
when Hell is the root source
of experience felt by all
regardless of nature’s call

echoed through centuries
if not the span of milleniums
the denominator of humankind
expressed by words unwound

the best confirm experience
demonstrating insanity
while the worst dilute the pain
denying impact in their essay

one states what others feel
the other destroys the appeal
of suffering sought by all
when damnation is the call.

© 2020. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20200208.
The poem “Nature’s Course” was inspired by Tom Wait’s quote, “The world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering.”
100 · Jun 2019
A Leap Awaits
poetryaccident Jun 2019
Consider that time has not expired
there's still a chance to grow beyond
by the virtue of new intent
or the lapse of interest gained
to reinvent the whole package
in the breadth outside the now

a leap awaits the dedicate
brave enough to explore
pushing forward without regret
into realms not yet met
led only by a partial map
forming in the eager mind

without consideration of the past
what’s transpired matters not
the destination still unsure
when the future beckons forth
promises made beyond compare
with a joy that few now dare.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190602.
The poem “A Leap Awaits” is about the desire to change at the times when life would assume that a settled place would be the norm.
100 · Jan 2018
Ending of Memories
poetryaccident Jan 2018
In mere seconds the world would change
with a choice made in the dark

framed by the strobing lights
red and blue in the night
sad beginning of the end
embarking in memorial

the journey cut short in step
by a hand that had enough
consider what will not be
the fixed end of the mysteries

revelations no longer made
concluding chapter to the book
the pen is left on the page
ink replaced by weeping rush

mixing past with the pain
blurring lines no longer seen
all the memories are enclosed
in the tomb submerged in tears

the only sound heard within
silence locked by actions past
a cold wind remains behind
echoing what came before

the world is changed in the death
the ending of memories.

2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180120.
“Ending of Memories” was inspired by a Tumblr meme.  The poem is NOT pro-suicide.  The poem, and the associated meme, speaks to the ending of memories, the ending of possibilities.  It is a reminder, and a plea, to acknowledge that an impacted life is cut short of what could be.
100 · Dec 2019
Rally the Jesters
poetryaccident Dec 2019
Rally the jesters around the king
those sad buffoons of last remit
pretending manners of diplomats
feigning a purpose that's not mad

nobody knows if they're serious
embracing a role that none should seek
these soldiers sent to **** themselves
lest their liege be condemned

this defense of a tyrant for power's sake
look at the clowns as the gears
turning round without regard
only knowing this is to be their fate

temptation met the Lord by wilderness
******* was the gift rebuked
don't ask the jesters for the same
their duty lays in the king's domain.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20191210.
The poem “Rally the Jesters” was inspired by partisan political defenders.
100 · Jul 2017
Scales Upset
poetryaccident Jul 2017
Can I be right within my wrong
to redeem what’s been lost?
asks the voices held within
behind the mask I present
thoughts compete, the good and bad
mix to ugly in sadder times
while in the glad the smile prevails
hiding angst from other men.

No forgiveness will be had
while notions swirl within my head
echo chamber that does not mute
when the screams invoke within
the harshest critic is myself
berating actions not yet expressed
stealing sleep from my night
adding misery when sun is high.

The phantoms of remembered past
array in lines against the light
deepest dark becomes my life
while the question has no reply
I wonder if the end is near
paying for my inner sins
this would be fit, karma’s way
to balance scales that I’ve upset.

2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170702.
“Scales Upset” is about the critical voices only heard in our heads.
100 · Apr 2018
A Unicorn
poetryaccident Apr 2018
A Unicorn in the flesh
the play thing for two them
I could dazzle in their eyes
provoking lust in couple’s *****
sparkling bright in rarity
a single horn from myth’s page
meat from market to the bed
this fairy tale with a sad end.

A fairer *** of younger years
enticing blush in both of them
I’d be the whisper in the breeze
only seen in fevered dreams
arriving on the southern wind
catch me now lest I flee
simulation of burning thirst
wishes spinning yearning’s breath.

Look to the man as counterpoint
vanilla flavored with base urge
to stray outside but not too far
lest he bend like his mate
she is the purer of the two
close to heart when drama’s spent
orientation that I embrace
more than thirst or fetish meat.

