because i needed to write something though i had no idea how i was going to say it so i just started writing and i am unsure of what ink will be spilled here and i apologise in advance if a picture comes out of it that is too much for you to handle sometimes poison bleeds out of my veins instead of blood and it's a wonder that i've survived so long with blood so toxic yet i found a way to live without living the other day my friend asked me if i was afraid of ghosts i said i wasn't because ghosts are just spirits that are looking for a body to inhabit i told her this and she looked at me like i was deranged or on drugs she then asked me if i was okay //no// my lips said yes and my mind screeched no! so she walked away thinking i really was okay leaving me with thoughts that would strangle me to the ground i hate thinking and being alone that's when the monsters come out and play like this monster that apparated from her "are you afraid of ghosts" question spawned the most evil creatures of thought and i can't fight it no i am not afraid of ghosts because i am just a spirit looking for the body that once sheltered my existence