An Old Oaken Bucket full of ***** Swindling me from a spindle of rope, Sloshing with every cup I fill to the brim, topped with a savory foam.
I dip into the treasure on most weekend nights with a blurry sight, the least bit of fright, and a cup that screams “Let’s have some fun, alright?”
I carry that cup with a sense of pride every trip I make to fill it with *****. Too many round trips have lead to a massive amount of mistakes made.
Being out too late, because nothing good ever happens after midnight, Locking lips with random women and not re-calling any of them.
Convoluted conversations about the string theory or religion, trying to sound smart while I slur my words, I successfully fail to make sense.
I’ve learned the circle of life revolves around learning, so, how can I learn if I never make mistakes and play it safe? Safe to say, I’ll never make that mistake.