The leafs have fallen, it deserts his maters side, with no sign of a tear or no hint of goodbye. You the naked tree you bare the image of a mirror, as I gaze at your wilting body, the world that slowly deserts him as he slowly decays into another winter slumber. Leafs desert him as people do me, oh lonesome tree of this world can't you see? That we are alike, we could almost be kin. Mother Nature inflicts this upon you.. Mother Natures sin. They leave you when you are ugly but re grow in your prime, they only come back to you to feel the warmth of our sunshine. Lonesome tree, tree like me, do you dream of far away places? Do you dream of the sea? Do you dream of other trees? Do you dream of the sun? Then look back on reality and witness what you've become? Alone and lonely, deserted by all, they miss you when your gone, they'll miss you when you fall.