The sun is bleeding across the clouds Throwing streaks of red across my fingertips I'm a thousand miles above you Coasting on the tails of winds that I only hope Will return me safely to you
It's the sort of plastic cups and cocktail peanuts evening That I wish we could share up here Because my heart's beating to this sunset I'm finally on top of While somewhere you're thinking of someone
I hope she's me. Legs crossed and expectations shuffled In seat 14A of the first flight I've ever taken by myself Without taking alone
I know she's me. Because I still feel you clutching me Even with my nose pressed to the glass While I wonder what would happen if I jumped And if when I fell through this ceiling of clouds It could feel as good as when I fall for you
I fell for you this morning Not for the first time and never for the last time When your voice was dry and your mouth was warm
And I'm up here painting the image of what you've done to my heart Across the cloud in neon reds
There's a horizon to my left And a sad story writing its conclusion across the sky behind me
Fading into the glow of embers bleeding out of me Up here Staining the sky