We did not ask for agreements or signatures even a due diligence, check out each others entrails, internet outcomes, criminal records social security numbers marriage licenses, children's ages, moles on our mountains of doubt even a fingerprint on a bare breast phone numbers, mates and mistresses drinking and smoking habits salad preferences, vegan, bogan or whatever.
We did, however, listen to that heartbeat the words we spoke, the pictures we drew finished, the colours that we painted between rainbows and the children we dreamed who would look like you and me if ever born and how smart they would be and as naughty as those little titters of laughter, that cleared every checkbox. on this shopping list for a mate!
We knew that this partnership existed there was nothing we could do to unbreak this bond that grew from a tiny little seed into this one big giant momentum of togetherness.
That's a worthwhile partnership several levels above commercial simplicity.