I remember a time sincere the bobs were out and a song would play, maybe by Sinclair Our eyes were wide open, we could see clear
A time out of time when we were golden hoping and folding our best until we were chosen It was not money that charmed but genuine being which was the token Many who wouldn't see and couldn't be their true identity felt broken
And then as at and of magic, the fake was spoken many were left suffering and choking Messages from the heart were the the only letters posted Equal in being and of humanity conversations were potent and all were anointed
Soul was soul and not the image ego will have you know Weavers so and so in solace did so sow and the renaissance of art was sworn In deed and in might we proved to be forthright but under tyranny and darkness we are forced to fight for rights In a picture coloured with light and glamour, the sparks are inspected for brightness and as such a defence is born for each one to defend their race and in a fray for pace we erase the trace that signifies that we are of one face But we are divided and chauvinism is the sad case sad case as a box for holding sickening syrups of mission debase Clustered and gathered in classrooms, we are made to debate debate issues we all agree on so our fate becomes hate and not an objective of soul relate
many will know you for your demeanour some will know you for your humour or lack of some will know you for your friendliness or lack of others for your humility or lack of and others, for the most part, your personality But very few, 'cherished if in view', will know you for your soul Very few will know you for your heart Very few will see and appreciate you as Divinity's work of art The limited number will acknowledge your character If you are blessed to meet these twin souls embrace and do not let go for many know the person as flashed by camera, few identify the purity so glamorous.
The person of the soul not the image many are quick to steal and conceal beneath all things dark and useless and then use to deal *the one thing they would try to eradicate but cannot: the sole of the soul, the center of the heart, the link to eternity.