I've seen a sheriff put a bullet in a deer's head in Colorado Springs, I've lived a winter through in an unfinished basement, I've made obligatory love to a dark-haired woman, her red dress above her head.
I've stumbled to the karaoke bar just to read out of a notebook of unfinished poetry, and when the crowd complained I said, "These are the last words I will speak."
I've thrown my wallet into my grandmother's open casket, I've got a punch card behind the counter at the liquor store, I've ended a job interview by throwing a fake apple through a glass window.
I've seen the battlefield of Antietam.
I've watched the rearview mirror for hours expecting her husband to find me.
I've hidden a gun under my shirt, and I've got this song in my head I've been meaning to write down.
I've got a good intention and a couple theories and a Southern affection for personal secrets.