No emotions would intrude
delusion brought to the bed
I’d fade away as counterfeit
the morning brings status quo
to be a gift is sorrow’s path
no longer human in their eyes
tears left to dreams they don’t see
just a theme of fantasy.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180410.
March 9th of 2018 was National Unicorn Day.  The mythical animal has meaning meanings.  One meaning is a bisexual woman who’s open to a ******* with a heterosexual couple (or, to be precise, a couple that includes a straight man and a bisexual woman).  The poem “A Unicorn” is about dark truth and improbable nature of this arrangement.
100 · Aug 2018
Excuse Me
poetryaccident Aug 2018
Excuse me while I step away
in response to wicked prompts
asking for nothing less
than to remove the mortal coil
so many voices lurk within
each less valid than the next
still they pander all the same
to the doubts I'll now share

allow this space to be filled
by the qualified that exist
as I struggle to produce
deception is the end result
too much the fraud even though
results are stacked on the shelf
to quit would have no impact
when the better could substitute

the greatest sins are announced
on my head lest some suggest
goodness resides in who we are
damnation stated nonetheless
for the dogma put in books
abomination none should forgive
so says the wise from their heights
declaring rightness they embrace

at last the tiredness pools within
as the drive is sent away
no longer seeing beauty found
in all aspects of God's hand
the moorings have lost their hold
contracts written matter not
holding tight like morning mist
in the face of driving winds

at the end the lethargy
speaks with a voice I can't ignore
'lay your head on the earth
submit to struggles of the cursed'
then the stature is at end
condemnation has found its mark
when my strength deserts my soul
I'll step away in response.
The poem “Excuse Me” is about the vectors that can bring a soul to a dark place.  I’ve experienced all of these, but one deserves a specific shout-out.  I’m not aware of any one person who “hates” me for the alternative person I am.  I am aware of 30-40% of the population that would see me as an enemy abomination pushing an evil agenda.  Some number of those people would hurt me or lock me up if given the chance.  Is this enough to dampen the will to live?  It doesn’t help.
100 · Mar 2018
Worn The Halo
poetryaccident Mar 2018
I’ve worn the halo
I’ve donned the horns
each was a badge
of honor worn

stamp of authority
granted for acts
freewill stating
resulting headpiece

I’m here to control
those to be cowed
with badge of savior
or sign of the ******

headgear is placed
by deity
I’ll choose my savior
to make my path clear

one of rebellion
the other contrite
fight for their turn
to control my life

always an angel
differed by sight
shaking the fist
or walking the line.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180330.
The poem “Worn The Halo” was inspired by a Tumblr discussion that spoke to the differences between demons’ horns and angels’ halos.
99 · Aug 2018
Stranger’s Bane
poetryaccident Aug 2018
The drip erodes the stranger's bane
removes the taint of ignorance
when a known quantity
resolves to ease aberrant’s breadth
there are others who relate
hiding in the shadow’s depths
wishing someone would announce
kinship by the queerest vibes.

This medicine for society
determined to state a case
by example of the norm
mixed with the alternate
passing is half a gift
also a curse when it binds
acknowledgment with a glance
unfolds the creature two may share.

Dispensed by a known face
senior of so many years
distant enough to be safe
still disclosing strange magic
drawing pictures in the sand
recognized by questing minds
subtle hints that whisper softly
to the ones that strive to hear.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180821.
The poem “Stranger’s Bane” speaks to my involvement on social media.
99 · Nov 2017
By The Small
poetryaccident Nov 2017
Triggers vary as the cause
yet in the end the same demise
is considered to be the one
a path to follow in my mind
turning down, the siren song
wondering why this should be
there at the roots I find the cause
though it’s too late to save my soul

the source is the enemy
of many people who seek relief
from the demon that hides within
with no mercy for casualties
anxiety lurking, quick to betray
deceit I struggle to reject
plain as truth its own tales
spun from fabric of pain’s breadth

a life worth living otherwise
is cast aside when horror breeds
in the spaces between the fears
if only I could find a way
to escape the sparks that fire
inciting flight from the hurt
distress asks for nothing less
as I’m provoked by the small.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20171127.
Over the weekend I had a dream about being fired from work.  It was distressing, but in ethereal place there was some hope.  This is contrasted with Monday, where small anxieties bloomed in a sadly familiar pains.  “By The Small” is a dark tale reflecting the latter event.
99 · Aug 2017
Giving Voice
poetryaccident Aug 2017
Bystanders wonder at the fuss
with no skin in the game
asking why some may howl
and others cry with clear dismay
you’ll see the answer has a twist
the expected with sand thrown in
to the gears that move with blood
no longer spinning against the drag.

