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Nov 2014
Sixty-three years ago today
A beautiful soul emerged with grace
She made her way along side four young men
The building block for her strength within

Pahl's the name she carries with pride
A diamond in the rough country side
No ordinary girl was she
Pet badger to protect her, no one could compete

Though struggle she did to make ends meet
She kept digging in, wouldn't cater to defeat
Resilient, independent she made her way
Raising three small children couldn't get more brave

So stop for a moment and take it all in
There's wisdom, perseverance and courage within
Let nothing discourage from chasing your dreams

I believe in you
And all that you are
Your sixty-three years is just a start
I celebrate you with love in my heart
Written October 5, 2013
Melissa Rose
Written by
Melissa Rose  48/F/Canada
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