How come the world is good when I am dumb as a plank of wood worried that women are smiling at me I'll run and hide up a big oak tree some help my pals they push me on "Make a move before she's gone!" no I'll hide and pretend I am dead or suddenly in a coma instead all this girl stuff leaves me perplexed I know they are sort of a different *** nicer shape and not quite so hairy though some back in Wales are really scary it's not like I am truly fussed for a perfect figure? a shapely bust? no, find me a woman with spirit and love like she fell off a cloud from up above or grew in a glade in the great greenwood she can banish my fears with her powers of good she can bully and laugh and kick my *** though the best of my friends she'll have to pass but I guess if she can withstand both of those she'll have earned her right to hold me close