Behind the glamour and blinding lights of the vast entertainment industry. With these so called beautiful happy folk is there a sordid and bleak underworld? As each one thinks they are certainly the best surely time is the true quality test.
Vast sums spent to create the perfect image the creators shown as almost godly figures. All trying to grab the money and true fame how many fall by the wayside in this quest? In hard times the public have so little cash to splash out on an even bigger bash.
Television pushing the seekers of their fortune while the mentors strive for their own goals. A false image is created for these large audiences who to need a focus and images to contemplate. Performances that for some takes a high cost as the hopefuls fail their dreams lost.
There are of course winners and losers but as you watch and read the news. Filled with the exploits of these artists spending and living lavish lives. That most of us can only ever visualize what really lays behind the lies?
The Foureyed Poet.
Is the lives of the pop stars so glamorous.There is a more sordid side! The Foureyed Poet.