And the ashes can't be forgotten because people can't forget what they've been taught is important but others stand there listening not understanding.
That's how i feel.
I keep a camera in my bag at all times, I never like to miss the things going on that manage to make me smile. Children playing tag in the street while moms make dinner or the way petals hang just right on a rose.
Honestly, there's a rhythm to the world that artist capture on film every day and all I'll ever ask is that you give me the chance to be like that.
It's not something you can search for and find so easy; there's more to it than that, there's the adventure of getting to the moment, the right place at the right time. i keep a camera by my side everywhere I go in case I find the kind of beauty I can only wish I possessed.
But really, in the end, it's not so bad hiding behind the camera.
Given topics were: by my side, hiding behind the camera, honestly, rhythm, not understanding, all I'll ever ask, can't forget, ashes, search, listening