A question grave but known has greeted thought For one to hurt another whom they love Would not a thought that's greater need to shove that of their love to places to be fought and freed from under strain? But then what point is there to through the others she loves fight when knowing all that you have done is right? Allowed allow your heart and mind anoint her flesh while she anoints all, you as well. And placed beside, that ******* gladly takes position with your apparition. Fakes his love is jealousy until you've fell thus leaving him with one less man to ****. And watching all her jesters play and drop her thought is entertained which made you stop to wonder if your love was just a thrill. For if a love proclaimed has led to pain take comfort that your love has entertained.
I wrote this back in college, circa 2000. Iambic pentameter. I love structured meter.