With a tear in your eye you smile, "Your superstition sweetens my day and soothes me from the thought of things creeping alongside me without my knowledge. And in your arms the candy coated lies are actually believable once again."
I try to satisfy your cravings for the painful things unseen to just disappear and to answer you with honesty when you jokingly ask, "Does she look like me?"
but Baby, no one will ever compare to you. No one will ever look the way you do when the shadows dance across your face and your smile lights up every dark corner in this place.
There is a love that you don't understand when a man cheats on his beloved wife. The only thing is, when it ends all he can do is pick himself up again and mutter through gritted teeth, "Baby, tell me this, does he treat you well? Does he look like me?"
No one understands, no one gets you like I do and I'm so sorry that I do the things I do. Just remember, I didn't do anything any other man wouldn't do. Especially by loving you.
And the given topics:
with a tear in your eye, superstition, sweeten, in your arms, soothe me, things unseen, creeping, does he look like me?, candy coated lies