ok here i am just a little drunk and its no secret ive been in a funk but that doesnt seem to matter cause you dont care you're more caught up in your own problems that you never want to share
and im okay with that cause i undurstand the only thing that bothers me is that you dont see
i have been here the whole time i see you for who you are and you only wanted me until i told you i wanted you so i guess its true that we only want what we cant have so should i chase other women Or hook up with your bestfriend just so i can maybe have a chance with you in the end?
I know it's crazy seriously considering it and thats how much i want you see im really a nice guy but when i showed you that you stoppped saying hi
I dont understand you say you want a man but is that not what i am im here im honest but that doesnt seem to matter i tell you you're pretty and you're not even flattered
ok thats fine just tell me you dont want me and i will mind my own cause there's plenty a girl that wants me its just you that im fond of dont compare it to love cause maybe thats the problem you think you have me but the truth is