Two sides are placed on the field
this is illusion few will admit
when the duo has company
a mixed blessing to both foes
advocate is one name used
ally would be another term
collaborator from another tongue
yelled in disgust at the betrayal.

This third party may intrude
on sacred ground in past hard earned
with good intent and ignorance
their friends aghast at what is said
talking at the injured ones
over heads that do not ask
for the words condemning ways
opinion begins to rip the flesh.

Caring only to be right
misinformed by ignorance
of the ways the others walk
truest by immersion’s blight
when living is the best teacher
immersion both the day and night
skin is the vessel always bound
this is not how the allies live.

There is a way to veer away
to show compassion even when
allies cannot fully know
what to say that does not hurt
be the advocate of the few
giving voice to announce
above the cries of circling foes
“listen to the ones who know”.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170811.
“Giving Voice” is about the pitfalls of being an ally.  It was prompted by a YouTube controversy that featured allies to a minority group talking over their stated associates.  The talking inflicted wounds, injuries largely invisible to the allies because they didn’t have a complimenting life experience.
99 · Nov 2018
Narration Phrased
poetryaccident Nov 2018
Narration phrased at the start
a conversation held in chains
with the rules that show the way
to conclusions already made
compromise is put aside
when the righteous already know
how the game should unfold
on the battlefield of the soul

divide and conquer is the norm
advocated for a cause
while the insane masquerade
as the prudent with steady hand
wishing unity on their terms
now that the past is put aside
no compassion if the outcome
when dissension is put down

starting fresh is for the best
before the power is forfeited
there is no shame in holding place
lest the balance claims the day
predominance above all else
all drive decisions that were moral
**** the dogma of the past
secure the levers that drive the world

violence is another word
for the protest that’s incurred
when past silent are then heard
on the streets and by the word
no longer should we be content
to abdicate with talking heads
now that it’s clear narration holds
society as the biggest fool.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20181122.
The poem “Narration Phrased” was prompted by a request to speak of dissension and fear in the streets.
99 · Jun 2018
City Gates
poetryaccident Jun 2018
The city gates are always there
asking nothing while giving less
waiting for the travelers
to pass within as fortunes turn
fate's golden coin awaits a nudge
to consign the occupant
with the flush of happenstance
or the dearth of emptiness

either way the path unfolds
twisting deep into the depth
of the streets paved with gold
or stained red with old blood
these chill options hold no malice
though the odds may bless the house
the pound of flesh will be found
sating gears that must turn

this machine serves all men
equally granting grace's gifts
while the equals are measured by
the meaty hand on the scale's left side
celebrate privilege while you can
accept the praise however faint
because the gods may change their minds
allow the wheel to land on black

the metropolis will survive
a howling gulf beyond entry's way
portal to the heavenly heights
or a quick trip to abattoirs
evoking smiles on stoic masks
fixed attention to piety
city gates bound to luck's draw
receive your due when you intrude.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180625.
The poem “City Gates” started out with the intent of describing adulthood in the city.  It achieved this, while also taking on a cautionary tale about gambling, temptation, or such.
98 · Nov 2017
The Truth Waits
poetryaccident Nov 2017
The truth waits to be unearthed
buried deep beneath for sanity
if only this were the case
put to rest but not at peace
headstone with familiar names
put there by the family

a thousand million separate screams
anoint the time that passed between
trespass taken by their kin
deviants hidden in plain sight
spawned from house, across the land
looking normal to common man

now all are deaf by shame’s decree
the broken walk alone as aftermath
while the world turns away
how to put behind just bars
blood of self, so many souls
remove immoral from the home

a generation stripped from the world
this would be the outcome
if the tombs were unearthed
no longer resting, still not at peace
atrocities revealed at long last
if only this were the case.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20171118.
A 2013 article by The Atlantic stated that “One in three-to-four girls, and one in five-to-seven boys are sexually abused before they turn 18, an overwhelming incidence of which happens within the family. These statistics are well known among industry professionals, who are often quick to add, "and this is a notoriously under-reported crime."”  My poem “The Truth Waits” is about this crippling, evil injustice.
98 · Aug 2019
Adjudication Found
poetryaccident Aug 2019
Permanence becomes a trial
stacked with a jury same as the judge
both demanding a punishment
damning grounds of steadiness

