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poetryaccident Jul 2019
Canyons filled with empty eyes
silent visionaries knowing all
while keeping secrets of their own
behind staid curtains of the soul

witness to the gods’ downfall
evicted while the cyclone roared
still the walls stood upright
monuments to the contrite

with no regard of what’s beyond
the void containing all the world
this empty echo that resonates
to the chords of sleeping beasts

damning all with vacant hearts
while keeping lairs in the dark
shutters hiding lurking mouths
desiring naught while seeing all.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190716.
The poem “Empty Eyes” was inspired by a 1940 untitled photo by Aaron Siskind.   The source material was an outside of shot of building walls, evoking a human canyon-cave.
poetryaccident Jul 2019
Reflections echo from the street
transient wishes at last seen
before the lost are returned
to the realms of tempest spun

caught against windowed glass
matrix of a thousand fears
this history that came before
asking nothing while giving more

ghosts walking in the haze
immaterial to comfort’s gaze
perhaps the angst will forgive
revenants that seek egress

only leaving the passing trace
when returning to empty graves
these images that few admit
mirrored remnants of happiness.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190715.
The poem “Mirrored Remnants” sprung from the searching for ideas on Tumblr.  A posting had a passing reference to echoes on the street.   Imagination filled in the rest, with the sum paying homage to past joys.
poetryaccident Jul 2019
Seek the truth in music’s arms
honesty that will evolve
adapting to the greatest need
to dispel the strident lies

that sum of chords expressed throughout
speaks veracity to the heart
even while the gross deceit
is expressed without concern

for the lost among the crowd
desiring comfort in their resolve
to escape from chains of angst
attached in realms of silent rage

against the palette of the world
wishing for sincerity
starved for blessings in the void
now fulfilled by music’s charm.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190714.
The poem “Truth is Music” was inspired by the quote attributed to Jack Kerouac: “The only truth is music.”
poetryaccident Jul 2019
The rational is a mask
allowing friends to relax
while the rest of the world
ignores the creature they deplore

each is a lie unto itself
first my stating I’m alright
incongruency from reality
still the charade must persist

the latter is a mixed blessing
lest action move to their fists
this inclination of the distraught
believing life is so unjust

perceptions turned by mere thoughts
while the truth lays beyond
when survival asks no less
the rational becomes the safest mask.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190713.
The poem “Charade Must Persist” is a double-feature about passing sanity and the ability of bigoted society to pretend a non-existent homogeneous normative.
poetryaccident Jul 2019
Consent is not just for ***
when intrusion is not checked
pushing past the very walls
meant to protect integrity

at the risk of sanity
a sad victim of disrespect
what’s considered mildly rude
moves into realms that abuse

these boundaries set by privileged folk
from the place of power’s throne
might made right by consequence
of desires that few admit

while protections are instilled
enjoyed within their four walls
then forgotten when applied
to the ones found outside

the very same would be condemned
when meted out to their clan
of violators without regard
for consent outside of bounds.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190712.
The poem “Not Just for ***” is about ugly side of bypassed consent.   The perpetrators would not accept the same committed against themselves or the ones they care about.
poetryaccident Jul 2019
Different is as different does
separated from a choice
even as the critics state
options are clearly there

this illusion unjustly held
asking more than nature’s realm
can supply as consequence
of distinctions in lettered space

predilections stamped on souls
identity beyond the norm
this surety that’s not denied
by the span of days expired

kindness shown to the diverse
affirms a life of honesty
diverting from the tramped path
into realms where life is pride.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190711.
The poem “Life is Pride” is an examination of the honesty of those within the queer spectrums.
poetryaccident Jul 2019
The ruined wheel sadly turns
single minded in its reserve
to cross a land few explore
lest the taint take a life
when existence is enough
to **** a soul without a trial
the evidence is long assumed
against the doom of certitude

too long grown from the spores
cast to ground by ignorance
growing long by circumstance
that nothing else shares this grace
fear compounded with the dread
only found in sacred books
when denial is the norm
of existence beyond the fold

still the circle must roll around
seeking peace from the crowd
even while the trumpets warn
of the gloom that could befall
those very few that are cursed
to sustain lest they expire
this journey of the ruined wheel
with many miles yet to turn.

© 2019. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20190710.
The poem “The Ruined Wheel” was inspired by a friend’s social media sharing about being a ruined wheel.
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