beautiful girls do not know they are beautiful they are told they are beautiful in phrases of objectification a little girl will grow up thinking she has to give her beauty away to society to the boys who want her to be a certain way to her parents who want her to be opposite of what the boys want to the other girls who want what she has, thinking her beauty is something of a secret no one will tell her that her beauty is her own to keep for herself, to share with others when she wants no one will tell her that she doesn't owe anybody anything so she'll give it away
a little girl will grow up thinking she has to be worth something that her value won't ever be enough that she has to weigh this amount, wear these clothes, glop on that much makeup so her real face becomes paper thin underneath the mask of plaster she'll try to pass off as her real face, her real smile she'll starve herself, she'll gorge herself, she'll look in the mirror with such disgust, hating every flaw that was once unnoticeable to her untrained eyes her eyes will become hawks hunting for prey of impurities her body will become a battlefield and there's a chance she might lose
girls grow up thinking they are in debt some girls grow up knowing they don't owe anyone anything but most girls grow up without knowing how beautiful they truly are