Acrid tears have dried upon my soul. Their tracks painfully erode the partition I hold before myself and the world I need escape.
Thin as rice paper, are my emotions. A false step rips the calm I hold. Displacing my hopes of normalcy, one step closer to losing my precarious balance.
Which, in and of itself, is a lie. As I slip from one side to the other. The Pendulum never stops its movement, never giving rest to my anger and fear.
I am no more who I was, when I was a person, whole. Pain has shaped and molded my life, while usefulness died under its weight.
Forgiveness, I am not ready to pour, as I drink from the well of bitter remorse. Had not the Corporate Viper bitten, I might not be filled with the fear of snakes.
Lies told. Lies held. Lies that burn behind my eyes, scald my outlook on life. Leaving a scar that I always see, when I look at myself and what has been stolen