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Nov 2014
I watch the sun set,

over the untraveled road behind us, a road that holds no memories at all , laden with  crossroads ,indifference , indecision , under appreciation, and opportunity
Places  of our paths in life , were we needed only to take each others hand and walk together into tomorrow.
Only to go back into yesterday alone
and chase the shadows.
Paved in affection , woven in each others heart stings.
Each street sign another date, marking the missed opportunity,where we just never turned the corner .

I watch the sun set,

over our road, tears welling in my eyes , filled with the dreams that never were, a love not answered.
I wonder if their are any corners left ,maybe a street sign,
with one final date,
The one where you do take my hand, and we turn the corner together.

I watch the sun set,

over our life, our life, that never was ...
I watch the sun set
Written by
Hank Van Well Jr  Nassau County
(Nassau County)   
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