I once desired to open my eyes not live in fear to see the truth To hold the warmth of the wine of all mankind Yet I found I could not see beautiful moments anymore Or smell the sweetest scent upon the hills No shining days of peaceful silence Could I ever find
A cold rain lurked unseen as I sought to be enlightened In all my dreams I could no longer believe I found myself struggling against harsh winds While drying the tears of crying clouds Caught up in fear and suspicion With no relief
I felt warmth with my eyes closed from the truth Started filling pages with the beauty I beheld So that when the world read the lines, I had created They would no longer feel the cold rains Sheltered in the peaceful silence My pen revealed
Here with my hand I painted a beautiful world of illusion Where humankind could walk without pain or misery But there I found that to live without truly seeing Is to dwell alone in a solitude misplaced Within a world that does not exist Outside of me