Footprints along the shore Lead me somewhere new; It feels like ....paradise And at first it tasted Good, now its too ...sweet.
Our sand castle still ...stands Nestled safely farther Back than the cove.
Sea **** washed up Again, wove my feet Together kindly, Though I did not ....stop Walking, trying to move .... on.
A painted sky frames a Golden sun's decent As night stumbles in ...again. Where did you go this ....time.
I thought we were better For each other than this, I thought we found ...paradise For more than a split ....moment.
As I walk tears do What tears do best... They fall, drip, and ...slide While waves crash, gently erasing ....scars....
Inspired by 5 songs:
The googoo dolls -slide Pierce the veil -stained glass eyes and colorful tears Switchfoot - I dare you to move Missy Higgins - where I stood Matchbox Twenty - stop