Remember to pray for those who do not see the meaning of life. Devote them time, let them witness will to live. Doctor of the soul should control the situation. Let's not get tangled up in emotional blackmail. We are not able to give what we do not have inside. What can you give to another person when you do not carry in yourself faith and hope? The lack of meaning in life and the desire to commit suicide need a serious medicine not usual 'tomorrow will be better', rather 'I will wait and pray with you until sun comes out, rain does not last all eternity'. Hope brings us to God, belief that He directs everything with heart filled with love. In moments when illusion of self collapses let's guide people to God. Let us pray for those who doubt in God to experience His love. God forgives sins, and there is hope for all human beings. God wants to heal our minds and souls. We are never left alone. Everyone experience life situations that overwhelm him. Struggling with difficulties requires humility. Life with problems, therefore, makes sense. Let's assume sins and weaknesses of others showing the face of loving God. Let's pray for them, take them together out of abyss of darkness and blind alleys which seem only to deepen the state of despair. If you have something to offer, do not be afraid to help.