i keep thinking you should be taking up spaceinmyapartment, claiming a side of the bed and the couch, getting up in the middle of the night for a glass of water. becauseyoumake sense here in the soft afternoon light of my living room, in my hands, in my heart. it's like i had been running for so long that i had forgotten how to stop my legs until you came along, until you reminded me of what it was like to pull air through the e n t i r e t y o f m y l u n g s and not just into the first two inches, until you told me that you think i can be doing so much more- that i deserve a life bigger than the city limits of this missouri town. you are endless possibilities and unfathomable potential, the slow simmer to my constant movement. please don't stop loving my weak arms and the heart i have patched to my sleeve. please don't forgettocomebacktome.