Can you not see me with the lights on? Am I better to be seen in the dark? When coolness creeps in our warmth Is something wrong?
When the winter woods start to creak And the fiery kindling cracks Will coolness collect our souls From the beautiful, burning fire?
And will my sunshine continue To beat down on your darkness And will I start to shiver from how much sun I get Deliver, deliver
How much more do we have? I'll build you another home And lock myself in the canister So I can live in my work Play with my work And never stop to sleep, think, or feel and I will squeal at the edges hurt my shrunken baby head and bang on the edges with my shrunken baby head and I will scream for revenge and hurt my soft, soft voice and I could have bled but I won't because of you, Because I love you, So I will choose another day where work becomes a drug of choice and my illiteracy becomes my democracy, and how I feel that I am misspelled But how you can right me just fine. How do you do that? What is your magic? Where is your rabbit? I can feel canister's heat melting me Gluing me onto it's surface Your smile serves purpose
And your angelic blonde intrigue Lets my fingers weave and weave Through every shape and form Of every sailing ship's storm And the seashores sunny-blue welcome Had spotted my loved one's realm
Her and I, we had sunk before we could swim But we enjoyed drowning in ourselves The Coral Reef was purple and orange It had glistened with depth
But sharks had shown us how to swim And now we swim in blood We'll learn how to sink again I know we will