What is the point of it all? If we don’t follow God, we will fall! What is the point of it all? What is the point of it all? My records slightly breaking week after week Sinning more, sinning less, Giving in to God more but my life is bleak Thanks to pride, we hate our mess His will be done, His will in us Fun is not the key of being free But to stop refilling our eyes with **** walk instead on the narrow path towards the wisdom tree But in all knowledge of truth, why do we fear love? What is wrong with our songs? In pain we tease an audience Blinding down the eyes in need Like succubus is our middle name How deaf we can be towards ourselves, Whom we hide from in shame Our purpose is vain We live in-sane Shining down the light into our broken glass hearts There He is, our Savior, The Body we are, and all of its parts a family that we love Ourselves in harmony, The question still remains Why do we fear love?