the courtroom has one crowd
wearing masks that look alike
while spectators are kept outside
until the verdict is handed down

two alternatives by the law
stated from the Devil’s script
either life in solitude
or a quick end by turpitude

with no defense in this courtroom
the decree will be applied
adjudication found at last
by the accused upon themselves.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190801.
The poem “Adjudication Found” is about the frustration of self-judgment combined with the tedium of sadness.
98 · Mar 2018
Favor’s Sin
poetryaccident Mar 2018
Favors taken in times past
informs the hunger of the now
this is the lesson that expands
to life and death near at hand
the tempest waits in teacup’s space
expands at call of leader’s wish
beware the mirror lest it show
the monster shown is ourselves.

Power flexed for pleasure's sake
is not delights that most expect
to take control becomes the goal
exacting pain to lap the blood
authority tastes the bitter edge
connoisseur of base desires
asking other to partake
as an excuse to gorge themselves.

Command becomes the knife that cuts
excuse is given of wasting not
even though it’s all a lie
with the passion counterfeit
at long last the party ends
night to day with dawn’s advent
no longer will sins confound
justice taken for appetites.

The lone voice has words to say
a whisper shouting for honesty
now the harmed have found their voice
passing sentence at along last
the mighty fall by gravity
no longer able to stand upright
when the evil have true weight
exacting death for favor’s sin.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180308.
“Favor’s Sin” was put together from some older poetry fragments.  The end result, with many more words added to the initial seed, appears to be about the abuses of power and the eventual fall of the guilty.
98 · May 2019
Irony In
poetryaccident May 2019
Wisdom dwells in irony
it matters not against decree
the fantasy is disabused
look to the child to see the truth
that their Lord is now undressed
heedless of the whispered jest
rally round the master’s throne
still the masses take the field

at the sound of half-time’s call
are assumed to be flawed
both the players and the game
the gridiron is soundly ******
then move the goalposts afterwards
when mere mortals become bored
these deities from above
perhaps the drama is not their own

when fair winds were observed
why the gods became such jerks
of existence that could explain
what should be is now the bane
of hope demanded before the grave
demanding space beside the grace
with a whisper or roar’s decree
wisdom dwells in irony.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190501.
The poem “Irony In” is a reverse poem version of my work “In Irony”.
98 · May 2019
In Irony
poetryaccident May 2019
Wisdom dwells in irony
with a whisper or roar’s decree
demanding space beside the grace
of hope demanded before the grave
what should be is now the bane
of existence that could explain
why the gods became such jerks
when fair winds were observed

perhaps the drama is not their own
these deities from above
when mere mortals become bored
then move the goalposts afterwards
the gridiron is soundly ******
both the players and the game
are assumed to be flawed
at the sound of half-time’s call

still the masses take the field
rally round the master’s throne
heedless of the whispered jest
that their Lord is now undressed
look to the child to see the truth
the fantasy is disabused
it matters not against decree
wisdom dwells in irony.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190430.
The poem “In Irony” was an experiment in creating writing.  I started off with the first line and went from there.
98 · Apr 2018
Sinclair Clones
poetryaccident Apr 2018
I watched the echoes on the screen
Sinclair clones all conjoined
reflecting wisdom of their god
lower case and just as proud
when the lines are rehearsed
spoke by puppets on the screen
yanking strings are finally seen
as convictions disappear.

From on high the script arrives
sent to the drones to be shared
to the masses they betray
for a paycheck every day
talking heads will keep their jobs
spouting copy not their own
fawning toadies paying bills
while the masses are abused.

Some believe the trust persists
even while the lies endure
warfare honed in local news
social conflict for the souls
engraved in stone from above
the home office stating words
‘it’s just a game’ they’ll insist
they’re the winners at long last.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180401.
I saw a Tumblr shared video that presented Sinclair Broadcast Group newscasters saying THE SAME SCRIPT, WORD FOR WORD.  Propaganda some?  Soviet news casting is the nearest analogy I can imagine.  “Sinclair Clones” is about the disgust I have for this situation.
98 · Feb 2019
Cute Were a Pill
poetryaccident Feb 2019
If only cute were a pill
to be taken on a whim
I’d have a bottle near at hand
to imbibe when calls
handsome is the normative
good enough for most days
still the angst is realized
when something more is desired

