The pit of hell eclipses the ****** toilets in the mind of the lone security guard. He had informed the right people of the breath of feces spoiling the air, the spilling of porta-potties dampening the earth and a girl’s smelly shoes.
But now a man onstage informs, “Um, there’s a fire…” The mountain of flame overtakes the crowd. A 10 year-old barks at the *** onstage. The last guard ditches the show.
And Ted tosses an empty can where others have piled, smells something. His friends were taken by the crowd, purple darkens on his arm and he wishes he was less bored. He follows two pretty girls (finally!) but a group of pale apes finds them and coerces their flesh to be revealed. He tries to catch the cacophony in the air, but noise bludgeons. Soon smoke engulfs the night. Ted makes it home.