Words do not escape like warm honey They gather up like black molasses Entrapped for all of time
Dare not speak them Too prideful To name would be to admit To confess Love fallen and no regret To love without promise of love To fall in the infinite Knowing not if one will be caught Or bathed in pure bliss
Unspoken words are bottle up deep inside Causing pain, anguish and sadness An unfathomable hole of darkness Awaiting recognition of it's true nature
So lost in the illusion of what once was or could have happened Too busy avoiding and hiding to pause and let the darkness unveil To let it name itself for what it is Only moving day through day with the undeniable need to unleash the madness
With the vial pulled over The search for unknowable answers persist Falling victim to loving others who do not love themselves Lost in delusions Constantly trying to escape truth That will only be revealed when paused and left to be undefined