shirking off the past mantle
history stacked upon today
asks its due when the urge
to bedazzle comes forward
stepping out the winsome looks
hitting all the high notes
surely this may be chased
when the enchanting is pursued

perhaps this is too much
asking why the itch is there
judgment raising its concern
to be put out to the curb
there are reasons for the thirst
chasing images clearly seen
promoted by society
these are options to be embraced

cuteness springs from within
it’s not sourced from a pill
pharmaceuticals aren’t enough
to project gorgeous looks
instead the push is in the mind
wearing the outward to impress
the choices made are personal
provoking beauty to be observed.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190215.
The poem “Cute Where a Pill” was inspired by an instance when I wore a very sleek black pencil dress.    I personally felt quite **** in it as I tapped into how I would like to present myself and my attributes.  The actual presentation was something else.  A dear friend said that I looked handsome.  I said that I wanted to be cuter.  **** was not equating with cute, and I’ve expressed in prose the struggle I’m experiencing.
98 · Dec 2019
She Slept
poetryaccident Dec 2019
I thought she slept all the time
in the realms beyond this life
tempting fate for the chance
to discover what she truly wants

the distant shores where slumber reigns
were her home beyond the mundane
where the truth was revealed
at the cost some count extreme

she finds peace while vexed concern
filled the minds of bystanders
those who are satisfied
by the standards of boring life

occasionally she’d wake to post
what happened when eyes were closed
I’d read the words while jealousy
asked why I could not do the same.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20191230.
The poem “She Slept” was inspired by a Tumblr posting that included the phrase “I thought she slept all the time and woke up occasionally to post what happened.”
98 · Feb 2020
Glint of Light
poetryaccident Feb 2020
Selfishness informs the lot
from the small to the large
each with desires to be sate
across the whole of the race

individuals seek to survive
asking worlds to comply
with variations of love and joy
often fitting for the flock

communities join the fray
with decisions some dismay
even as the masses cheer
for the greed others jeer

this selfishness circles round
marginalized seeking balm
pushing back to have their own
the glint of light against a storm.

© 2020. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20200201.
The poem “Glint of Life” is about the circle of selfishness.
98 · Mar 2020
The Whole Ones
poetryaccident Mar 2020
Please identify the whole ones
constructed of the sterner stuff
embodying allegiance with the truth
and sanity also to boot
these special souls could run the show
stand watch while the inmates shout
provide the guidance many need
lock up the ones that are enemies

perhaps you identify as these paragons
these seraph of legend's lore
step up to heed the call
lead the masses with your song
the notes carry abundant hope
fully rooted in fertile soil
until the chords become distraught
by the poisons that fill the heart

an alchemy of hatred based
on the differences between flocks
this consumes the righteous soul
now unable to find resolve
between the madness of the crowd
and the noise of inner doubts
what was plainly sourced from above
now descends to the lower world

now we're tied to the left hand
source of the ills they meant to fix
pretending to speak for the right
while contributing to the plight
perhaps there are no whole ones
unless they live on mountain sides
far from the stain of humanity
this struggle of calamity.
The poem “The Whole Ones” is about dangers of seeking to be masters of righteousness and purity.  These exist only in a vacuum.  In time, exposure to the world corrupts all.
97 · Mar 2020
Monsters Walk
poetryaccident Mar 2020
Monsters walk the earth in your name
with flocks aligned without shame
to the masters born of men
thought to speak without sin

by declarations the die is cast
to ensure the cause will last
beholden to only power’s grab
there is no difference between good and bad

it’s not enough to serve the day
instead the masses are asked to pray
that generations will feel the yoke
now condemned by the words spoke

faded edicts stooped with age
cherry-picked to the dismay
of targets not of the flock
those decried to matter not.

© 2020. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20200211.
The poem “Monsters Walk” was inspired by news stories about leaders who bend the shared world to the minority view.
97 · Sep 2017
Walk A Line
poetryaccident Sep 2017
Passing asks for time to freeze
before harsh censure is released
upon the ones that masquerade
hoping that the veil remains
a state of fear is ever present
echoes of the larger group
in alarm they’d badly act
abuse exacted in response.

Highly functioning is a term
for the life that suffers same
as the one without the goal
of seeming normal in the world
biding time is done at risk
of losing self within the mess
when on the sly the fake is real
normal done is normal lost.

