I'm never sure I love you, Until the moment I have to be without, The moment you can't handle me. The moment that I realize that what I did, Is killing you.
Please know I love you, Even in the moment I've gone without, That moment you can no longer handle me, That moment when you can't pretend that what I did, Isn't killing you.
How could you care so much for me? When I do this again and again? When I've degraded myself to the point, That I am nothing but garbage?
I love you, And nothing I say is an excuse. Nothing I say should be. I care so much about you, And I don't know how you could forgive me. I wouldn't blame you if you couldn't. I can't.
I can't forgive myself. I led someone on without meaning to, And I let what was precious to me, Be stolen once again.
The burden on my shoulders, Grows heavier with every step I take. The knowledge that even you couldn't stay, That you couldn't handle this, That I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you. Please don't go.