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Feb 2011
Underneath that barbedwire exterior
You smile your graces
and pretend you are untouchable
Within the lapse of reason you have created for yourself
there is a greater meaning to this all

I hate to be the one who justifies your reasons
and destroys your ideas of endless confession
There is no one who can help you here
Except yourself
And im not sure your ready or willing to even try

The sun sinks low behind the hills of repentence
Can you see the blood flowing
Like a stream unto the sea
Can you hear your memories of submission
As the wind gently flows through the bows of you mind

Listen carefully to the murmurrings of thine heart
The rythmic enchantment plays out the tune at the base
Of thine existence and yet you still move forward never
knowing where your journey will end

Others are touched by the sadness that surrounds you
Thinkingly they try to save you from the gift life has bestowed
upon your fevered brow and yet you look to them with
Contempt they are the ones who never understood
They become mirrors in which you see what you will never have

Leave my side you say to thine brothers and sisters
Who try to walk the same path be it for whatever reason they may have
In this difficult time move freely away from me with no guilt
Worry not for me as this is just as I had chosen for my life to be
Look upon your own life before looking upon mine
Change in your life what you will and leave me to my path for one day I too will surely shine

Peacefully you climb forward taking momentary steps backwards
before again  travelling  forward
This is the way it was always ment to be
Others must look upon their own sun and smile
upon their own children
Keeping them from harm in the winter of our world
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