I believe in the things between senses. unseen, unheard, un-so-on and so forth. both feet firmly planted in thin air. I stand for our love.
I imagine castles with our names on them. countries to our honour. hearts and initials on every living tree on Earth. like some teenage girl I picture a wedding on the coast. priestless ceremony where the god in all things holds the only blessing we need. before Her I stand for our love.
before friends and enemies. before poets and politicians. parents, siblings, teachers. before my head and heart, toe to toe with common sense and pessimistic realism. ("this world will **** what we have; strangle us with the piano string of everyday stresses and sorrows." "no.")
I think of eternities. lifetimes of souls. I take you on for forever.
I stand for our love. I have never washed my hands after handling something holy. I would never write like this, and be lying. I have never tried to hide a tattoo.