never in my life, Or in the span of the last few weeks
have I ever, and yes I could go even further
felt so starved, really I mean starved, vexed hunger
for some sort of notion, reminder of a working heart and lungs
a feeling of substance, something I search for fruitlessly
in a world that works, in its subtle enigmatic ways
to alienate, or provide an artificial basis for it
but that is so very beautiful, and I think I really mean that
I want it and I want it now I want the world at my throat I want women and all Other embodiments Of all things beautiful at either side of me
Adoring eyes, widened and excited scanning in disbelief waiting for the dream to end because a dream so pure and good will never last and it doesn't and it won't because it doesn't exist to begin with
but a thought so pretty forever forcing itself into existence