I have examined the concept of eternity It does and does not go Put more plainly A battle of tos and fros ***** headed cosmos ***** strings strung into dark matter Woven wormholes Like to have seen you all here before Forgive me if I'm not surprised Forgive me if I'm not moved By anything but the struggle to comprehend The actual effort to collide with thoughts The manifestation of compassion When there is so much blackness ******* on blackness It's a miracle anything survives at all It's a ******* error of probability That a few muscles can upturn lips To a smile or a kiss A ******* travesty of galactic proportions That light was allowed to break the curve Speed into my eyes Blasphemous tears So beautiful Wretched waste of a soul Touch your forehead And be blessed Touch your heart And be God Touch the earth And be gone Blahblahblah Bah baggum gom baggum Waste of waggum wu Shocckou ta cocmutu Quasaratus ben voyutan Vesu ta eturnas u ves obsidas Obsidas yet obsidas That's what she said.