The keys on my laptop are wearing away, it's not that old. The screen is ***** with grime I can't remember at all. The hard drive is filled completely with stories and pictures
of only you and me.
Words race across once empty lines on blank pages alone in sad books as those books sit on dusty shelves waiting to be reminded
of only you and me.
There are thoughts in my head I never thought I'd think, things that make me happy, let me pretend that I am loved or adored or maybe just wanted, like in the dreams I had sometimes
of only you and me.
I know you wont see this, you never really did look when I asked anyway; but if for some reason you've found your way here I miss the nights
of only you and me.
I miss the way whispers felt dancing along my neck as time seemed to stand still and your arms kept me close to you as we planed a life
of only you and me.
Really, I think I just wish things were back to the time