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Nov 2014
i stuffed a lighter in my pocket before I fell apart
hiding from the wind in an old shed out back, willing the flames to start
i pulled out the first shred of picture, all corals and reds
coaxing it closer to the flame until the ashes are grey and dead
with the first one i felt remorse
because what if i look back and things are even worse
my thumbnail breaks as i click the flames on again, holding a piece of his face
watching it melt until nothing is left in its place
i feel like i'm letting go of everything we had
the good, and even more so, the bad
the next ripped corner was for when you called me a *****
and as it fluttered to the ground i was over it
a corner of the dress i hated so much
then a shred of your hair that you had just cut
and as the last piece of the picture went up in flames
i looked down at my broken nails and burned fingertips, saying "now i'll be okay."
Written by
AllAtOnce  19/F/United States
(19/F/United States)   
   jai and David Ehrgott
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