In this weary confusion I have come to learn that I have never stood alone I have never placed one foot in front of the other without another This body is not who I am nor who I was meant to be I am the soul inside that is actually living Breathing is the body that now is While I am here and can actually see it Here on this earth away from what we call the galaxy Where my thoughts are connecting to As higher intelligences are actually speaking with me Teaching me, and guiding me As I learn how to be As I learn how to hear As I learn how to see "Ask and you shall receive" But first you must know how to ask You must learn how to listen You must learn how to react To the answers when they are not always so obvious It could come from someone else's conversation It could come from a chorus It could come from any direction It could be something you read Just know it is your jurisdiction Your truth and your truth only Truths tend to be different Most find mine to be far out Too crazy for them Wishing I'd find another route They find too much time in their own truth to be satisfied They live in their own fear In a way our realities could never collide I am stuck on this, because it has lifted me I am now a better person The light has touched me Or I, it Either way we are connected Together we exist Together we are working on a new world Some day I just hope That in my mind you will come to see this And resurrect it