it's 2:34am and all I can think about is the way you said to me: "if anyone's going to leave, it's you" because it burns in my mind when I write it on blank paper and then i get mad the paper looks so empty why is it so messy where did i write these words? i find myself writing your words unacknowledged just in the centre of a white page and the white is only matter it gets swallowed by gravity the words a black hole with it's own gravitational pull any matter, anything that ever mattered you it will find a way to pull it in **** it dry unless it's dust, almost nothing not complete nothing but something of something that's when it stays like feelings lingering on as long as they can take not even to consume them fully but almost, never quite exactly if you look closer at the stars you can see faces and the more sips i take from this bottle they remind me of your dark eyes and not in some increasingly overly done romanticized fashion but more so in a 'you spark interest in me' and it hurts to be inspired by anything else these days other than you i guess more so the hope of you which is, by the way, just as lively as the idea of mythical creatures the most anticipating satisfaction to admiration is the thirst for something unrealistic you to be real one day i would drink you to the last drop and i'd still be thirsty but i would never want to consume you i would never want to run you dry even in the end there's dust left