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Crissy Marx
Nov 2014
A Penny a Day
An apple a day
doesn't keep the doctor away
but a doctor a day keeps the apples closer
and a penny saved isn't a penny earned
but a penny earned is a penny saved
I'm not trying to burst your bubble
I'm just trying to break the ice
I'm just trying to cut to the chase
an apple a day
doesn't keep the doctor away
and a penny saved isn't a penny earned
but a doctor a day keeps the apples closer
and a penny earned is a penny saved
early to bed early to rise
all depends on daylight savings
don't look a gift horse in the mouth
An apple a day
doesn't keep the doctor away
but a doctor a day keeps the apples closer
and a penny saved isn't a penny earned
but a penny earned is a penny saved
It's the elephant in the room
why, it's easy as pie
even though an apple a day doesn't keep the doctor away
those with money can afford a doctor and can eat apples
and if one earns money for a living
well that's cash right there that can be saved
for the future
an apple a day
doesn't keep the doctor away
and a penny saved isn't a penny earned
but a doctor a day keeps the apples closer
and a penny earned is a penny saved
Every cloud has a silver lining
It's not brain surgery
It ain't all that it's cracked up to be
Just keep on truckin
yes, please keep your shirt on
because money doesn't grow on trees
Go out on a limb
go earn that penny
go save that penny
An apple a day
doesn't keep the doctor away
but a doctor a day keeps the apples closer
and a penny saved isn't a penny earned
but a penny earned is a penny saved
and nobody wants Elvis to leave the building
Hoping to Inspire and promote hope
If you understand what I'm trying to say that would make me so happy
Written by
Crissy Marx
Tyler Durden
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