Cages are built to house
those who deem to live within
with disguises that may slip
when disclosure risks their close
losing being or ending job
pushed out of home by family
all of these may come to pass
when revelation destroys a life.

Liberty is assumed by those
who stand outside, looking in
seeing privilege as the path
as freedom gained and self gone
to find a place for a short time
without oppression they then find
passing people walk a line
between themselves and the pit.

© 2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170919.
“Walk A Line” was inspired by a Tumblr posting about the pitfalls of passing.
97 · Mar 2019
Volumes to the Walls
poetryaccident Mar 2019
I'll speak the volumes to the walls
of endless pain and lost loves
the hunger that's always there
then hear the silence that is returned

the audience is multitude
at the same time, they are too few
by the measure of a response
registered against my heart

the void receives what it won’t give
denying passage to and fro
solitude is the result
even while the words may flow

perhaps it’s for the best
this ignorance of all the rest
that flat denial of what’s said
when the balm matters most

for society that contrives
to deny artistic strife
I’ll speak the volumes once again
knowing silence will be my end.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190313.
The poem “Volumes to the Walls” is about the artist expressing more through their craft than they do by “normal” verbal means.
97 · Nov 2018
Music is the Medicine
poetryaccident Nov 2018
Music is the medicine
of the mind as requisite
for my sanity to sustain
to the ends I’ll gladly share

melodies are the antidote
to the pain I struggle with
discord from felt deep inside
resolved with choices across all styles

in these genre’s I submerge
into artists and their tunes
so diverse as if to prompt
a widespread fix to misery

no addiction will occur
when the harmonies are the balm
to the pains that afflict
heart and head seeking calm

escape is found in the song
opus strung between the notes
forming havens that I’ll embrace
a safe retreat from maladies

a cure is found in lyric form
gloom dispelled with thrumming drums
within the beat all mercies sprung
replacing grief as discs are turned.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20181124.
The poem “Music is the Medicine” was prompted by the quote “Music is the medicine of the mind”.    I’m not proclaiming that music is a cure to life’s travails.  I do feel that it has helped me through rough spots.
97 · Dec 2019
In Many Forms
poetryaccident Dec 2019
Loneliness comes in many forms
that separation of the soul
from a world of emotion's swirl
and the touch that would console

each with a flavor sustaining life
an essence needed to obtain
something more than holding place
in the coldness of the joined race

ask the tears the message brought
by the moisture of sad resolve
this substitute in the mists
a reality that life can’t resist

so many forms conspire as one
leading to the empty void
separation among the ghosts
intangible to those who need them most.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20191204.
The poem “In Many Forms” is a consideration of loneliness.
97 · Feb 2020
poetryaccident Feb 2020
I'll leave this world to you
the full breadth of latitude
and the stretch of longitude
this is bequeathed to the resolute
those who stood against the storm
bending when all others broke
the survivors with reserves of hope
now the time is of your own

all you review from mountain tops
this legacy left by those who broke
is the remittance for their sins
lest you feel cheated as a consequence
the just rewards for those who loathed
wishing others would be destroyed
now their desires have come to pass
into forevers meant to last

the others may sift the dust
this is what we are to return
some the sooner than others left
behind to wonder about mistakes made
each will take their inheritance
handed down from right to left
marking passage to the beyond
a world now left to be resolved.

© 2020. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20200203.
The poem “Bequeathed” was inspired by the song "Winter is All Over You" by First Aid Kit.
96 · Jun 2018
Before Returning
poetryaccident Jun 2018
Art as words put to page
paint inscribing deeper truths
splattered widely in response
to emotions with lurid fonts
innocence asks for none of this
it’s complacent to just exist
the inner child as a blank
if only this could be the case

inspiration comes at a price
the brutal muse on the job
tallying what has come before
streaming nightmares to inspire
purity as ignorance
the lack is enough to state a place
washed away without assent
by the tides of later days

see the horrors walk aside
shocking lewdness all engage
when the years demand their due
appetites conveyed to form
still the echoes linger on
sinlessness then declared
still in a life that demurs
closing down the cavalcade

consider now if both exist
as my words are testament
that emotions rise above
the water line of innocence
I’ll retreat to admit
there are realms of chastity
I’ll indulge these without words
before returning to write again.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180624.
The poem “Before Returning” is about the ebb and flow of the artist as they explore the drama of life outside of natal innocence.  The artist does retreat to a place of relative purity as a balm to the waters they share.
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