Nobody understands children Or plays their games properly. Nobody looks them in the eye As equals Or tells them a secret In return for one of theirs A real one. No one cares what they think, Just how they are, and what people think of them. They do not exist. Their opinion is not there.
It’s sad because In many ways They’re good at life And in many ways We’re not - We take on too much, Live unsustainably And end up Disappointing all round.
Oh well.
Julia exercised her power Over the happy family’s Holiday photo shoot at dinner.
To cage the moment The adults sent a camera to either flank of Her and her father. She was suddenly reticent, shy, they thought. Her face dancing away from the camera While she monkey hugged her father (For some more haribo). But he would not give in, because he did not have them, And everyone wanted a picture of them together, The spotlight was on them now, He was sweating in the glare of the media circus, The pressure was mounting, no retreating now.
So when daddy said, "Come on Julia, smile for the camera!" She narrowed her eyes And clung harder to his neck, An all-encompassing embrace - Not so much of love, but of The only power she had – To hide her Face.
"What's up Julia?" Asked Dad.
"I'll smile for you if you want, But I'm not smiling for the camera." She said.