The rising sun sets my soul afire At the dawning of every new day- I see life as a new beginning- Cardinals, robins, blue jays and finches Carry on with their tune as the Orchestra of a gentle spring like breeze Rustles the newly unfolded leaves upon every tree- Alone to enjoy the mystery of the woodlands- The sun’s rays shining through the Branches of the maple trees- Dogwood blossoms both crimson pink and white Against a sky of cerulean blue Evoke a chorus from my spirit- A hymn of freedom and ecstasy, as My spirit and soul have been reborn. As the day progresses I am overcome by fear and At the noon of the day the sun rises above the mountains The world comes out from hiding- This is the time when strangers become invasive, Clouds overtake the light and The rain begins to fall. Thunder would clap and rain would pour downward in a Spitefully intrusive manner Quenching the magical flames That had my spirit and soul dancing to the Early morning symphony that the world has Maliciously taken aback- When the night takes over I see the full moon ascend over the horizon and the Stars are bright- The stars are bright and Mars is a brilliant red while Venus winks at me with its eyes of green- Stars and planets are mystifyingly beautiful in their own way, though Light years away- If I listen vigilantly- I can hear ancient music imminent from The stars and planets in the vastness of the universe as The moon appears above the treetops- It shines its light upon me and sets my spirit dancing and once again- Sets my soul afire-