Setting out in my destiny To revisit me in my hopes Seek out where I began In empty lanes
How strange a life is With madness of its own Set my heart on my head Hoping to hold me
Raising towards a road Where ghosts of faces will merge Left behind horrors of my lost Mentioning me of my burnt up care
Happed without any hint Leaned towards me To guide me through with a torch of presence Pledging it never will forlorn
Until a flesh appeared in hallucination Where everything dissolved Desiring me to desire my left over For I was the mean to myself alone
While reason collided with my heart I affectionately held it in my arms Everything ceased to be Here, I embraced myself with my union
And I called upon me To rival my own worst pieces Since every other halted I witness myself in my rivalry
Recollecting bits and pieces Unity, bond, affiliation Reconciliation with my negated stay Said my soul and my name; and I listened
All of me was freed Within freedom persisted my essence Longing to be held While everything deserted
I answered the questions By lifting veils-To set apart my bitterness Screening it with my soul, my heart I heard voices of my attributes that I long forgotten
With my beaming eyes From mirror of my existence I encircled myself In all directions by the wisdom of mysterious